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22875. arkymalarky - 11/10/2007 8:27:50 PM

I've never read Norman Mailer. One of those many lit gaps I need to fill.

22876. Ms. No - 11/11/2007 2:45:01 AM

I've never read him either, but I'm definitely intrigued by genre-starters. It's one of the reasons Jane Eyre is on my list and also Poe's Tell-Tale Heart and Rue Morgue.

Jane Eyre is my friend K's favorite book of all time. She says she finds something new in it every time she reads it. I haven't read it for ages and what I mainly recall about it is that it is the pattern for modern romance novels however good or bad they turn out to be.

In fact, K was over today keeping me company while I sort and discard and pile up things for the Salvation Army. She was going through my music collection and burning MP3's to check out stuff she'd never heard before and came across the Posey Hill CD and loved it. We played it through two times before moving on to some Tom Petty.

22877. arkymalarky - 11/11/2007 2:51:37 AM

Hey, that's great!

22878. Ms. No - 11/11/2007 8:28:35 AM

When she picked it up and asked who they were I said "Oh, that's Arky's brother's band," and she said "Arkymalarky? How cool!"

So you're famous in Sacramento circles!

22879. wabbit - 11/11/2007 4:52:32 PM

Hey Ms. No, glad to hear you're ok after the accident. Does your insurance cover getting new wheels?

And say hi to K for me!

22880. wonkers2 - 11/11/2007 6:43:56 PM

Mailer was prolific but uneven. "The Naked and the Dead," his first novel written when he was in his twenties made his reputation. I remember reading "The Deer Park" which was about the McCarthy witch trials. According to the long NYT obituary, critics regard "The Executioner's Song," about convicted murderer, Gary Gilmore, as Mailer's masterpiece. Mailer had six wives one of whom he stabbed and, I believe, eight children. He was still actively writing when he died at 84.

22881. Ms. No - 11/11/2007 7:06:56 PM

Hiya Wabz,

No, I was only carrying liability on the car so I have to pay for my own repair work -- which is actually a good thing in this case because they would've totalled my car and then not given me enough money to actually get something comparable.

I'll definitely tell her you said "hi" --- she was bummed that she couldn't get free to see you when I met you in S.F.

22882. judithathome - 11/11/2007 7:57:46 PM

Mailer's "Armies of the Night" was pretty good, too....

22883. arkymalarky - 11/12/2007 12:57:20 AM

If I'm ever there maybe we can all go karaoke!

22884. arkymalarky - 11/12/2007 1:03:50 AM

I'm at an odd point. I just signed up as a volunteer for the Obama campaign. I have lots of time and an easy work load this year. I have a long list of things I want to do. But I picked up the guitar Bob bought me and I'm having to relearn everything. I picked up a doily I'd almost finished, and I can't remember how to do any of it--all my old crochet stitches. My house and yard are out of control and I am overwhelmed over where to start first. So I decided to take one small project at a time, starting with the loveseat I sit on, and get it "right." But I have to beat myself to be productive. I've lost some weight, but have to beat myself to walk and eat reasonably. It's like I want to sit and pretend I'm on the beach or something, though I'm really interested in all my projects. Ennui. Is that it? Anyway, I hope the holidays fix it. I'm not down or stressed, just uninterested in moving and disgusted that I have to relearn the things I enjoyed before I became a rural activist. My (Republican) counterpart has always been much better at compartmentalizing things, and she never got behind. But she did retire, she's WAY overworked, and I wonder any day if she'll burn out--I already have, really.

22885. arkymalarky - 11/12/2007 1:05:23 AM

But on my CO vacation right after my last class I about went ape. It was like my mind was still in high gear, even though I was done.

22886. concerned - 11/12/2007 6:08:10 PM

Hi, Arky -

Well, I did a little research on the shower valve, and sure enough, there was a replacable 'cartridge' (for 'only' $40) that I was able to find at a local Menards, so that one is working fine now.

But IMO, it's a very flawed (unacceptable, IMO) plumbing design that fails virtually without use after only a few years in the absence of other problems.

22887. concerned - 11/12/2007 6:11:04 PM

Re. 22868 -

That's right, we don't need any steenking warning lights that flash on an off like traffic signals. Both of them went off last Friday, and now the 'check vehicle' but not the 'check engine' light has come back on today.

My diagnosis: Poor, flaky diagnostic system design.

22888. concerned - 11/12/2007 6:20:20 PM

Re. 22872 -

Glad you weren't seriously injured in the accident, Ms. No.

That reminds me of the time one of my cars was totaled. I had just paid it off six months before and a college student blew two red lights and smashed into my car just in front of the driver's side door at 45 mph. She didn't even hit the brakes or try to avoid me. If I hadn't seen her coming out of the corner of my eye and hit the brakes, I might have would up in the hospital or worse.

22889. judithathome - 11/12/2007 9:25:55 PM

My diagnosis: Poor, flaky diagnostic system design.

Get back to me when you have a $2,000 mechanic's bill for ignoring what could have been a $30 trip to the garage to have it checked out.

22890. judithathome - 11/12/2007 9:30:43 PM

Arks, I am feeling so very trapped here with all this road work going on and Keoni being in paradise...I'm dealing with stopped-up drains and a cat that thinks I should move out of HER house...I'm getting an itch to see the leaves turn in Arkansas! Of course, they're probaly all gone by now...

Anyhow, it's an impossible goal, to come see y'all (and stop bt BJaxx's!) because of Leslie's surgery...which may be on the 20th...he will find out today when it's scheduled...but I am longing for a road trip and to see good friends and kick back with some good wine.

Can anyone tell I'm missing my biscuit maker? I am...dreadfully!

22891. alistairConnor - 11/12/2007 9:34:49 PM

Con :
I gave some serious consideration to geothermal/heat pumps, but among other things, your experience of being on the bleeding edge made me cautious... Being subject to a moral imperative to stop burning fossil fuel oil, not to mention the expense, I have committed myself to this thing, a Swedish wood pellet burner. I'm taking a gamble on the delivery network for the pellets, which is still young but seems to be taking off, being reliable for the next few decades. But I think I'm pretty safe : this fuel provides 25% of home heating in Germany, only 2.5% in France so far. And there's a decent tax rebate on it.

22892. Ms. No - 11/13/2007 1:50:07 AM

What about hydrogen, AC?

22893. arkymalarky - 11/13/2007 1:55:38 AM

Hey Con'd, Way to go! It is a weak design, and even though the part's not expensive it's a pain to deal with.

22894. Ms. No - 11/13/2007 1:57:30 AM


Come on out! I've got a good place to go and there's starting to be room for guests to actually hang out in my apartment as I put out more loads for the Salvation Army.

I did find some excellent books for K -- a couple of French primers and then some books in French although she said she has enough trouble trying to read Ionesco in English so she passed on Rhinocerous.

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