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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 23266 - 23286 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
23266. jexster - 12/24/2007 9:52:57 PM

Merry Crimmus to All

23267. wonkers2 - 12/24/2007 11:37:57 PM

Merry Christmas, Pelle, and a Happy New Year!

23268. ronski - 12/24/2007 11:41:50 PM

Veselé Vánoce, Frohe Weihnachten, Glaedelig Jul, Joyoeux Noel, Feliz Navidad, Buon Natale, Meli Kalikimaki, and Merry Christmas, everyone.

23269. arkymalarky - 12/24/2007 11:43:40 PM

RONSKI!!! I had just popped in, saw Wonk's name, and read your post as his.


23270. ronski - 12/24/2007 11:47:13 PM

Hi arky,

Yeah, I'm still alive.

My Mom has been living with us for a year, so it's been a bit busy around here.

23271. judithathome - 12/25/2007 12:18:06 AM

Have a great Christmas day, one and all!

23272. Magoseph - 12/25/2007 1:18:19 AM

Joyeux Noël, cher Moties!

23273. wonkers2 - 12/25/2007 1:20:40 AM

Second the motion!

23274. jexster - 12/25/2007 2:12:34 AM

RONSKI!!! I had just popped in, saw Wonk's name, and read your post as his.

Arky you should know better. Honkers doesn't celebrate Christmas, he wars against it.

Celebrates Kwanzaa ... limo lib approved holiday

23275. ronski - 12/25/2007 4:00:31 AM

Merry Christmas, jexster.

23277. wabbit - 12/25/2007 3:29:11 PM

Merry Christmas everyone!

23278. Magoseph - 12/25/2007 4:50:39 PM

23276 is deleted because I don't want to be a Scrooge anymore.

23279. Magoseph - 12/25/2007 7:25:42 PM

Joyeux Noël, cher Moties! should be:

Joyeux Noël, chers Moties!

Sorry, folks.

23280. vonKreedon - 12/26/2007 7:26:30 PM

A Happy Boxing Day to you all and best wishes for the coming year!

23281. jexster - 12/26/2007 9:48:14 PM

Back at ya VK...

You do know what TODAY is?

23282. arkymalarky - 12/26/2007 11:52:37 PM


23283. concerned - 12/27/2007 4:23:04 AM

Happy Kwanzaadon Hanumas!

23284. concerned - 12/27/2007 4:24:54 AM

It's rather amusing that people Conn'd supports would throw him in prison in a heartbeat for cultivating an innocuous substance that is, literally, a weed.

Not as bad as the Left supporting Iranian Muslim Fundamentalists....

23285. arkymalarky - 12/27/2007 4:32:54 AM

But you'd probably be sharing a cell with an Iranian Muslim Fundamentalist named Bubba.

23286. concerned - 12/27/2007 5:09:36 AM

Well, 'Bubba' would be a good deal smaller and weaker than me, so I wouldn't have much to worry about.

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