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23388. judithathome - 1/16/2008 4:44:21 PM

If they are the dress patent shoes, they might work.

We have a friend who bought some military "dress blues" patent shoes at an estate sale...he said they were the only things that made the formal evenings he has to attend as an artist (sponsored by his main patron) bearable. Trust me, the dress patents haven't changed in ages...when those bargain vintage ones fell apart, Keoni took him out to Clothing Sales (military clothing) and they bought him a new pair...he said they look exactly the same and a lot better than what some of the social mavens are wearing to those events.

You could also rent him a pair with the tux. I think the best tuxes going today look like business suits but with satin lapels and nothinf but a very beutiful solid color tie. 9He could wear a tie in the same color as your dress!)

Keoni came home yesterday with a white on white silk tie and I asked him where he would wear it...he said "I don't know yet...but isn't it beautiful?" Had to laughinly agree....

23389. thoughtful - 1/16/2008 5:04:27 PM

Perhaps your right, but we'll have to see what they look like once he polishes the mildew off of them!

23390. wonkers2 - 1/16/2008 6:03:27 PM

Nothing wrong with old, black GI dress shoes with a good spit shine. If he wore some cheery argyll socks nobody would notice the shoes!

23391. thoughtful - 1/16/2008 6:38:50 PM

argyle? maybe some socks with teddy bears! That'd be more his speed.

23392. Ms. No - 1/16/2008 6:53:09 PM

Ha! Judith, I can just hear Keoni saying that! Brought my first smile of the morning --- not bad since I slept in and have only been out of bed for about twenty minutes.

23393. alistairconnor - 1/16/2008 9:47:20 PM

Tful, it didn't make me a control freak. Just made me spend most of the following 45 years setting myself up for rejection by women. Fulfilling the prophecy, if that makes any sense...

23394. jexster - 1/16/2008 11:55:00 PM

"Glamour Puss"

New Zealand
East Coast Pinot Noir

Not bad for two buck chuck class

23395. alistairConnor - 1/17/2008 1:20:49 AM

Hmph. What vineyard? A classy Pinot Noir should come from Otago, or à la rigueur, Canterbury. Not the East Coast, where it is too easy to grow grapes. Pinot has to struggle to bring out its best, like Chardonnay. I'm not drinking any more fucking warm-climate Chardonnay. All that butter is bad for my cholesterol.

Last weekend, went to the Jura, and came across (almost literally) a rather attractive winemaker in Arbois... the Tissot house are perhaps the top dogs in the Jura. A couple of the Chardonnays put tears in my eyes and I said I'd buy some before asking the price... then decided it would be unmanly to back down despite the 15 euros a bottle. Technically out of my price range but what the hell. These people are such snobs, the wine is organic but it doesn't say so on the label. No sulphur, we were drunk as lords Saturday night and fresh as daisies on Sunday.

23396. jexster - 1/17/2008 3:02:37 AM

Ain't no "vineyard"

Bottled for American Wine Distributors
at Huapai, NZ

Like I said. ...1.99 a bottle

23397. thoughtful - 1/17/2008 11:33:04 PM

So i went to the dept store at lunch and tried on a gown. I have no idea why it is, but every time I go to buy a dress for years and years the one that always looks best is navy!

Anyway, it looked terrific on me...it looked like a top and a skirt, though it was one piece. The top was very fitted in a navy with a little sparkle design in the fabric (chic and pretty, not cheap and glitzy) and came down to the top of the hips. The solid navy skirt was out of a satin-like fabric and fell in a nice a-line to the floor from there. It was even the right length so I wouldn't need to shorten it like I usually do. The top had a deeply rounded neck around which a pleated satin collar maybe 7" deep was overlayed that matched the skirt. Though it gave the impression of being off the shoulder, even my regular bra didn't show under it. It was quite nice, tasteful and very flattering. Gave me a beautiful decolletage. It wasn't on sale, but it wasn't as expensive as the others and I had a coupon.

But I didn't buy it. They had several there and I figure I can wait til I come back from vacation if I think I need it. But it was so similar to the dress I already have and I really think the tea length is so graceful vs the full length that I'm tempted to stick with what I have. I know that no one else will have one like it! Besides, if I bought the dress, I'd lose the excuse to go shopping with my mother!

Maybe I'll drag hubby's butt to the store and have him help me decide...

23398. wonkers2 - 1/18/2008 12:34:29 AM

In my experience women waste an incredible amount of time shopping, making up their minds, buying and then returning what they bought.

23399. alistairConnor - 1/18/2008 12:39:23 AM

what do you mean "waste", Wonk? That's the whole point...

I spent last weekend being a walking wallet in the January sales, for my two daughters. I was glad to see them having fun, but I was bored stiff. Didn't dare to buy anything for myself, apart from socks and underwear, because my sartorial advisor was not with us.

23400. arkymalarky - 1/18/2008 1:03:24 AM

I'm not a shopper. I see it, I like it, I buy it, I'm done. Bob is much more of a shopper than I am, and he wears me out. I much prefer not to shop for clothes with him. And I can pick out stuff he likes as I walk by a sales rack, when he spends hours trying on, considering purchases, etc.

But I do love January clearance sales, at least in principle. I just don't have the endurance to last long, especially driving from store to store. I like to shop when I can walk leisurely among small stores, like downtown or a quiet mall.

My SIL's family meets in the center of a mall the day after Thanksgiving as soon as the doors open (she gets up at 4:00am that day). They stand in a circle with their hands in the center and yell "ONE TWO THREE, SHOP!" before they scatter like roaches for the entire day, hitting several towns and countless stores.

23401. arkymalarky - 1/18/2008 1:04:27 AM

And Mose and I cannot shop together. I can shop with my mom, but she doesn't like to shop. She knows what she wants and goes and gets it. She does't browse much.

23402. judithathome - 1/18/2008 1:24:26 AM

Arky, you and I shop well together, I think...if you waver, I urge you to go ahead and get it. Even a broke foot won't stop me from my appointed rounds and encouraging you to get what you show an interest in!

Thoughtful, I still think you shoud go with the dress you have...remember Thoreau: beware any enterprise requiring new clothes.

23403. arkymalarky - 1/18/2008 1:53:30 AM

I think so too. i wear the stuff I bought in Ft. Worth a lot--and I'm wearing a pair of the pants you sent me right now. When I went wasn't a good time money-wise (I can't remember why, now), but you helped me find some really good bargains and I was badly in need of some non-dress, non-jeans school clothes.

23404. thoughtful - 1/18/2008 3:30:07 AM

As wonks requested, a pic of me in my tea length dress

Not bad considering it was the first dress I'd made for myself in about 15 years. Sort of like riding a bicycle.

The stole is made from the same fabric as the dress skirt only it's flipped inside out... the fabric is matte on one side, satiny on the other.

23405. thoughtful - 1/18/2008 3:33:16 AM

Ac is right. It's like a hunt...the thrill is in the chase, though it never hurts to bag some good game.

I dragged hubby to the outlets after xmas and I did really well. Liz Claiborne wool-blend lined jacket with patch pockets and a self belt in the back...fits me like a glove and it was only $25! I bought two other jackets (work clothes is my excuse) and shoes and tops. One top was originally $70 and I got it for $7. Wahoo!

23406. thoughtful - 1/18/2008 3:41:52 AM

One of my favorite memories of me and Mom is when we decided to spend the day shopping in Fall River. Back then it was the place to go for genuine outlets. You'd climb the back stairs of a building and go in a small room with clothing in it...beyond was a door open to the factory floor with all the little old portugese ladies sewing away.

Anyway, we were having a grand time, buying bargains galore, and realized we weren't going to finish in one day. So we bought some sleepwear and supplies and headed for a motel to spend the night. Got up the next day and headed back to the outlets. Well it was getting on 8pm that night and still had several hours to drive before we got home. We stopped at one last store on our way to the Braga bridge. A woman overheard us saying we wished we had more time to shop. The woman said, "Why don't you stay overnight and come back in the morning?" We both laughed and told her we couldn't as we did that last night!

23407. thoughtful - 1/18/2008 3:52:02 AM

That also reminds me of that hotel we stayed in. Believe me, even back then Fall River was no hot shot locale. The motel walls were very thin. We were already in bed and asleep when the couple in the room next door came in rather noisily, washed up, went to bed and proceeded to have sex. At least it didn't take them very long. Two minutes max. I remember thinking to myself that that poor gal was nothing but a spitoon. He was done before she even had time to warm up, but then again, maybe that's how she wanted it...over quick so she could get to sleep.

I was so embarrassed I thought I'd die and was just hoping that mother was still asleep. Naturally, mother is a light sleeper. We're both laying there wondering if the other is asleep when Mom said, "Phew! Glad that's over with." We both burst out laughing and I told Mom I think we need a cigarette!

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