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23222. iiibbb - 12/20/2007 1:16:45 AM


23223. iiibbb - 12/20/2007 1:31:06 AM

I really want to talk to some of you guys... but I am worried that someone who knows me might read this stuff...

... I need to think about this more carefully...

Sorry for the buildup... it will probably wind up being spectacularly boring.... you don't deserve the melodrama... it is just your run-of-the-mill relationship-career-communication-clusterfuck. It has taken 12 months to tie these knots and they have gotten spectacularly tight.

23224. arkymalarky - 12/20/2007 3:08:58 AM

Hey, it's what it is to YOU that's important. When I was going through so much stress over all the rural activist work and then jumping into grad school right afterward so I'd have options if my district closed I know I probably annoyed Mote people both online and in email with my obsession. And I'd look around me at people irl I was working with who seemed to be doing so much more and being affected so much less it made me feel like a complete wienie. But they have paid their own price and we're just not all the same.

I can say this: whatever it is, you will get to the other side of it and handle whatever you take to the other side with you, good and bad. I sincerely didn't think I would, but I did. And all the time I felt like it wasn't important to others, but it was everything to me; and you can only say certain things to certain people--not that they're private, though they may be, but like you say, it's the way you get the perspectives you most need.

23225. arkymalarky - 12/20/2007 3:11:27 AM

Oh, and here's an email if you need it:


23226. wonkers2 - 12/20/2007 4:42:40 AM

Hang in there, pal!

23227. thoughtful - 12/20/2007 3:36:26 PM

IsBs, let it out. We're willing to listen and to add perspective if that will help you.

it is just your run-of-the-mill relationship-career-communication-clusterfuck

Hey, that's the stuff of life. Not easy to get through, especially without a little help from your friends. I know you had concerns about the move before you made it and it sounds like at least some of your fears have come true. We can't make decisions for you but we can help you perhaps prioritize and take a longer term view of your situation, which always helps. And perhaps we can add some new ideas or solutions which may help you fix some of the issues.

Don't feel you'll be overburdening us. Happy to help.

23228. judithathome - 12/20/2007 4:24:41 PM

Yes, it always helps to hear what others have done in similar situations...most of us here have had relationship-career-relocation problems and we could help you sort things out.

And I'm not so sure anyone who knows you would read our posts here...this is a fairly protected part of the internet. You really have to be looking for it to run across it.

23229. judithathome - 12/20/2007 4:29:57 PM

Keoni's son and his wife sent us the most gorgeous live wreath yesterday...the aroma of it is spectacular. It has balsam cedar and eucalyptus and beautiful red berries of some sort. I put it up on the front porch, right above the mailbox. It looks fabulous!

And it's the first live greenery we've had like that because Keoni is allergic to all pine, cedar, fir trees...when I opened the box (which was shipped from CostCo) I knew instantly it was "live" and told Keoni "Don't touch it!!" He said "How do you know it's real?" so I guess his sense of smell is going (ha!)...it filled the room with scent!

23230. jexster - 12/21/2007 12:51:49 AM

AC AC AC or Mago or any other alien type

A dispute has arisen for you to decide

The wine review terms such as "hint of blackberries with vanilla undertones" crap like that....are they unique to the Land of the Free and HOme of the Brave or are they used in the Jungle of Surrender Monkeys as well?

23231. judithathome - 12/21/2007 1:03:57 AM

You mean do the French use such flowery terms? I want to say "Mais oui" but will leave to Mago to answer.

23232. alistairconnor - 12/21/2007 1:26:45 AM

Certainly they are. They are, after all, technical terms founded in actual chemistry and stuff. Your semi-literate palate may not get the vanilla or the garrigue or the black truffle with a hint of fox piss, but the guys are not making shit up...

23233. jexster - 12/21/2007 1:57:55 AM

I win


23234. judithathome - 12/21/2007 2:45:01 AM

How so?

23235. jexster - 12/21/2007 2:58:11 AM

I've an asshole republican friend who grew up in Suisse came to America 30 years ago and never tires of putting down Americans, this time it was wine and spirit ads...Never say that in France

Of course, I knew otherwise and it is now authoritatively confirmed by a REAL FRENCH PERSON

Dr. John the Night Tripper
Gris Gris Man from N'awlins...circa 1970

23236. jexster - 12/21/2007 3:13:38 AM

zoo zoo mamou whichyo pigtail awun

23237. concerned - 12/22/2007 8:33:24 AM

You can post that again.

23238. concerned - 12/22/2007 8:38:00 AM

I had a very interesting (to me) experience today. At lunch I solved a 'medium' sudoku and after work a 'difficult' sudoku puzzle while I was having a couple of drinks, and then I practiced on the drums. It seems the Sudoku kept some mental facilities online while the alcohol was freeing up some inhibitions and I had the best drum practice session that I can remember. It wasn't a real lot of fun doing a 'difficult' Sudoku while I was 'under the influence', but the required concentration seems to have significantly aided my ability to create while syncopating.

23239. concerned - 12/22/2007 8:43:53 AM

Btw, any suggestions where I can score some good marijuana online? I really miss the stuff.

23240. concerned - 12/22/2007 8:57:26 AM

I can buy marijuana seeds (to grow outdoors) and may do so. For a few years, I grew marijuana indoors (for personal use only), and the weird thing was when I planted the seeds that my plants created, each generation was less robust than the generation before, until after about four generations, the damn things would hardly grow, let alone mature. I never saw a discussion of this online, and of course, I wasn't about to solicit viewpoints among acquaintances about this....

23241. concerned - 12/22/2007 9:14:28 AM

I remember several years back when I brought this kind of stuff up that some of you Lefties thought I was trying to set you up for some kind of weird bust.

Ha ha ha.

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