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22277. arkymalarky - 7/23/2007 6:35:57 PM

Surely CA has something similar. If you have a college degree, most states are enough in need to try to attract non-traditional teachers that they have similar programs. TX is the best--they just throw you in. My poor cousin's son had no clue what he was getting into teaching 7th grade. Of course I didn't either. We were too busy learning about theories and crap like that. It takes about one week to learn your own, mostly connected with survival, and to hell with Vygotsky.

22278. Ms. No - 7/23/2007 6:44:20 PM

Ha! Yeah, that's why the university route doesn't appeal to me. I mean, theories are great, but when was the last time any of those professors actually taught K-12 if they ever did?

22279. Ms. No - 7/23/2007 6:45:13 PM

My thinking is that there is likely a glut of drama teachers in California simply because of the industry here. There are so many actors around that any of them that CAN teach are doing so.

22280. arkymalarky - 7/23/2007 6:47:48 PM

That's true. We certainly don't have a surplus in AR.

22281. wonkers2 - 7/23/2007 7:36:58 PM

My daughter-in-law just got a job teaching high school science in a district near Vallejo without having a teaching certificate. She took education classes this summer and will continue taking them part-time until she's certified. I don't know how much she's making, but my son told me she's making more than she would have as a science dept. instructor at Cal Berkely. And I think she'll get a significant increase once she's certified.

22282. arkymalarky - 7/23/2007 7:50:19 PM

That sounds like AR. Good luck to her in her first year! Universities often pay less for instructors than a lot of public schools, and many use adjuncts, whose tiny salaries aren't worth the amount of work they do, imo. If you aren't a professor I don't see the appeal, myself, especially in English where there's so much of a grading load with Freshman English classes.

22283. Ms. No - 7/23/2007 8:03:22 PM

They're pretty desperate for Science and Math teachers here. They're also starting to relax some of the initial requirements to get teachers into the classrooms --- at least substitutes. I imagine that will quickly extend to full-time teachers as well. I've heard rumers of a projected 2million teacher shortage over the next five years or within the next five years or something.

I assume that's because of Boomers retiring and years of not having as many people entering the teaching force.

22284. wabbit - 7/23/2007 8:32:25 PM

Congrats on selling the house! What a relief.

22285. Ms. No - 7/23/2007 9:44:13 PM

Yes, immense relief!

22286. arkymalarky - 7/23/2007 9:48:57 PM

They hold us hostage here after our retirement eligibility with their insurance program, which is way different from the state employees. Theirs costs around 150 a month after retirement, whereas retired teachers pay over 400.

22287. Ms. No - 7/23/2007 10:31:55 PM

good lord.

Maybe by the time I'm ready to retire there will be some sort of national health care system that works. ;->

22288. Ulgine Barrows - 7/25/2007 7:21:06 AM

iiibbb, when I was in my mid-20s I was offered a job in the deep south of Georgia, and I still stand behind my decision to not take it. I was single at the time, freshly graduated, and they didn't have an interstate big enough for me to drive down, much less land my airplane.

Sounds like you are in a bit different situation. First, you're married.

There is still going to be a lot of black/white racial stuff in good ole Miss. I don't know what color you are, or what color your wife is. If you're black and she's white, don't go.

Sorry, but there it is. I am not an expert on this by any means, but I had a boss from Mississippi and he had to move because he was black, and married white. They just had an awful time.

I wouldn't count out Mississippi. They are going to latch onto a new, young, promising professional couple like bees to honey.

22289. Ulgine Barrows - 7/25/2007 7:24:27 AM

If you are both white or both black, I'd go for it!

22290. Ulgine Barrows - 7/25/2007 8:03:25 AM

that reminds me of this song-

22291. Ulgine Barrows - 7/25/2007 8:04:32 AM

Everywhere is freaks and hairies
Dykes and fairies, tell me where is sanity
Tax the rich, feed the poor
Till there are no rich no more?

I'd love to change the world
But I don't know what to do
So I'll leave it up to you

Population keeps on breeding
Nation bleeding, still more feeding economy
Life is funny, skies are sunny
Bees make honey, who needs money, Monopoly

I'd love to change the world
But I don't know what to do
So I'll leave it up to you

World pollution, there's no solution
Institution, electrocution
Just black and white, rich or poor
Them and us, stop the war

I'd love to change the world
But I don't know what to do
So I'll leave it up to you

~Ten Years After

22292. wonkers2 - 7/25/2007 12:25:49 PM

Nice pome!

22293. arkymalarky - 7/25/2007 4:00:50 PM

The hot and humid weather is the biggest drawback to the South. If you make good money you can do more with it here than elsewhere. If you have allergies you'll be miserable almost year round. Interracial marriage is not an issue anywhere around here, and you'd have to look at the particular area to know if there are major tensions there. Most racism is now more subtle, as it is elsewhere. De facto resegregation in all areas of life is the main manifestation of institutional racism and people individually don't seem to care any more. Of course I live and work in a well integrated area, which is rare in most parts of the US. That doesn't mean there aren't racists, but they leave people alone and keep their opinions under wraps.

22294. arkymalarky - 7/25/2007 4:36:30 PM

A crop-duster's been flying over my house for about an hour this morning. Kinda scary.

22295. arkymalarky - 7/26/2007 12:03:11 AM

My cause is getting attention in Yahoo today: Rural school performance

22296. Ms. No - 7/26/2007 12:09:52 AM

You beat me to it --- I was just about to link that very article!

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