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22311. concerned - 7/30/2007 3:44:14 AM

I got a ticket by mail recently based solely on automatic camera evidence because it was alleged that I entered too far into an intersection (eg several feet past the painted markings) on a red light before making a legal right turn.

Problem was, there was somebody to my left already edged several feet into the intersection, and I couldn't see oncoming traffic from the left unless I pulled up at least as far as he did. The two sequenced photos caught my right turn flasher on, btw. I paid it merely to avoid the hassle of challenging it, but I've vowed to myself that if I get a similar ticket at that intersection that I'd challenge it.

22312. Ulgine Barrows - 7/30/2007 9:00:06 AM

larky 22303,
I am very angry that you wrote "We just assume it's sarcastic, but Bob always interpreted it as one of the ways to change the world."

Try hearing it several times a day from 11 years old onward.

'We just assume' is more than I care to take on, queenie.

And I rarely drive over the speed limit. No tickytooes, here.

22313. Ulgine Barrows - 7/30/2007 9:10:20 AM

I am appalled. A 4th or 5th grader can make a difference in the environment in their lunch choices.

22314. Ulgine Barrows - 7/30/2007 9:17:34 AM

remids me of bob dylan

An’ here I sit so patiently
Waiting to find out what price
You have to pay to get out of
Going through all these things twice.

22315. Ulgine Barrows - 7/30/2007 9:32:43 AM

That picture of Dylan on the cover of 'Desire' still makes my heart skip.

22316. Ulgine Barrows - 7/30/2007 10:05:42 AM

eric clapton

22317. Ulgine Barrows - 7/30/2007 10:05:59 AM

Standing at the crossroads, trying to read the signs
To tell me which way I should go to find the answer,
And all the time I know,
Plant your love and let it grow.

Let it grow, let it grow,
Let it blossom, let it flow.
In the sun, the rain, the snow,
Love is lovely, let it grow.

Looking for a reason to check out of my mind,
Trying hard to get a friend that I can count on,
But there's nothing left to show,
Plant your love and let it grow.


Time is getting shorter and there's much for you to do.
Only ask and you will get what you are needing,
The rest is up to you.
Plant your love and let it grow.



22318. Ulgine Barrows - 7/30/2007 10:07:17 AM

sorry magoseph, burn on

22319. Ulgine Barrows - 7/30/2007 10:18:16 AM

No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

22320. Ulgine Barrows - 7/30/2007 10:24:14 AM

I am going off on Pink Ployd.
Talk later.

22321. arkymalarky - 7/30/2007 4:40:31 PM

Aw gee, now we're pulling out our song interpretation creds, eh? Bob graduated high school the year of Woodstock and he's heard that song plenty. Take it up with him if you disagree, and I'll step aside and watch the exchange. If "we assume" is your problem, if you noted the context of the discussion which occurred in the Politics thread you'd see that by "we" I was referring to myself and No wrt the meaning of a single line in the song. I never thought the whole song was sarcastic, but I think it's always been somewhat overrated. I do like the song very well and have since it first came out, but that goes for a number of songs from then, some of which never get attention any more. Argent's "Hold Your Head Up" is a good example, and imho one of the best rock songs ever.

22322. arkymalarky - 7/30/2007 4:42:52 PM

WRT the ticket talk, it occurs to me that living in a county with only small towns, the cops always have time to come to the courthouse, and so when you go to plead guilty and fall on the mercy of the (jerk) judge, the courthouse is full. What bugged me most was my tags were about two weeks late and the cop was a former student of mine, from about 25 years ago, and I didn't know it until later. I don't think he did, either, but still.

22323. Ms. No - 7/30/2007 5:22:35 PM

Oooh, good Floyd tune. Heck, 'most all their tunes are good.

22324. thoughtful - 7/30/2007 5:46:03 PM

I've not been around awhile...my brother died a week ago thursday. He was only 55. I'm trying to keep my poor mother going...keep her well wrapped in duct tape. It's been really awful on her. My mother nursed his wife through lung cancer until she died in Nov. Then in Jan. she found out she had lung cancer herself and needed surgery. We got her through that, and now my brother offed himself...mainly over losing his wife, though he's been a troubled soul all his life. Not good, so much tragedy piling on. It's hard enough for any parent to lose a child, but losing him this way is really, really rough.

22325. arkymalarky - 7/30/2007 5:54:26 PM

Oh Thoughtful, I am so sorry! I don't know what else to say, your family has been hit so hard in the last few months. I'm glad you and your mother have each other.

22326. Jenerator - 7/30/2007 6:14:55 PM

Oh Thoughtful. My heart goes out to you and your family.

22327. Ms. No - 7/30/2007 6:21:58 PM

Thoughtful, I'm so sorry for your family's loss. I'll keep you and yours in my thoughts.

22328. wabbit - 7/30/2007 9:05:34 PM

Thoughtful, I'm so sorry to hear about your brother, this has been such a difficult year for you and your family. You have my very best thoughts and sincerest condolences.

22329. thoughtful - 7/30/2007 10:18:46 PM

Thanks arky, jen, msno and wabbit. Your thoughts and words are comforting.

22330. judithathome - 7/31/2007 3:16:51 AM

Gads, I hardly know what to say that hasn't been expressed already...you're in my thoughts and I feel for you and yours, Thoughtful.

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