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23237. concerned - 12/22/2007 8:33:24 AM

You can post that again.

23238. concerned - 12/22/2007 8:38:00 AM

I had a very interesting (to me) experience today. At lunch I solved a 'medium' sudoku and after work a 'difficult' sudoku puzzle while I was having a couple of drinks, and then I practiced on the drums. It seems the Sudoku kept some mental facilities online while the alcohol was freeing up some inhibitions and I had the best drum practice session that I can remember. It wasn't a real lot of fun doing a 'difficult' Sudoku while I was 'under the influence', but the required concentration seems to have significantly aided my ability to create while syncopating.

23239. concerned - 12/22/2007 8:43:53 AM

Btw, any suggestions where I can score some good marijuana online? I really miss the stuff.

23240. concerned - 12/22/2007 8:57:26 AM

I can buy marijuana seeds (to grow outdoors) and may do so. For a few years, I grew marijuana indoors (for personal use only), and the weird thing was when I planted the seeds that my plants created, each generation was less robust than the generation before, until after about four generations, the damn things would hardly grow, let alone mature. I never saw a discussion of this online, and of course, I wasn't about to solicit viewpoints among acquaintances about this....

23241. concerned - 12/22/2007 9:14:28 AM

I remember several years back when I brought this kind of stuff up that some of you Lefties thought I was trying to set you up for some kind of weird bust.

Ha ha ha.

23242. concerned - 12/22/2007 9:16:56 AM

If I have enough smarts left at almost 53 to design competitive electronics, why shouldn't I get high if I want to?

23243. concerned - 12/22/2007 9:18:32 AM

Btw, they're getting images through that camera circuit I designed & posted a while back now.

23244. concerned - 12/22/2007 9:20:29 AM

My second design where I work, which I haven't posted here, the gigabit ethernet and USB 2.0 is proven working already less than a month after the boards arrived.

23245. wonkers2 - 12/22/2007 2:04:38 PM


23246. arkymalarky - 12/22/2007 5:41:30 PM

I see I missed a party. No fair.

23247. Wombat - 12/22/2007 7:17:25 PM

Goodness, a Bush sycophant and a stoner at the same time. I guess they were right about marijuana warping one's judgement after all...

23248. judithathome - 12/22/2007 9:55:44 PM

It's rather amusing that people Conn'd supports would throw him in prison in a heartbeat for cultivating an innocuous substance that is, literally, a weed.

23249. Wombat - 12/23/2007 5:32:23 AM

I was still doing that stuff the only time I registered as a Republican (to vote for John Anderson in the Maryland primary). I may be on to something...

23250. anomie - 12/23/2007 5:55:31 AM

Dang, I was about to reveal my real self and Concerned beat me to it. I need to either develop another self or pick a different forum, or just stay boring and insignificant.

23251. anomie - 12/23/2007 5:58:10 AM

Meanwhile, I discovered Amazon MP3 downloads, which has kept me busy for as long as I can remember names of groups and musicians... Shadows of Night, anyone?

23252. anomie - 12/23/2007 6:16:58 AM

I am a devotee of a pony she named Wildfire...

23253. anomie - 12/23/2007 6:19:47 AM

I used to hit those high notes with very little effort. Singing is a blissful thing.

23254. anomie - 12/23/2007 6:25:41 AM

I finally found a recording of something I hadn't heard in years. I make no pretense to a knowlege of classical music, but apparently it's a Bach Piano Concerto in D Minor. Three movements and I've found two of them. It seems the first part is not available for some reason.
Anyway, I became attached to it without knowing its composer. It was Bach.

23255. wonkers2 - 12/23/2007 7:27:15 AM

You have good taste in music!

23256. judithathome - 12/23/2007 4:38:39 PM

Anomie, look up my favorite modern composer (early 1900's...he died in 1911, I think, at age 37) Erik Satie. You will be amazed that someone who was literally from another century wrote those notes!

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