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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 22775 - 22794 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
22775. judithathome - 10/29/2007 4:12:28 AM

Breaking news! Keoni and I just saw the most amazing thing...our neighbor has a 12 inch telescope (it looks like a huge cannon and weighs 75 pounds!) and he showed us the 17P/Holmes comet which is currently circling the earth. It was amazing!

Here's some shots of it.

22776. judithathome - 10/29/2007 6:19:44 PM

Arky!!! It arrived today and I love it! (It's a beautiful silver and stone necklace that is gorgeous, for those who don't have camera-net!)

It's perfect because it will go with both brown and black and this year, I'm planning to wear a lot of that...together. I bought black boots AND brown boots and you saw my purse with black and brown in it. Also, I can wear it with grey because one side has some grey, too...but the thing I really love about it is how the silver mirrors the shapes in my ring. It will also fit on my silver choker, just zip it off the chain and onto the choker for a different look.

It's 100% PERFECT! thank you so much!

I have a funny little aside about the box...I went to the door just as the mailman walked up to the porch...he had this HUGE box, almost 4 feet tall, and then he had the rest of my mail, including the box you'd sent. I saw that huge box first and nearly fainted until I realized it was Keoni's new golf bag. I was wondering what in heck you could have sent that was THAT big and the first thing that came to mind was MoJo...hahahaha!

22777. arkymalarky - 10/29/2007 11:24:16 PM

I'm SO glad! You don't know what a struggle it was to choose, there were so many beautiful ones to pick from. Next time you come down we've got to go to her gallery. I can't believe I hadn't gotten to it before now. Oh, and the tiny parrot on the card is a print of one of her paintings.

Haha! If Mojo keeps barking all night as she has been, she may get shipped to someone!

22778. judithathome - 10/30/2007 12:04:13 AM

Oh wow...I was in such a hurry to open the little box, I completely missed the card! I retrieved it in time..ha!

Yes, we definitely WILL go to her gallery next time we're there. And I'm certain I'll leave some tax money in Arkansas!

22779. Magoseph - 10/31/2007 12:05:52 AM

Hey, Patsy, how about some news? Are you back in your house?

22780. jexster - 10/31/2007 1:17:09 AM

I don't get squat.

22781. Magoseph - 10/31/2007 11:07:26 AM

Our Cellar Door is in the Los Angeles today:

Message # 21043 in thread 155

22782. psychprof - 10/31/2007 4:11:46 PM

If you want to say hello, he posts at the link below.


22783. arkymalarky - 11/1/2007 1:32:37 AM

Well, tonight I'll see if we're still Charlie Brown in reverse. It is our 24th Halloween, and we have never had a single trick-or-treater. Of course if we have one, I hope Mojo doesn't bite.

22784. wonkers2 - 11/1/2007 1:38:28 AM

We've had a couple of hundred so far. One group of 10 teenagers in a stretch limo.

22785. wabbit - 11/1/2007 1:46:41 AM

We get the two kids from across the street, but that's it. Actually, this year they had a friend in tow and a new baby, so there were four. Allow me to clarify - the parents had the baby, not the kids, but he was dressed for the occasion, so his dad collected his share of the booty. Four trick-or-treaters, that's big doings here on Halloween!

When I lived in PA I never, in tweleve years, ever had a single trick-or-treater. The many years I lived in the Catskills, likewise, not a soul.

Didn't stop me from buying candy.

22786. alistairConnor - 11/1/2007 2:05:52 AM

Younger daughter tried to organise some friends for halloween this afternoon. It's catching on over here but slowly. Fell through in the end, so we watched a film. Her costume was good.

22787. jexster - 11/1/2007 2:12:39 AM

She could go as Cecilia Sarkozy!!

22788. arkymalarky - 11/1/2007 3:52:49 AM

No one this evening. Bob's students were going to trick-or-treat here, but he told them he wasn't going to be home, which I hate (except my house is a mess). It surprised me when I started teaching how many teens do the old-fashioned trick-or-treating, but the stretch limo is something else. I'll have to tell my kids about that tomorrow.

22789. judithathome - 11/1/2007 7:44:44 PM

We had a total of 4...the little kid next door told us he'd gone "Trunk or Treating" at church...congregation handed out treats from the parking lot...everyone had their trunks open with baskets of candy inside.

22790. prolph - 11/2/2007 7:14:10 AM

magoseph, yes i am at home making lists that should have been done long ago, fortunately or not so i have a large art collection coud'nt be put in less than a truck. cats and i are glad to be home.

22791. Magoseph - 11/2/2007 2:27:07 PM

Well, Patsy, now maybe you should store your art collection somewhere else. I'm glad that you're safe, sound, and happy to be back home.

22792. Magoseph - 11/2/2007 2:51:44 PM

Thanks, Prof, for the link!

22793. psychprof - 11/2/2007 7:47:12 PM

You are quite welcome Mags.

22794. prolph - 11/2/2007 9:57:19 PM

magoseph can't see pictures if they are stored. i have too many
collections of various things,i prefer not to be called a pack rat
my sister worse than i--slster has an enormous collection of all
things conected to baseball, her house is a museum.


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