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22974. PelleNilsson - 11/25/2007 8:58:24 PM

David!! I haven't logged in here for many weeks and now the first thing I hit upon is that you are back. Welcome after these many years!

Well, if David can do it, so can I. I'm back but don't count on much activity the coming week because I have to write a paper I have delayed too long already.

22975. wonkers2 - 11/25/2007 9:00:43 PM

Welcome back, Pelle! If I'm not being too nosy, what's the topic of your paper?

22976. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/25/2007 9:00:47 PM

Another Prodigal! Welcome back Pelle.

22977. arkymalarky - 11/25/2007 10:16:54 PM


22978. alistairconnor - 11/26/2007 12:34:47 PM

A heartfelt welcome back to the chainsaw specialist...

I laid a small concrete slab in the cellar this weekend. Excellent bonding activity for me and the girlfriend's 14 year old son. He is sorely in need of a father figure. That was never among my life's ambitions, but I'm the nearest thing he's going to get, so I'll have to do my best. And urgently, otherwise he may be kicked out of high school by Christmas.

22979. Magoseph - 11/26/2007 2:10:40 PM

14 year old is not too late--good luck!

22980. wonkers2 - 11/26/2007 4:47:13 PM

That's a tough assignment, Alistaire. But a worthwhile one.

22981. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/26/2007 4:57:59 PM

Well, at 14, their heads are a lot like concrete so maybe you picked the perfect bonding task.

22982. wabbit - 11/26/2007 5:21:23 PM

Hey Pelle, good to see you!

22983. Ms. No - 11/26/2007 6:05:33 PM

Woo-hoo! David and Pelle -- great to see you both! That's something to give thanks for. ;->

22984. Ms. No - 11/26/2007 6:09:50 PM


I can relate on the paper situation. I just checked a due date for one of mine and found out it's a week earlier than I thought so I'm scrambling around. Honestly, I'm less worried about the sense/meaning of my paper than the form. This professor is crazy for the Chicago Style and very specific about footnotes and endnotes and bibliographic format to the point of failing you before she's even read your paper if any of those things is in the wrong style.

I've never used the Chicago style before, but I've got a book on it so I ought to be okay. Plus, I don't think she's quite as strict about some of these things as she claims she is. I was scared of her on the first day of class, but she's proven to be very generous in her grading from what I've seen.

22985. Ms. No - 11/26/2007 6:10:18 PM

Hmmmm.....I've been waiting for this for days.

22986. Ms. No - 11/26/2007 6:10:34 PM

It was far too early to start when I first noticed it.

22987. Ms. No - 11/26/2007 6:10:46 PM

and it's likely too early now

22988. Ms. No - 11/26/2007 6:10:59 PM

especially if I'm the only one that shows up to play

22989. Ms. No - 11/26/2007 6:11:20 PM

although it's less than 20 total posts, right?

22990. Ms. No - 11/26/2007 6:11:39 PM

eleven left

22991. Ms. No - 11/26/2007 6:11:55 PM

I don't think I've gotten one of these in years.

22992. Ms. No - 11/26/2007 6:12:17 PM

more than likely Arky or Judith will pop in at the last second

22993. Ms. No - 11/26/2007 6:12:30 PM

and steal my glory

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