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22712. wabbit - 10/19/2007 8:47:09 PM

I lived on a poorly maintained dirt road for several years, and the PO wouldn't deliver to any of us. They do now that the road is paved.

I've seen your situation come up occasionally, JaH. Mail boxes are on one side of the street that is all torn up. The little Jeeps just can't keep going around the construction equipment and workers. It's short term.

22713. arkymalarky - 10/20/2007 3:37:09 AM

I guess since I live on a rural mail route I can't relate. They deliver mail where there's no electricity or phones. One mailman does all our zip code. Before all the increased regulations, all you had to do was put a name on it if it was within the code and it got there.

22714. judithathome - 10/20/2007 8:51:20 PM

Wabs, our street is so old we all have mailboxes on the porches still! That's what infuriates me...they have to WALK the street even when no roadwork is going on.

22715. judithathome - 10/20/2007 8:53:10 PM

We're going to a PLAY this afternoon...I am so excited to be getting out of the house. We're even going out to eat afterward.

The play is Snake In The Grass by Alan Ayckborne and no, it's not about Texas politics!

22716. jexster - 10/21/2007 10:56:10 PM

Have a mess o brisket for me!

Mago...I forgot..Your message broke up. What link is it you wanted me to send you????

22717. alistairConnor - 10/21/2007 11:08:52 PM

they have to WALK the street even when no roadwork is going on.

Ah so it's actually a bureaucratic rule (no service during road works) perversely applied because it shortens someone's working day...
Our rural mailman serves about 1000 residents, and delivers to the door, whatever the weather. He is well known to everyone and couldn't get away with a stunt like that.

22718. arkymalarky - 10/22/2007 1:54:44 AM

Our rural mailman serves about 1000 residents, and delivers to the door, whatever the weather. He is well known to everyone and couldn't get away with a stunt like that.

Rural culture's just pretty much universal. We'd be calling ours on the phone.

22719. arkymalarky - 10/22/2007 1:55:16 AM

And Judith, make sure you look for your mail, but it will be UPS. I'm sending you a package tomorrow.

22720. jexster - 10/22/2007 2:05:27 AM

Ziggy fcuked up his package. Be careful Judith

22721. judithathome - 10/22/2007 2:50:57 AM

Arky, if you can, hold off for a couple of days...we got a message yesterday that all access to our homes will be shut down from 8am until 5pm on Monday and Tuesday...everyone has to leave before 8 and can't come back until after 5.

I don't expect these assholes to finish the work in 2 days so...

22722. arkymalarky - 10/22/2007 3:02:51 AM

Oooh, I will, but it will be more like a week. I'm off tomorrow and won't get back there before Friday at the earliest. But if I send it out Monday afternoon it shouldn't get there before Wednesday or Thursday at the earliest. I'll ask them when I go over there tomorrow if they can make sure it doesn't get there before Friday.

22723. prolph - 10/22/2007 9:49:23 AM

geez we're on fire agin, santanas are raging, humindty is 5,air is filled with grime and ashes, trees that are not on fire are blowing in the winds,

not a firndly planet but often pretty,


22724. arkymalarky - 10/22/2007 2:37:40 PM

I saw that on the news. I can't imagine breathing.

Somehow related, it seems: I picked three gardenia blooms off my bush. On October 21. Unreal. And there are more buds waiting to bloom. Bob thinks it's because of when he pruned it last spring.

Our anniversary is today. 24 years of wedded bliss. I didn't realize it until last night (when we celebrated--I just happen to be off work today, but his school isn't out like ours), but our 25th anniversary is the same year as my parents' 50th. When it gets closer I'm going to bend y'all's ears about ideas for them. The one for Bob's 50th birthday could not have been any better.

22725. arkymalarky - 10/22/2007 2:40:37 PM

Saturday we played miniature golf and ate at Brauhaus and then walked the Grand Promenade and back down in front of the bath houses. I just love Hot Springs.

Bob and I had never played miniature golf, but I've been wanting to. I played a few times when I was young and Bob played once when he was a kid. We went to the counter and got our balls, clubs, and score card, followed the arrow, hit the first round, and our balls disappeared. We couldn't figure out where they went to, so we finally went back in and asked. We'd played the 18th hole.

22726. judithathome - 10/22/2007 3:13:14 PM

Ha!! I can't wait to tell Keoni!

Arky, it's raining today so I think the paving plans are off for now...just send that thing whenver it's convenient for YOU to do so. I'll get it...don't worry! And thanks in advance...whatever it is, I know I'll love it!

And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you both!!

22727. wabbit - 10/22/2007 4:05:09 PM

JaH, I remember when the mail came twice a day...perhaps AC is right, there is some rule that proscribes mail delivery when roadwork is happening.

Patsy, I sure hope those fires bypass you completely.

Happy anniversary, Arky!

22728. arkymalarky - 10/22/2007 6:42:32 PM

Thanks, Judith and Wabbit.

And I think you will love it, Judith! I hope so! ;-)

22729. arkymalarky - 10/22/2007 6:46:26 PM

This front is doing a number on me. No rain yet, but I have a raging migraine. I hate that on my day off. Not that I like having them at work, but this is such a rip, and on my anniversary. Thankfully we're not celebrating it tonight.

Oh, and Judith, we finished off the weekend with that champagne!

22730. prolph - 10/22/2007 9:03:45 PM

We have a catastrartive---- the fire is everywhere--our area has
had a mandatory evacuation but theere is no where to go---i am
mamy moons old but i have never seen a sanatana like this----
cats , neighbor and i am packed and ready--hoping we still
have houses wednesday when the wind stops.worried patsy

22731. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/22/2007 9:25:18 PM

Yikes! Cheers! & Good Luck!

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