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23290. judithathome - 12/28/2007 7:08:12 PM

Gawd...I remember that ad. I think it was on our first TV, too! I definitely remember the rose in the dishwater and and her calling herself "Merm"...my dad couldn't stand her.

23291. arkymalarky - 12/28/2007 7:22:35 PM

Damn. Mose had a stomach virus last weekend and lost several pounds, too. Wonder if they're the same bug. Her past-due pregnant friend y'all met got it, as well. In fact, her whole family did. We didn't get it, but after teaching school so many years Bob and I rarely get that kind of thing any more.

23292. judithathome - 12/28/2007 10:36:06 PM

I think Leslie picked it up at work and he gave it to me....hopefully, it's the end of the line for it here. My worst fear is to hear Keoni in the bathroom, puking his guts out. We'll just have to cancel the party if he gets it.

If that's what Mose had, tell her I really feel for her.

I'm doing things around the house to get ready for the party...like getting anything that will distract Keoni the next two days from helping me clean...this means hiding stacks of stuff he would stop for and sift through for hours in order to avoid the things we HAVE to do.

Anyhow, I feel weak as all get out and have to rest between tasks...this is ridiculous!

Ask Mose if her muscles ached after the worst of it was over...mine feel like I've been working out and overdoing it. And I know I haven't been doing that....ha!

Oh, by the way...do you or Mose want a DVD of "Love, Actually"? What husbands do when wives are sick: think Amazon didn't take their order so they poke the "order now" button about 4 times and end up with four copies of the same movie.

23293. arkymalarky - 12/29/2007 10:07:13 AM

Haha! Sure!

23294. Ms. No - 12/30/2007 5:33:17 AM

Happy Holidays to you all --- sorry I missed everybody!

Baton Rouge was wonderful and we ended up driving into East Texas for Christmas Eve at my Aunt's (actually first cousin once removed, but she's always been "Aunt" to me)

Turns out it was a lucky year as nearly all the cousins were in from out of town --- even the ones who've been living in Switzerland for the past five years. The only folks missing were my brother and his family, and two of my cousins and their spouses although we did pick up their children along the way and bring them since their parents had to work.

24 people in the house. Excellent food and excellent company. We were counting up and realized that of the 24 there and six missing only 7 people in my whole family are not employed in education. Wild.

23295. wonkers2 - 12/30/2007 6:38:04 PM

Ms. No, what's your connection to Baton Rouge? I grew up and graduated from high school there. It's a great town in many ways. But when I was there it was totally segregated. I lived not far from the LSU campus and went to U-High which was a great school, much better than the supposedly good one my kids attended to in a Detroit suburb.

23296. arkymalarky - 12/30/2007 8:57:16 PM

Hey No! (I always have the urge to post "hey nonny nonny")

You were close to our house, then! Glad you had such a good family Christmas. Bob did too, getting to see all his nieces and nephews and their kids for the first time in several years. It required two get-togethers to do it, but it worked out well. We bought his mom a digital photo frame and took pictures with a 1g card. I don't know how close we came to filling it up in the two get-togethers, but she has a lot of pictures of all her grandkids and great-grandkids.

23297. Ms. No - 12/30/2007 9:25:20 PM


My step-dad was transferred there over the summer so that was "home" this Christmas. They're over in East BR Parrish. I didn't see a whole lot of the city, but we did go over to the LSU campus and visit Mike the Tiger who was kind enough to come out and preen for his fans.

The coolest thing was taking a Bayou tour. A couple of guys originally from LA went to New York and made lots of money as builders then sold everything, came back to Baton Rouge and bought up 1,600 acres of swampland as a preserve and started a non-profit educational business. They do wildlife rescue -- primarily for aligators -- and eco-education about the swamp.

They've got a pen for gators that will eventually be released back into the wild and then a 3 acre pen for gators that can't be released because they're hand-fed and are now dangerous to humans. That was really amazing since some of the gators are 40-45 years old and measure in at 15 feet long.

I got to play with baby gators, feed Dum-Dums to Mr. Boo the Nutria and put my finger in a possum's pouch. That was only creepy because people were lining up to do it and all I could think was that it seemed a little like a gang-bang. The possum didn't seem to mind, though.

It's too bad they can't make Nutria fur fashionable since they're such a nuisance and so hard on the eco-system. I figure they're not popular for their pelts for purely psychological reasons. Sure, they wouldn't be as soft as Beaver, but what is? Get some celebrity to start a fashion line with Nutria Pelts and they could boost the LA economy and thin the Nutria population down and preserve the environment.

23298. Ms. No - 12/30/2007 9:27:39 PM


Sounds like Bob and I had similar Christmases! I always feel so lucky that I have this huge family that all gets along.

23299. wonkers2 - 12/31/2007 12:21:11 AM

Tnx, Ms.No, for the explanation. I've had the impression that Jex and I are the only Louisianians. Sometime the three of us should get together in San Francisco next time I'm in town. I had an enjoyable lunch with Jex two years ago.

23300. Ms. No - 12/31/2007 6:42:51 AM

We definitely should! That would be a blast! I don't know that I count as a Louisianner, though, since it's just my folks that live there and they've only recently moved. I hadn't been since I was about 13, but I have never had a bad time there and I'm convined that there is no bad food in LA.

We did a quick trip into New Orleans on Wednesday and had lunch at the Acme and wandered around the quarter. I love it there.

23301. judithathome - 12/31/2007 7:34:39 PM

I am sick that we had to cancel our big party tomorrow...Keoni woke up yesterday with the crud I caught on Christmas and I had to call or email 50 people that the party is off.

We've decided to have one on Feb 16 (our 27th wedding anniversary is on Valentine's Day) and use up all that champagne then...

23302. wonkers2 - 12/31/2007 8:42:18 PM

Too bad, Judith.

We'll make you an honorary Louisianian, Ms. No. Although I lived there 2nd grade through high school, I never got over being called a "damn yankee" by the little girls next door shortly after I arrived. And my parents wanted me to consider our family "Nebraskan." So, only Jex is a true coon ass, Cajun, red neck Louisianian. We had a doctor participant a couple of years back who lived in Baton Rouge but I can't recall his name.

23303. arkymalarky - 1/1/2008 12:58:10 AM

Gay Cajun. That explains a lot.

What a bummer, Judith! I hope he gets over it asap.

We helped Mose move today. From now until school starts back I'm working on my stuff. She's guilting me, but I'm impervious.

23304. wonkers2 - 1/1/2008 1:10:00 AM

We take our health for granted until the problems pop up. Sometimes, lately, I feel like the "wonderful one-horse shay."

23305. wonkers2 - 1/1/2008 1:12:06 AM

Wonderful One-hoss Shay

23306. arkymalarky - 1/1/2008 3:38:57 AM

Are you having a health issue, Wonk?

Do you know the background of that poem, btw?

23307. Magoseph - 1/1/2008 4:35:35 PM

Bonne et heureuse année 2008, dear Moties!

23308. Magoseph - 1/1/2008 4:37:59 PM

Ah, merde! Here we're at it again--reposting:

Bonne et heureuse année 2008, chers Moties!

(Getting gaga, I'm afraid.)

23309. wonkers2 - 1/1/2008 4:51:37 PM

Arky, does a chicken have lips? Issue(s). I'm not inclined to discuss them online. So far all systems are functioning more or less normally. A lot of Medicare money has been wasted on MRIs, CTScans and the like. After a life of hardly missing a day of work or seeing a doctor in the past 3-4 years several issues have cropped up one after another. I've found a chiropracter's advice about back care and exercise helpful.

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