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22560. judithathome - 8/31/2007 7:31:35 AM

Over the past 10 days, I have had to deal with my ex-husband because my son has been hospitalized with a stroke.

My ex has been rude to me beyond belief and I have tried to act decently toward him because I know he is upset about our son's condition.

I have thought the entire time that the fact I was nice to my ex has gone unnoticed by anyone until today when my son commented to me (after his father left for the day) that he appreciated the fact his father and I were getting along (ha!)...I said to him that it was not my fault we were at odds and my son said "I know." And then he said something that meant the world to me...he said "I've always known."

22561. Magoseph - 8/31/2007 10:09:12 AM

What I know about exes is this---some do a good job of demonizing you with your kids or some cannot however much they try. In the later case, they resent you and that seems to be your situation with your ex. You are lucky as it turns out.

It’s really a relief to know that no clot was found, Judith.

22562. judithathome - 8/31/2007 6:19:48 PM

Oh, they found a blockage but said they can do a stent in it at a later date.

This morning he is still in line with the plan to be transferred over to the rehab facility. He should be there by this evening.

My foot is bothering me from all the walking I've done this week so I am staying home today...I talked to him and he said he just wants to sleep, anyhow, so for me to stay here...which I will gladly do.

22563. Max Macks - 8/31/2007 7:31:51 PM

Gee Judit , didnt know you had a son

sorry to read the above . hope he will get well soon.
what happened to your foot

I'v been away from the Mote , need t catch up on

22564. prolph - 9/1/2007 1:18:26 AM

august in the mote has been filled with sorrow and pain but you are all still here;a little hemingway--
the world breaks everyone and afterward many are many are strong in the broken places. but those tat will not break it kills. it kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially, if you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will no special hurry,

22565. anomie - 9/1/2007 3:13:40 AM

Hope things start looking up for you Judith. I think you're holding up better than I would under similar circumstances.

22566. prolph - 9/1/2007 7:52:27 AM

alas i have been lurking only because my eyesight is getting worse,
then i got a letter from the my eye people telling how to magnifiy
letters on either cp or mac, it has made it much easier to read, so
i thougt i could play on the mote again but i obviously can't. i will
now return to lurking, sigh i have only one clear eye now.

22567. judithathome - 9/1/2007 4:54:45 PM

Well, he DIDN'T go to rehab last night...they have stalled long enough now that they say it may be TUESDAY before he gets the okay from the insurance company (due to the holiday). He is having a bona fide fit over this and is threatening to walk out of the hospital over it, thus losing any chance of the insurance paying for his rehab.

I'm worn down to a frazzle...don't know if I can face three more days of him being angry over things. Not that I blame him but he's being pretty difficult.

22568. anomie - 9/1/2007 8:09:58 PM

I'm reading you just fine, Patsy. I would hate to see you stop posting.

22569. wonkers2 - 9/1/2007 9:05:27 PM

Hi Patsy,
Have you tried using the control key and hitting the control key on your keyboard to increase the size of the MOTE type? Hang in there!

22570. arkymalarky - 9/1/2007 9:54:59 PM

Yes, Patsy, please do!

22571. arkymalarky - 9/1/2007 9:56:59 PM

Boy, Judith, it sounds like an endurance trial for both of you. I hope you manage okay and they don't wait until Tuesday to get y'all some relief.

22572. arkymalarky - 9/1/2007 9:57:34 PM

Dad's book is reviewed in this month's issue of Leatherneck Magazine.

22573. prolph - 9/1/2007 10:33:42 PM

wpnker s2 et al thanks if yoou can figure out my messes i'll keep posting
i can magnify the mote and other sites and the mac uses m +there seems to be a diference between seeing and typing. many bu.terflies. patsy

22574. judithathome - 9/2/2007 12:53:25 AM

Hang in there, Patsy...we ALL love hearing from you!

Well, the rehab people came over and talked to my son and he has gone home and will start rehab on Tuesday as an out-patient.

We bought him $200 worth of food and he is now at home with a well-stocked fridge and freezer and feels so much better now that he has his dog at his side.

22575. arkymalarky - 9/2/2007 12:57:06 AM

That sounds much better.

22576. Ms. No - 9/3/2007 8:30:52 AM

I'm so glad to hear Leslie's on the mend --- now put that foot up and YOU get better too!!!

Hi Cos!!

Hi Patsy!!

Howdy all!!

22577. Ms. No - 9/3/2007 8:36:06 AM

Classes start for me on Tuesday and I'm scrambling to get my laptop loaded the way I want it. Turns out you can't get a new PC anymore that doesn't have Vista. It's taking some getting used to, but I think that's mainly because it comes direct from the factory with a bunch of crap loaded on it that I don't want to have anything to do with.

So I'm going through and disabling and uninstalling all the 30 and 60 day trials of software I don't want. The main irritant right now is that I haven't yet figured out how to strip all the Yahoo insta-crap out of my browser toolbar.

And Vista apparently doesn't like my antivirus software either, but I already kicked Norton to the kerb so I'm waiting to find out what the dealio is with Panda. I have a feeling it's just that they aren't Vista compatible yet.

Not much of a worry at this point. I don't need the laptop to get online since I've got my connection at home. What is cool is that once I get my virus protection up and working there are enough unsecured wireless networks around me that I can get on pretty much anywhere I go.

22578. judithathome - 9/4/2007 3:39:09 AM

I didn't understand any of that post, No...computaphobe here.

22579. prolph - 9/4/2007 5:11:47 AM

judith at home; i was touchted by your son's having back his dog,
what is the dog's name and bread? you are of couse both on the
morning list- don't stay too long. love patsy

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