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23129. Ms. No - 12/9/2007 10:22:38 AM

Hang in there, iiibbb. You've got friends.

23130. Magoseph - 12/9/2007 12:05:46 PM

I deleted 23128 because it outraged me.

iiibbb, yes, you have good friends here, ready to combine their life experience and help.

Thoughtful, where are you? I'm worried about you and we need you here.

23131. alistairconnor - 12/9/2007 1:10:52 PM

iii, this site has often been a comfort to me when things were darkest. So, whether you want to talk about the bad stuff or not, you have moral support here.

As for the philosophy, sometimes honesty and best efforts don't provide good outcomes... sometimes you have to roll with the punches, and keep faith with yourself, in the face of other people's bad faith.

23132. judithathome - 12/9/2007 3:12:11 PM

3i3b, I hope you know we're all here for you. Sometimes, the only payoff for being a good guy is the one you have to give yourself: the satisfaction of knowing you held to your own high standards whether others did or not.

(Or, what Alistair said in fewer words.)

23133. anomie - 12/10/2007 2:30:45 AM

Hello everyone.

Glad to read the update on your son, Judith. And how is your leg or foot?

Ms No! Congrats on the role.

iiibbb: Is it the south? In any case, I hope things improve.

Cheers everyone.

23134. anomie - 12/10/2007 2:36:58 AM

Arky, I got back into your Dad's book after a long interuption. I'm onlay at about page 100, but it's a thoroughly good read. So many of his musings hit home, notibly his thoughts on religion re racism and general ethics. I had a chuckle about his shopping at Western Auto for bike reflectors. I also used to spend a large part of my 25 cents at Western Auto on bike decals, and like you Dad I remember gazing at all the flashy, shiny, neat, extras you could buy for your bike. I realized that some of my earliest decisions in life involved how to break up a quarter into a litlle of this and a little of that. We don't make very many independent decisions when we're 8.

23135. anomie - 12/10/2007 2:42:24 AM

I'm such an impatient typist. Sorry to be so sloppy.

23136. wonkers2 - 12/10/2007 2:50:18 AM

I remember when movies cost 15 cents or a quarter at most.

23137. arkymalarky - 12/10/2007 3:12:19 AM

Thanks Anomie, and great to see you here!

I'll pass the word along to Dad!

I'm reading Obama's first book now, at Dad's recommendation. In fact, for the first time in forever I'm reading two books that I chose to read. What a wonderful feeling.

23138. anomie - 12/10/2007 3:23:13 AM

Hey W2, That was a quarter for a double feature and some cartoons, and if you wanted to stay long enough you could see em twice for the same quarter. Right?

23139. wonkers2 - 12/10/2007 4:02:36 AM

Right. And I remember the newsreels of WWII. I think it was a nickel each way on the bus and 15 cents for the movie. Hopalong Cassidy, Roy Rogers, Gene Autry. Then came the war movies--Guadalcanal Diary and the rest.

23140. iiibbb - 12/10/2007 5:45:43 AM

Thank you everyone.

It is related to the recent move, but there are complications and there are several things that are just out of my hands.

We'll see how it goes.

I have been flipping out from time to time. Trying to keep too many balls in the air.

Could be worse though.

23141. arkymalarky - 12/10/2007 6:42:47 AM

Unsolicited advice: Seek out whatever help you need to get you through it if you need to. Everyone's problems are different, I know, but I am not shy about going to my doctor and telling her when I am at the end of my rope, and there's so much to help now when the pressure's on and stress is out of your control.

23142. judithathome - 12/10/2007 9:41:12 PM

Had the day planned to go shopping and to lunch with my neighbor but woke up sick...I know better than to eat certain things but slip up now and then and had been getting away with it, thus far. Got caught last night...diverticulitis.

Ah well, I need to address Christmas cards, anyhow, and catch up on my DVR'd stuff.

Keoni and I joined the new L A Fitness that opens late next month...it's 5 minutes from the house if we hit the lights right and have moderate traffic! They have a pool!

I'm waiting to hear back from that other fitness center I joined last year to see if I can transfer my membership, which was paid in full, to my friend who lives about 10 minutes away from that facility. If not, I'll just have to eat the loss. But the savings in the cost of gas going to and from that other place (a sometimes 30- 40 minute drive each way) would make up for the fee eventually. This new facility is SO close and we can both go together after Keoni gets home from work...I foresee lots of restful sleep ahead!

23143. arkymalarky - 12/11/2007 1:27:51 AM

What a bummer.

It wasn't a fit day to be out today, but we did go to LR and plunked down $650 worth of plastic to do that procedure. If all goes well and I don't need further action like a stent, it will have been well worth it. I'll know by the end of the week.

23144. Ms. No - 12/11/2007 1:52:38 AM

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, Arx.

23145. arkymalarky - 12/11/2007 2:07:00 AM


23146. wonkers2 - 12/11/2007 2:21:14 AM

Me too, Arky!

23147. arkymalarky - 12/11/2007 2:35:36 AM

Thanks Wonk!

23148. wabbit - 12/11/2007 2:42:06 AM

Arky, my fingers and toes are crossed, as best I can!

i3b3, I sure hope things improve for you soon. You've accomplished so much in this past year or so, I'm pulling for you to be able to reap some benefits for a while. Hang in there, and meanwhile, for whatever good we are, we're here.

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