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23135. anomie - 12/10/2007 2:42:24 AM

I'm such an impatient typist. Sorry to be so sloppy.

23136. wonkers2 - 12/10/2007 2:50:18 AM

I remember when movies cost 15 cents or a quarter at most.

23137. arkymalarky - 12/10/2007 3:12:19 AM

Thanks Anomie, and great to see you here!

I'll pass the word along to Dad!

I'm reading Obama's first book now, at Dad's recommendation. In fact, for the first time in forever I'm reading two books that I chose to read. What a wonderful feeling.

23138. anomie - 12/10/2007 3:23:13 AM

Hey W2, That was a quarter for a double feature and some cartoons, and if you wanted to stay long enough you could see em twice for the same quarter. Right?

23139. wonkers2 - 12/10/2007 4:02:36 AM

Right. And I remember the newsreels of WWII. I think it was a nickel each way on the bus and 15 cents for the movie. Hopalong Cassidy, Roy Rogers, Gene Autry. Then came the war movies--Guadalcanal Diary and the rest.

23140. iiibbb - 12/10/2007 5:45:43 AM

Thank you everyone.

It is related to the recent move, but there are complications and there are several things that are just out of my hands.

We'll see how it goes.

I have been flipping out from time to time. Trying to keep too many balls in the air.

Could be worse though.

23141. arkymalarky - 12/10/2007 6:42:47 AM

Unsolicited advice: Seek out whatever help you need to get you through it if you need to. Everyone's problems are different, I know, but I am not shy about going to my doctor and telling her when I am at the end of my rope, and there's so much to help now when the pressure's on and stress is out of your control.

23142. judithathome - 12/10/2007 9:41:12 PM

Had the day planned to go shopping and to lunch with my neighbor but woke up sick...I know better than to eat certain things but slip up now and then and had been getting away with it, thus far. Got caught last night...diverticulitis.

Ah well, I need to address Christmas cards, anyhow, and catch up on my DVR'd stuff.

Keoni and I joined the new L A Fitness that opens late next month...it's 5 minutes from the house if we hit the lights right and have moderate traffic! They have a pool!

I'm waiting to hear back from that other fitness center I joined last year to see if I can transfer my membership, which was paid in full, to my friend who lives about 10 minutes away from that facility. If not, I'll just have to eat the loss. But the savings in the cost of gas going to and from that other place (a sometimes 30- 40 minute drive each way) would make up for the fee eventually. This new facility is SO close and we can both go together after Keoni gets home from work...I foresee lots of restful sleep ahead!

23143. arkymalarky - 12/11/2007 1:27:51 AM

What a bummer.

It wasn't a fit day to be out today, but we did go to LR and plunked down $650 worth of plastic to do that procedure. If all goes well and I don't need further action like a stent, it will have been well worth it. I'll know by the end of the week.

23144. Ms. No - 12/11/2007 1:52:38 AM

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, Arx.

23145. arkymalarky - 12/11/2007 2:07:00 AM


23146. wonkers2 - 12/11/2007 2:21:14 AM

Me too, Arky!

23147. arkymalarky - 12/11/2007 2:35:36 AM

Thanks Wonk!

23148. wabbit - 12/11/2007 2:42:06 AM

Arky, my fingers and toes are crossed, as best I can!

i3b3, I sure hope things improve for you soon. You've accomplished so much in this past year or so, I'm pulling for you to be able to reap some benefits for a while. Hang in there, and meanwhile, for whatever good we are, we're here.

23149. wabbit - 12/11/2007 2:58:04 AM

Here's a tip for anyone who might find themselves in some county lockup and making their phone call. USE YOUR LAST NAME.

I've gotten two collect calls in the last hour from the Pasco County Detention Center, from someone named "Billy". Uh, Billy WHO? Sorry Billy, you're in Florida, I'm in Massachusetts, and you are shit out of luck and calling the wrong number.

At least, I sure hope you're calling the wrong number. If not, you're still shit out of luck if you aren't clever enough to not assume that anyone here has only ever known one "Billy".

btw, I checked the Detention Center website, since they are good enough to have arrest info available online in Florida. No Billy or William that I recognize. Next, I called the detention center. They have 1500 people in lock up and no way of looking for the "Billy" who may be calling here. I suggested they tell people to leave their full names rather than just a first name...just a thought.

Too late to help Billy, though.

23150. robertjayb - 12/11/2007 3:38:00 AM

Beware wabbit, of Jailhouse jungles telephone scam...

23151. wabbit - 12/11/2007 4:45:17 AM

Interesting, thanks for the heads-up, rjb. Our calls were from a recorded message, like you would expect to get from a phone company. When I called the detention center to make an inquiry, I was given an 800 number that allows me to block any further calls. Regardless, we hung up both times.

23152. arkymalarky - 12/11/2007 5:21:30 AM

Thanks Wabbit!

We have a relative who had to spend some time in the county jail--I won't bore you with the details ;-)--and my parents went to get him when his time was up. This was in a much bigger city than where we live, and when they arrived they were handed a card with a large number on it and directed to an elevator. My mother is DEATHLY afraid of elevators. They got on the elevator, and were the only two on it. The doors closed. At that point they realized there were no buttons on the elevator. Nothing. No emergency phone, no red "stop this elevator now" button. Nothing. Mother was in full panic mode and Dad was very nervous but trying to be his usual "it's ridiculous to panic." About that time the elevator door opened and another individual got on with her card that also had a large number on it. She showed them how you hold it to the ceiling, where a camera gets the number and the elevator takes you to that floor.

Talk about No Exit. Dad's an agnostic and Mother's undecided, but I can imagine them wondering what kind of dimension they'd stepped into.

23153. wabbit - 12/11/2007 4:24:26 PM

Seriously, how stupid are the people handing out the cards that they don't explain how the system works. We aren't all born with knowledge about the security features of jails. And how hard would it be to put a small poster in the elevator, or even outside the elevator door, showing folks what to do?

23154. Ms. No - 12/11/2007 6:47:56 PM

Ah, but that might take some the of scary intimidation out of the whole process, Wabbit, and then where would the fun be? I mean, if one isn't terrified of criminal detention at any moment how could we continue to run the jails --- or the country for that matter??

It's probably the biggest kick some of those folks get all day --- frightening visitors and trying to make them feel stupid. The antagonism towards presumably innocent relatives of inmates is only marginally less than the antagonism directed at the inmates themselves.

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