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22295. arkymalarky - 7/26/2007 12:03:11 AM

My cause is getting attention in Yahoo today: Rural school performance

22296. Ms. No - 7/26/2007 12:09:52 AM

You beat me to it --- I was just about to link that very article!

22297. arkymalarky - 7/26/2007 2:26:29 AM

The guy whose comments they solicited is fantastic. He's done a lot of work with us for AR.

22298. Ms. No - 7/26/2007 3:43:20 PM

I particularly noted that he mentions rural schools being the social center for their communities because it was something you've talked about.

22299. arkymalarky - 7/26/2007 5:31:59 PM

His organization has done a lot of research on rural schools and he does a blog about them on their site. The school's most often the economic center, as well, which is why closing them is so deadly to rural economies, especially in poor areas like the Delta.

22300. Ms. No - 7/27/2007 4:43:42 PM

My co-worker is going to court on Monday to fight a speeding ticket. Seems she was zipping along with a pack of other speeders when she got pulled over. She thought she was being pulled over because she has a new car and doesn't have her license plates yet so when the cop said "No Ma'am. I pulled you over because you were speeding."

She asked why he picked her and he said "You looked to be going the fastest."

So she's going to court to fight the ticket not because she wasn't speeding but because she thinks she can make a case out of the cop saying that she "looked to be" going the fastest.

As she tells me the story, from the very beginning she knew she was speeding. By the end of the story it's because the car is new and big and it gets away from her and she was watching a car next to her and not paying attention and she isn't even really sure if she was speeding much less 13 miles over the limit because she has no idea how fast she was going etc. etc.

She'll probably win simply because the cop will be too busy to show up, but I really hope that's not true. I hope he's got nothing better to do that day than show up and make sure she gets that ticket and I hope she gets a judge that reads her the riot act for wasting everyone's time and money trying to wriggle out of her ticket.

22301. arkymalarky - 7/27/2007 8:18:12 PM

Here she'd almost certainly have to pay it. Let us know how it comes out. My dad challenged a ticket once in his life and lost--for running a red light he swears to this day wasn't red. I've gotten one speeding ticket in my life, this past year, and I was unfortunately with Miss 3-ticket Mose who proceded to tell me how I screwed up and could have gotten out of it. And a student of mine a few weeks ago described crying her way out of one.

22302. Ms. No - 7/27/2007 10:54:36 PM

Any ticket can be contested if you go to court. The thing that makes it easier to get off is that the person who has to testify against you is the cop who gave you the ticket and they generally have too much real work to do to spend half the day waiting for a court case over a speeding ticket.

I imagine if he clocked her and it was recorded then he doesn't have to show --- just ensure that the documents are available for the judge to see.

At least that's how it used to be, I have no idea what her chances really are at this point, but she's one of those people who is both ditzy but also cunning enough to play up her ditziness so that people just let her get away with shit.

It's not even that I think she's a bad person for speeding. Hell, nearly everyone speeds. I know I do --- not on residential streets, but speeding is illegal and I'm aware of it and if I get caught doing it then I really can't bitch about having to pay the ticket.

Her reasoning is what pisses me off. She was speeding. She KNOWS she was speeding and yet she feels like she shouldn't have gotten a ticket.

If you have a problem with a particular law, work to get it changed. If you think pot should be legal then lobby for it, but don't get pissed off when you get busted for toking up on the sidewalk just because you think it shouldn't be illegal.

22303. arkymalarky - 7/28/2007 4:32:19 AM


WRT the song lyrics I told Bob what you said about the "tax the rich..." and he said that was what they were promoting. Tax the rich and feed the poor until rich people don't exist. It never occurred to me, though that is what it says. We just assume it's sarcastic, but Bob always interpreted it as one of the ways to change the world.

22304. alistairConnor - 7/28/2007 10:22:41 PM

Here they just put automatic radars everywhere. You get the fine in the mail a week or so after the flash. It's all done by computers, there are no humans involved. I got two in one week recently, my girlfriend reckoned she could get me off them, I talked her out of trying. A driver's license has 12 points, you lose a point for every speeding offense, you lose your license when you get to zero. I'm not clear on how many lives I have left, I think it's something like three.

22305. judithathome - 7/29/2007 12:06:31 AM

Keoni got a ticket for failing to pay on a toll road...just a $3 fine and nothng on his record. But it's amazing how you can be fined and not even know it.

Wonder if they will ever get to the point where you can be arrested and charged with a felony without a police man present?

22306. Jenerator - 7/29/2007 5:32:50 AM

She'll probably win simply because the cop will be too busy to show up,

Ms No,

The cops are paid to be there. She'll lose.

22307. wonkers2 - 7/29/2007 3:22:53 PM

Sometimes they don't show up. I got lucky in court last year on a speeding ticket. The judge dismissed a whole bunch of tickets because the cop didn't show.

22308. arkymalarky - 7/29/2007 5:11:46 PM

Where I live if you show up and plead guilty you can get the fine reduced or eliminated. I tried that on a late tags fine of a ridiculous $150 and only got $25 taken off, after watching DUIs and all kinds of people get a skate. I can't stand the judge anyway for other reasons--but he doesn't know me, so he can't have known that. But he did confirm my opinion of him in that deal. Total jerk.

22309. Jenerator - 7/29/2007 9:55:42 PM


you're increibly lucky! In the four times I have been to court, the cops have been there. Several years ago I dated a Dallas cop and he told me that he *loved* going to court because he got paid time and a half and didn't have to arrest anyone. Plus, once the court duty was over he got to go home.

22310. wonkers2 - 7/30/2007 3:30:26 AM

BTW Jen, good to see you back!

22311. concerned - 7/30/2007 3:44:14 AM

I got a ticket by mail recently based solely on automatic camera evidence because it was alleged that I entered too far into an intersection (eg several feet past the painted markings) on a red light before making a legal right turn.

Problem was, there was somebody to my left already edged several feet into the intersection, and I couldn't see oncoming traffic from the left unless I pulled up at least as far as he did. The two sequenced photos caught my right turn flasher on, btw. I paid it merely to avoid the hassle of challenging it, but I've vowed to myself that if I get a similar ticket at that intersection that I'd challenge it.

22312. Ulgine Barrows - 7/30/2007 9:00:06 AM

larky 22303,
I am very angry that you wrote "We just assume it's sarcastic, but Bob always interpreted it as one of the ways to change the world."

Try hearing it several times a day from 11 years old onward.

'We just assume' is more than I care to take on, queenie.

And I rarely drive over the speed limit. No tickytooes, here.

22313. Ulgine Barrows - 7/30/2007 9:10:20 AM

I am appalled. A 4th or 5th grader can make a difference in the environment in their lunch choices.

22314. Ulgine Barrows - 7/30/2007 9:17:34 AM

remids me of bob dylan

An’ here I sit so patiently
Waiting to find out what price
You have to pay to get out of
Going through all these things twice.

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