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22253. judithathome - 7/20/2007 11:08:36 PM

And one more:


22254. Ms. No - 7/20/2007 11:29:32 PM

What a fabulous looking family!

22255. judithathome - 7/20/2007 11:44:46 PM

You should see my brothers-in-law! And they're single!

22256. judithathome - 7/20/2007 11:45:56 PM

Trust me, you'd forget about Todd...hahahhahaha!!

22257. concerned - 7/21/2007 3:53:13 AM

AFAIC, they do appear to have good teeth. Unless the old guy is wearing dentures.

22258. judithathome - 7/21/2007 12:52:31 PM

Those are his teeth, Conn'd.

He may be balding but he will never be old.

22259. Ms. No - 7/21/2007 11:23:04 PM

More importantly, he's got presence, or charisma or that whatever pheremone that says "Desirable Man."

The Todds of the world are safe from me these days. I try to avoid junk food of all kinds at this point. ;->

22261. Ms. No - 7/22/2007 4:44:07 PM

Hey, Arx, where's your post??

22262. arkymalarky - 7/23/2007 4:40:42 AM

I was showing those fantastic pictures to Spook, who was here this morning, and I hit post instead of home.

22263. Ms. No - 7/23/2007 6:37:23 AM

Ah, the dreaded empty post! Tell Spook I said "Hey!"

22264. vonKreedon - 7/23/2007 4:04:49 PM

Hey Coz - So sorry to hear about your estrangement from your Father. I think that the key is as you said in 22241, "We still love one another and so long as I never make the mistake of depending on him or taking risks for him then there really isn't any reason for us not to be in one another's lives." It's tragic, but IMO we often have to scale back what we expect from our parents beyond what we would accept from friends in order to stay in relationship with our parents.

22265. Ms. No - 7/23/2007 4:41:03 PM

Hey Cos! Great to see you! Yeah, we have two families in this life, the one we're born with and the one we choose. For the most part I've been immensely blessed in both so I'll weather the other.

22266. Ms. No - 7/23/2007 4:49:11 PM

drumroll please!


I'm going to go collapse in a corner with a martini as soon as I get home from the office.

22267. arkymalarky - 7/23/2007 4:52:08 PM

Oh man, that's worth an afternoon off, imo. CONGRATS!

22268. Ms. No - 7/23/2007 5:12:28 PM

I'm taking off either tomorrow or Wednesday because I've got to go over to the University and get my schedule in order etc.

Now I'll be able to tutor in the Learning Annex rather than work to pay my rent. It'll start to put some teaching experience on my resume and then I'll be able to substitute in the Spring and enter the credentialing program in the Summer.


Maybe I ought to just go home. It's not like I'm going to get any work done today anyway. ;->

22269. arkymalarky - 7/23/2007 5:16:31 PM

Hey, I just sent you an email about that! CA is different than AR, then, because here you could teach right away, full time, full pay, full benefits.

22270. arkymalarky - 7/23/2007 5:18:27 PM

In fact, if you could stand it here, or in a state that has similar policies, you can get your creds and then go back to where you want to permanently locate, possibly with a free MSE. The CA state education department should have the info, if not the ed depts of universities.

22271. Ms. No - 7/23/2007 5:41:53 PM

I don't want to uproot again before I get certified and this is kind of a cool program. Their credential is recognized in 30 different states so if I did want to move later on I wouldn't have any problem.

If I went through the university I'd basically be an unpaid teacher for three or four semesters while I go into debt to pay my bills. Project Pipeline means I get hired by a school at a regular salary, with benefits and then the price of the program is deducted from my earnings. I won't be making great money, but enough to live on and without going into debt for it. Plus I'll spend 70% of my time in the classroom teaching rather than in seminars. I'll also be the teacher of record rather than being bounced around to differnt classes.

22272. Ms. No - 7/23/2007 5:44:57 PM

Hmmm...that's certainly worth a look if I can't get into the program here. The only thing that would prevent me is if I'm not attractive enough to the schools that need teachers. I'll have less than a full year of substituting and tutoring under my belt and I don't know what competition for places is like.

22273. arkymalarky - 7/23/2007 6:15:36 PM

There are a number of poor, high-minority districts who'd give their eye-teeth for a teacher like you. Here and in CA. We're desperate in my district for a music teacher (as you saw in my email--;->) and lots of districts are far moreso than we are. Your program sounds good, especially if it only takes a year. The great thing about AR's MAT program is coming out with the MSE while you teach full time, and the teaching counts as six hours of college credit--as your internship.

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