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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 22934 - 22953 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
22934. alistairconnor - 11/14/2007 11:01:51 AM

Jay, that's a fascinating line-up of people you have interviewed... and you get paid for this? I guess that makes you a journalist, virtual or not...

22935. JayAckroyd - 11/14/2007 2:03:41 PM

hey wabbit. thank wonk--had to stop by after seeing his name in the paper.

While the Bigels are no longer traveling they are still not on dry land; they're living in the boat.

alistair, as far as getting paid, not so much. This is a promotional thing, meant to raise the profile of Inworld Studios and to drum up business. It's a lot of fun, though.

22936. wonkers2 - 11/14/2007 2:53:50 PM

Jay, just got around to watching/listening to several of your virtual interviews. Cool! And I put a link to them up on HubPages.

22937. judithathome - 11/14/2007 3:39:09 PM

Great sight, Jay and great letter, Wonks!

22938. judithathome - 11/14/2007 3:39:55 PM

Ha! And I guess that SIGHT helps a lot with your SITE.

(It's early!)

22939. judithathome - 11/15/2007 4:13:10 PM

Speaking of sites, is WC down for anyone else? I hate that site and can't believe I still go there....which, of course, I don't half the time because it is always down.

22940. Magoseph - 11/15/2007 5:02:11 PM

It works fine for me, Judith.

Is Keoni back?

22941. judithathome - 11/15/2007 5:20:04 PM

Nooooooooo....because I read the itenerary wrong! I jumped up and got myself all spiffy for his return and he won't arrive until TOMORROW.

I even called him, asking if he had decided to stay in Hawaii...it was 4am over there!...and he laughed and laughed and told me to look at the copy of the ticket again. I feel like a fool.

Needless to say, he went back to sleep. ;-)

22942. judithathome - 11/15/2007 5:20:23 PM

WC is now working for me, too.

22943. judithathome - 11/15/2007 10:35:21 PM

Dirty Sexy Money is great fun but there is something driving me crazy about Donald Sutherland's suits: clearly they are expensive and probably hand-tailored. That's not it. It's that little straight pin thingy he wears to the side of his left lapel in the corner of the button hole, the one where he'd wear a boutonniere.

On his tux for the wedding, it was red. The next day, on his navy blue pin stripe suit, it was like pewter...they are straight, and about the thickness of a piece broken off a paperclip.

Anyone know what they are or if they signify anything in particular?

22944. judithathome - 11/20/2007 5:42:15 PM

Jeez, can I kill a conversation or what?

What's up for Turkey Day for everyone?

22945. arkymalarky - 11/20/2007 5:55:21 PM

I'm about to leave for an appointment with a cardiologist--they scheduled the appointment, not me, so I'm trying not to feel guilty about an extra day of holiday.

22946. Ms. No - 11/20/2007 5:58:19 PM

I'm off to the Bay Area --- we're all meeting at Cory's sister's house in Danville. My brother and his family are coming up from LA, Cory's folks are coming over from Concord and I'm picking up my folks from the Oakland airport tomorrow evening. I don't know if Cory's brother and his partner are coming in from DC or not or whether my cousin is coming in from Oakland. It would be good if they all were since we won't be together for Christmas this year.

I'm looking forward to a houseful of kids and family and I'm really glad to be seeing my brother.

22947. Ms. No - 11/20/2007 5:59:07 PM

Guilt is a useless emotion. Take yourself off to a movie or something after your appointment. Since you've got the day anyway....;->

22948. arkymalarky - 11/20/2007 6:03:05 PM

Mose asked what I was doing afterward and I said I'd probably eat a nice meal out and show a little, to which she--in her endearing daughterly fashion--replied, "You suck!"

They get out at two today, though.

I love family Thanksgivings.

When I don't hate them.

This year's going to be very nice and low-key on my family's end, and kind of hectic because we're going to Little Rock for Bob's family. Mose and her beau are staying Wednesday night with us--and we're not the popular parents, so I'm honored!! ;-)

We had a blast with them last weekend, though, playing Guitar Hero and karaoke at her house after eating out in Hot Springs.

22949. arkymalarky - 11/20/2007 6:03:43 PM

...shop a little. Must've been a Freudian slip.

22950. arkymalarky - 11/20/2007 6:04:31 PM

Dr's appts on workdays are great until it's time to go to them. See y'all!

22951. Magoseph - 11/20/2007 7:03:49 PM

I bought two huge sweet potatoes and that will be our Thanksgiving dinner along with artichoke salad and Grand Marnier for dessert.

22952. alistairconnor - 11/20/2007 7:13:04 PM

Sounds cool, Mago!
My girlfriend and I are trending back towards eating less meat... I have been committing excesses in these last few years of non-practising vegetarianism. My blood pressure was shockingly high when they took it the other day in the gym.

When we were in Catalonia a couple of weeks ago, my girlfriend talked about buying a whole Spanish ham to have for Christmas dinner... I reminded her who we were expecting for Christmas : her (Jewish) sister and (Moslem) brother in law...

22953. arkymalarky - 11/20/2007 10:30:39 PM

Well, he recommended an angiogram and I balked at that and I'm getting a CTA--some kind of CT scan--in a couple of weeks.

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