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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 23034 - 23053 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
23034. David Ehrenstein - 11/29/2007 8:21:54 PM

And now, to kick off the Holiday Season like no other MP3 can, the number that no carbon-based life-form can do without -- "Xmas Done Got Funky"!

23035. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/29/2007 8:58:11 PM

I love it!!!!

23036. David Ehrenstein - 11/29/2007 9:27:59 PM

I knew you would.

23037. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/30/2007 1:57:38 AM

Your reward!

23038. judithathome - 11/30/2007 4:17:43 PM

We went to see the fabulous Annual Jazz concert at TCU last night and it didn't disappoint...my son went along with us and some other friends and he is not a fan of jazz; was just bored at home and decided to get out. He LOVED it! He was shocked and amazed...but unfortunaly, developed a bad headache from the loudness. We figured out that was the most "noise" he'd been exposed to since his stroke in August and I guess it was too much for his head...but he loved the concert and ask if he could come to the next one.

You've no idea how thrilled this makes me...he used to make fun of the records I'd listen to. And last night, he picked up on several things the band was doing...riffs, scat, themes. On the way home, he said "I guess this mess with the stroke has given me a greater appreciation of stuff I never paid attention to before..."

The only odd thing about the night...and this can be chalked up to living where we do...is that throughout the concert, the band leader gave updated scores on the Cowboy/Packer game!

And afterward, when three of us went for a late night breakfast, the waiter did the same thing! Evidently this was an important game for those who give a rip about football. Needless to say, that wasn't me!

23039. David Ehrenstein - 11/30/2007 4:25:18 PM

Merci Wiz!

23040. Magoseph - 11/30/2007 5:29:05 PM

Good morning, everyone--where are Arky and thoughtful?

23041. Ms. No - 11/30/2007 6:00:46 PM

Morning, Mago!

23042. Ms. No - 11/30/2007 6:02:50 PM


It's a wonder they don't just kick you out of Texas for not worshipping at the alter of football like a proper native. (I never did either)

I'll tell you what I would watch on a regular basis if I had access, though: Gaelic Football. It's a fast-paced, interesting game and you've never seen such gorgeous legs in your life. ;->

23043. Magoseph - 11/30/2007 8:53:29 PM

Hi, Ms. No--how's school?

23044. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/30/2007 11:36:43 PM

Merci Wiz!

Just a spoof I thought you might enjoy using with an occasional Email, David. I hope I didn't offend.

23045. arkymalarky - 12/1/2007 12:37:25 AM

Hey Mags, just at work, as usual.

23046. David Ehrenstein - 12/1/2007 1:58:16 AM

Not in the slightest.

23047. jexster - 12/1/2007 4:15:53 AM

Yo David... U know a writer by the name of Charlie Kaiser?

23048. jexster - 12/1/2007 4:24:28 AM

We dated when he was at Columbia

23049. Magoseph - 12/1/2007 2:49:28 PM

How was he, Jex?

Arky, just kidding...

23050. Magoseph - 12/1/2007 2:50:48 PM

...but I sorely miss thoughtful!

Wonks, a big snowstorm is coming your way.

23051. jexster - 12/1/2007 6:04:52 PM

I don't kiss and tell.

Obviously memorable 30 years later

23052. David Ehrenstein - 12/1/2007 7:05:22 PM

Yeah I know Charlie Kaiser. FABULOUS guy. Always has a stunning boyfriend on his arm.


You're amopng friends.

23053. jexster - 12/1/2007 7:14:54 PM

He was a HOTTIE back in the day....about 1975 we went out a couple times in DC..I went up to NyC...ain't gonna tell any more than that.

Kinda outta my league sociallly

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