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22452. Betty Jo - 8/14/2007 9:50:20 PM

Thank you, Mago.

22453. arkymalarky - 8/14/2007 10:23:02 PM

I teach high school English and history, Betty Jo. Starting my 27th year. Mags has taught as well, and I think there are others who have.

22454. judithathome - 8/14/2007 10:48:16 PM

Welcome aboard, Betty Jo! You'll have to post some of your travel photos in our Escapes thread.

Betty Jo is good people, folks!

Well, the doctor just called and I have to go for an MRI on my damned foot. This is such a bad time for an inconvenience like this; there's a great exhibit at the Dallas Museum from Vesuvius that I wanted to go to...damn, damn. Plus it looks like I've dawdled too long to now make the Picasso exhibit here in town.

Mags, we've really missed you around here...no need for details but I am certain you made the right move in whatever you decided to do re: the relative.

I have to completely cut communication with my auntie soon; she keeps sending me crap I never would have believed she'd fall for...latest is some anti-Muslim BS. She knows I'm a liberal and it's not my fault she drank the Bush koolaid but I don't want that bile stuffing up my email.

Arky, I found a place on the internet where we can get that lamp stuff for $7.99 a bottle!

22455. arkymalarky - 8/15/2007 4:20:24 AM

That's great!

Mags, I hope everything works out okay. There's nothing more stressful than family conflict, imo.

22456. judithathome - 8/15/2007 5:23:58 AM

Well, to add frustration to my foot being screwed up, we discovered that the washing machine leaked into the garage today...arrgghhh.

22457. Ulgine Barrows - 8/15/2007 7:40:52 AM

22427. Ms. No - 8/13/2007 4:43:10 PM......
Plus, I'd go nuts if I couldn't take the components apart and put them back together

Don't be daft, and get the warranty thing from Apple.

If you think you're going to get any kind of service from another online retailer, think again. Buy from Dell, you'll be connected to someone in India that is forced awake at 3AM their time.

"I can get my PC fixed for the price of a good home-cooked meal."
Right, how many times .... never mind.

22458. Ulgine Barrows - 8/15/2007 8:13:23 AM

22425. thoughtful - 8/13/2007 2:07:43 PM
....must have felt to get to the point where suicide seems not only reasonable but the optimum choice

Well, who hasn't thought of ending it all? I remember letting a hitch hiker into my car years ago, when I was really low, thinking if he tried anything, I would drive into a tree. Kill both of us. He surprised me by being decent and just down on his luck. He offered me gas money.

We have a huge gaping hole in the bedroom from a roof leak. I looked at it the other night, and imagined myself hanging from a noose in it.

I don't know where that image came from. I could never act upon it.

Optimum choice?

That makes no sense. I went to the pool with my niece, read a good book, ate a tasty meal.

People faced with some nasty cancer wouldn't even think of this crap.

22459. Ulgine Barrows - 8/15/2007 8:15:04 AM

That came off wrong, sorry.

22460. jexster - 8/15/2007 7:54:07 PM


On Sunday I chatted with Obama's Southern Field Director who WAS press secretary for the new DA of Big D.

What's he like???

22461. judithathome - 8/15/2007 8:32:13 PM

I've no idea, Jex...Dallas is Jen's balliwick.

22462. arkymalarky - 8/15/2007 11:09:02 PM

Judith, the pants came in today and they're perfect! Much more comfortable than jeans and I can wear them regularly with our dress code because they look great. Just what I needed!

22463. judithathome - 8/15/2007 11:41:52 PM

Glad you liked them, Arky. I just wish the color selection was better...the brown ones are really nice but teamed with a pair of Tinky Winky lavender ones? No way!

22464. Jenerator - 8/17/2007 4:21:44 AM

Hi Betty Jo!

Hi Magoseph (sorry to hear about your relative)

22465. Jenerator - 8/17/2007 4:24:25 AM


Toby Shook should have been DA, but he lost by a complete surprise upset to Craig Watkins who has a solid reputation is being unqualified for the job. He's considered the same quality as John Wiley Price (and voted in the same way, too).

Hopefully he'll prove everyone wrong and do a good job here. I haven't heard of anything revolutionary yet. Time will tell.

22466. Jenerator - 8/17/2007 4:33:07 AM

A Dallas Assistant DA I had a crush on:

22467. Magoseph - 8/17/2007 12:14:11 PM

Good morning, everyone, and thanks to Arky, Judith, and Jen for their kind words!

22468. thoughtful - 8/17/2007 1:39:47 PM

Hi guys
Welcome to Betty Jo

Question: any of youse guys do the nyt daily crossword puzzles? I'm stumped by Thursdays...I mean I got the puzzle, but there is an imbedded theme that makes sense of the long answers, but I'll be dipped if I can figure it out. Of course, the answers today only show I got the puzzle, but give me no idea as to the theme.

I won't say more at this point in case someone hasn't gotten to it yet.

22469. thoughtful - 8/17/2007 1:40:39 PM

J@h, so sorry to hear about your foot...seems you've been having a lot of bone issues lately...is there an underlying cause to be investigating?

22470. thoughtful - 8/17/2007 3:28:24 PM

Nevermind about the xword puzzle...I got it.

22471. Magoseph - 8/17/2007 5:17:39 PM

All I can see in this one is that if you take the last letter of 18-across and put it first, you get TRUST IN ME. Doing the same for 20, 54, and 57 across, I guess, justify FROM START TO FINISH. Is this what you found, Thoughtful?

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