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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 23204 - 23223 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
23204. arkymalarky - 12/18/2007 1:22:34 AM

Thanks, and thanks for the info, Thoughtful. I feel really good about where I am and where I'm heading now. Stress relief is a huge part.

Judith, I remember that sinus infection/heart attack connection but not the details. I used to keep one much of the time, and still have recurrent problems (mostly for not being regular about my allergy shots).

23205. arkymalarky - 12/18/2007 1:27:47 AM

BTW, a great snack I discovered is All-Bran bran buds stirred into low-fat vanilla cream flavored yogurt.

23206. jexster - 12/18/2007 1:41:15 AM


23207. jexster - 12/18/2007 1:41:58 AM

    I'd rather be black than gay because when you're black you don't have to tell your mother.
    ~ Charles Pierce

23208. arkymalarky - 12/18/2007 2:08:20 AM

Don't knock it till you've tried it Boudin Man.

23209. jexster - 12/18/2007 4:10:04 AM

Hi Arky!

23210. jexster - 12/18/2007 4:16:47 AM

Eat to UR heart's content there Arky!

I got me a hankerin for some

23211. arkymalarky - 12/18/2007 4:19:58 AM

How pwecious!!!

The baby, not the boudin.

23212. jexster - 12/18/2007 4:26:44 AM

That's my pal Sam...for some reason no one can fathom, I'm a total hit with the under 6 set

I can turn a terrible two year old's shrieks to smiles in a mall at 10 paces..guaranteed

23213. arkymalarky - 12/18/2007 4:29:46 AM

Great minds and all....;->

23214. Magoseph - 12/18/2007 10:20:56 AM

Check this post from our dear David, please:
Message # 3687 in thread 164
"And Now a VERY Special Christmas Greeting."

23215. wonkers2 - 12/18/2007 6:50:58 PM

Iraq? Inner city Detroit? Columbine?

23216. jexster - 12/18/2007 8:28:06 PM

Look at all the fabulous people CLLR!

23217. arkymalarky - 12/19/2007 12:37:57 AM

Thoughtful, how's your mom?

23218. thoughtful - 12/19/2007 4:42:57 PM

Arky, thanks for asking.
She's fine so far. She's coming up today from FL. She passed her mammo and chest xray in Oct and is going for a body scan in Jan...hopefully they'll find nothing new.

We're in a wait n see mode which is not pleasant, but we have no choice, as is so often the case.

I'm not doing xmas this year though. No lights. No tree. We'll have dinner and exchange gifts, but I'm just not in a festive mood with so much of my family missing and so recently.

On top of that, hubby has a cold and now i've caught his. Feels like my nasal passages are on fire. Nice, eh?

And I'm actually on vacation, but I just spent the last hour doing year end work for work and I have more to come. So even the vacation isn't really....

I'm looking forward to a new year, because frankly 2007 sucked!

(Aren't you glad you asked???)

23219. arkymalarky - 12/20/2007 12:52:44 AM

Well, yes, I am! You've got every right to reflect on how bad this year's been for you and look forward to a new one!

I get finals done this week and start our two week breat Friday at 2:00. I didn't do anything Christmassy this year, either, because I was trying to see how all this heart test mess came out. Next year I'm going to celebrate every holiday, complete with decorations. My New Year's resolution is to claim 2008 as the year of Arky. But I'll share it with y'all! ;->

23220. arkymalarky - 12/20/2007 12:54:27 AM

And this will be your house-building year, which is very exciting. I still have such fond memories of mine, and the first year in it.

23221. iiibbb - 12/20/2007 1:16:31 AM

First, I appologize for being selfish. I have skimmed a little and know that people have their own problems right now and I sincerely hope they get better for you no matter what they are.

I am mired in my own... I am desperate for perspective, but I fear I am simply in a no-win situation and I am having a tought time with the burden of it all. What's worse is I feel guilty fro feeling burdened because in the grand scheme of things my life is a whole lot better than a lot of peoples and I really have nothing to complain about... but there are times where it's very hard to remember that.

I want to let you guys know about it, but I also feel a little weird about it. The partial anonymity I have with you guys allows me certain freedoms, but also requires a certain distance. I wonder if sharing with you is asking more than I give... I also wonder who's going to think it is no big deal.

However, some of you showed interest in my situation... and I need perspective and I need to release because I under so much pressure right now I am having major problems dealing with it at times.

Just so no one out there gets to worrying... I'm not so bad off I want to hurt anyone or myself... I'm just emotionally drained to the point that I can't buffer myself very well.

23222. iiibbb - 12/20/2007 1:16:45 AM


23223. iiibbb - 12/20/2007 1:31:06 AM

I really want to talk to some of you guys... but I am worried that someone who knows me might read this stuff...

... I need to think about this more carefully...

Sorry for the buildup... it will probably wind up being spectacularly boring.... you don't deserve the melodrama... it is just your run-of-the-mill relationship-career-communication-clusterfuck. It has taken 12 months to tie these knots and they have gotten spectacularly tight.

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