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22469. thoughtful - 8/17/2007 1:40:39 PM

J@h, so sorry to hear about your foot...seems you've been having a lot of bone issues lately...is there an underlying cause to be investigating?

22470. thoughtful - 8/17/2007 3:28:24 PM

Nevermind about the xword puzzle...I got it.

22471. Magoseph - 8/17/2007 5:17:39 PM

All I can see in this one is that if you take the last letter of 18-across and put it first, you get TRUST IN ME. Doing the same for 20, 54, and 57 across, I guess, justify FROM START TO FINISH. Is this what you found, Thoughtful?

22472. concerned - 8/18/2007 5:37:29 AM

I was just thinking about popular music when I was a teenager and before....when someone could put out an album that had both Green Onions and Alley Cat on it and nobody would think anything of it. ...when Kenny Starr was a pop singer, not a prosecutor.

I just picked up an album by Pete Drake which includes some of the first uses ever of the 'talk box' which he used with steel guitar.

22473. Ulgine Barrows - 8/18/2007 7:20:06 AM

We had Chicken Marengo tonight. And that tubed French bread.

The cookbook said it was a throw-in-the-pot-what-we-have kind of dish, but Napoleon's battle of Marengo made it famous.

Chickens, mushrooms and tomatoes. A tad garlic. The secret is in the tomato paste from my recipe, though.

22474. Betty Jo - 8/18/2007 11:30:06 AM

Hi Jen. Thank you for the welcome, thoughtful.

22475. judithathome - 8/19/2007 7:57:08 PM

Breakfast at the Spencers:

Breakfast at Spencer's

22476. robertjayb - 8/19/2007 9:11:06 PM

With those beauties you need Jimmy Dean's sage sausage and ribbon cane syrup...Larrupin good!

22477. judithathome - 8/19/2007 9:19:44 PM

We had bacon and omelets and wild blueberry preserves. AND some peppered gravy!

22478. arkymalarky - 8/19/2007 11:12:41 PM

Oh man, how lovely! I had one a day after y'all left until they were gone.

22479. Jenerator - 8/20/2007 4:07:05 AM


This is my husband making peppered gravy (and bacon and biscuits)

22480. Jenerator - 8/20/2007 4:07:26 AM

There's nothing like a country breakfast!

22481. jexster - 8/20/2007 5:02:54 AM

Thanks Jen! His ex press person is your typical campaign politico..for some reason, I think it's adrenaline addiction, they can't do without the pressure of a campaign...First black DA she chirped but then I seem to remember that D has/had a black mayor right???


"Peppered gravy" is that the same tasteless white paste served with chicken fried steak and buscuits throughout the Deep South?

Yuck! Like concrete in the pit of your stomach...eeek

Grillades and grits

22482. arkymalarky - 8/20/2007 5:12:43 AM

Bob needs to get in on this men-cooking-breakfast deal. I feel neglected.

School tomorrow!

22483. SnowOwl - 8/20/2007 8:46:19 PM

My husband doesn't cook breakfast, but he has been cooking most dinners recently. I've had a change of meds and one of the side effects is nausea (to say nothing of necrosing skin disease and complete organ failure, which I've so far avoided). However, I have had severe nausea and don't feel like eating, let alone like cooking.

The poor guy has been spending hours in the kitchen cooking special treats to try and tempt my appetite. It hasn't really worked up until now, but thankfully the nausea seems to be wearing off as I get accustomed to the meds. I just hope he keeps up the cooking once I'm completely back to normal.

22484. arkymalarky - 8/20/2007 11:01:31 PM

SNOW!! What's going on with your health? If you said somewhere, I missed it.

22485. Jenerator - 8/21/2007 12:36:34 AM


If white gravy is prepared correctly, it has a wonderful taste.

22486. judithathome - 8/21/2007 12:39:03 AM

I agree, Jen...it's really good. Even on grits!

22487. judithathome - 8/21/2007 12:39:45 AM

I'm freaked beyond belief...I had a message from an orthopedic company when I got back from swimming today that asked me to call them early tomorrow so they can come out (!) and fit me with a cast tomorrow morning...my doc has already sent my paperwork over to them...he had called me, too, but was gone by the time I called him back.

I can't believe I need a friggin' cast, much less that they are going to deliver it to my house.

22488. SnowOwl - 8/21/2007 3:06:08 AM

Arky, it's nothing serious and I'm sure I've whined about it before. I have neuropathic pain radiating from my spine around my chest. It feels like a tight steel band around my chest, which sometimes also gives a "pins and needles" sensations and at other times feels as though things are writhing around under my skin.

It is not serious, it's just painful and I've had it for years. Unfortunately, this type of pain is about the hardest to treat because normal pain-killing type meds don't work on it. Instead, you get treated with a whole cocktail of meds ranging from anti-depressants to anti-convulsants to beta blockers.

Unfortunately, some of the meds have some really nasty side effects, and none of them really do much for the pain. In fact, the most useful thing for pain relief for me is a TENS machine, which sends little electrical impulses into the skin which supposedly interfere with the way the affected nerve is firing incorrectly. It doesn't actually take the pain away but it does reduce it, or perhaps the sensation it generates takes my mind off the pain. Who knows. It does do me some good though, and that's all that counts.

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