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23430. judithathome - 1/20/2008 5:18:17 PM

Spent Friday night at the ER for 4 hours. Keoni came home from work with a huge swelling in his lower abdomen on the lower left side...I thought it was a hernia or something. He had a fever of 102.

So he was seen by a doctor finally and they didn't take blood or get a urine sample, just gave him Tylenol and a massive shot of antibiotic and said go see your doctor on Monday. Oh, they also gave him 2 prescriptions.

He feels better today...I ran out and bought the makings for Miso soup and I think that has improved him more than what they did at the ER!. I think it's a lymph node that is swollen and that he has some sort of infection in his "plumbing". Anyhow, eventful weekend.

Hey, Webbie! I'd have joined you in a second...that prude parent is probably mainlining valium even as she chides you for a short tipple. Those types are always the sort that do...and expect you to feel guilt.

You should work in a nice little aside about her breakdown later in the book...heh.

23431. jexster - 1/20/2008 6:14:48 PM

Don't give me that shit about Toyotas you Honking plutocrat!

I was watching First 48..TWO Detroit homicides....One of the DETROIT POLICE CARS - A NISSAN ALTIMA!!!!!!!!

23432. arkymalarky - 1/20/2008 6:19:22 PM

I hope Keoni gets that resolved asap. ER's are such a crapshoot. My grandmother had a severe reaction to an antibiotic and the ER doctor told her it was "nerves."

23433. jexster - 1/20/2008 6:44:24 PM

I went twice to an ER

First time so in extremis that they wheeled me right into the Code Blue room...

The second time 105 fever and infection on my fucking spine, I lay on my back for 18 hours while they looked for a room and dripped morphine..

Seen both sides..SFGH though has one of the top ER's

23434. wonkers2 - 1/20/2008 7:24:11 PM

Emergency rooms are among the most disorganized operations I've ever seen. They need a good Japanese management consultant.

23435. jexster - 1/20/2008 7:26:43 PM

That's why they're called EMERGENCY rooms


Funny isn't it that a pastured US auto manager would recommend the JAPS!

As David would say "'nuff said"

23436. judithathome - 1/21/2008 5:33:17 PM

Keoni went to work this morning and sees the doctor this afternoon. He couldn't find his wallet and acted like a spoiled child. Not good at being sick, obviously.

23437. arkymalarky - 1/21/2008 6:12:05 PM

Let us know how it goes, Judith.

Our little hospital is excellent, and their ER care is, as well, but it's the doctors that get me. You absolutely don't have a clue who you're going to get, and they're not from here. Bob and I each on separate occasions had doctors who were so excellent we asked about their private practices. Both happened to be from Little Rock.

23438. alistairconnor - 1/21/2008 6:39:19 PM

When you said your ER doctors were "not from here", I thought you meant foreigners... this is pretty much uniformly the case here : French doctors won't work in ER for the crappy wages and endless hours on offer.

23439. arkymalarky - 1/21/2008 6:57:21 PM

Hey, LR is as foreign as it gets. They're required to by being in that huge network of Baptist Medical.

My cardiologist was born in Bangladesh, though.

23440. arkymalarky - 1/21/2008 7:03:53 PM

IOW, all doctors in that network have to work some amount of time in that network's ERs. It's probably a good system all around, because everyone does their share and no one gets burned out, but there are so many doctors in the network and they're such a mix of the good, the bad, and the ugly, that it's a grab bag if you go there.

23441. judithathome - 1/21/2008 7:59:07 PM

Same here...and I'm not too confident in their abilities. Twice my son has gone to this very ER and been sent home by them with an incorrct diagnosis...once they said he had a pulled muscle in his leg and it turned out to be vascular blockage resulting in him almost losing his leg (!) and another time they said he had migraine...which 12 hours later turned out to be a stroke.

So I have no confidence that what they did for Keoni was any better but it's where our insurance pays to go so....I'll feel better after he sees our doctor this afternoon. That swelling in his lower abdomen hasn't reduced in size at all...even WITH all his high dollar antibiotics.

23442. wonkers2 - 1/21/2008 9:15:58 PM

Time for one of the least enjoyable procedures--a colonoscopy?

23443. webfeet - 1/22/2008 2:06:16 AM

One word, Judith: yogurt. And maybe garlic if its healing powers aren't too odious for your husband, or for you.

And maybe Calvados, come to think of it. Peel and core two apples, put a dollop of butter and light brown sugar in the cavity and splash with calvados and a little lemon juice. Then bake for 50 min at 350. Remove the apples, let them sit for a bit, and pour the juices into a saucepan. Add some cream, let bubble then pour over the apples. That should cure him.

23444. arkymalarky - 1/22/2008 4:52:26 AM

Judith? Y'all okay?

23445. arkymalarky - 1/22/2008 5:45:59 AM

I'm out for the evening, but I hope Keoni's okay. I emailed Judith too and haven't heard anything back.

23446. judithathome - 1/22/2008 9:10:19 AM

Webs, we've been eating yogurt (with active cukltures) since Christmas...the good sort, not the flavored ones that taste like a dessert.

Keoni went to the doc today and learned his malady was caused by an mild infection run wild due to a weakened-by-the-holiday-crud immune system. He should be over this latest thing by the weekend with the help of the antibiotics he was given in the ER visit.

23447. judithathome - 1/22/2008 9:11:56 AM

Arky, I wrote you back...did you not receive it?

23448. arkymalarky - 1/23/2008 5:02:43 AM

I got it today, but I was at work all day and had to work a ballgame tonight.

23449. wonkers2 - 1/23/2008 5:44:35 AM

That's good news, Judith.

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