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23474. Ms. No - 1/29/2008 2:29:58 AM

I think they're a lot of fun, but I'm a weirdo in more ways than one. I tend to score right down the middle with little variation to either side, and depending on what day I take the test I've scored both I and E, N and S, T and F, and P and J. I'm either wishy-washy or freakishly versatile.

Or it could just be that I'm crazy.

23475. wonkers2 - 1/29/2008 3:15:30 AM

The one that said I should become a CPA was not Meyers-Briggs but the ancient Kuder (Cooter, Cootie?) Preference test. I've taken Meyers-Briggs more than once, but I don't remember the results. Whatever they were I ignored them. That's probably why I'm whiling away my life on the Mote and HubPages.com instead of doing something constructive.

23476. judithathome - 1/29/2008 5:29:22 PM

Maybe that's the basis of my "hostility" toward them: I never worked!

23477. arkymalarky - 1/29/2008 6:00:58 PM

Finally have my appointment with the cardiologist today. Bob's going with me to remember what he says.

23478. Ms. No - 1/29/2008 6:26:35 PM

Ah, Bob, beloved notepad. ;->

23479. iiibbb - 1/29/2008 6:38:40 PM

Message # 23476

With that attitude... who would hire you :)

23480. judithathome - 1/30/2008 12:06:48 AM

I'm curious to know what you think is so wrong with my attitude. I know you added a smiley face and so will I...see? ;-) but I don't understand what provoked you into thinking I am outwardly hostile simply because of my remark before. Arky explained exactly why I felt that way and while you might have missed the CalGal/Briggs-Meyers years here on the Mote, they had an effect on me that wasn't all that pleasant and have caused shudders to erupt in me each time I see groupings of letters like the ones you posted. (insert another smiley face here, because I'm really trying to be humorous)

You don't seem to think Arky is hostile...just wondering why I'm being labelled so?

I never worked not because no one would hire me but because I never needed to. No one balked at hiring me, I just chose to be a stay-at-home mother and got rather used to being idle. ;-) Cue the hordes of SAHMs who work their asses off and will say so!

23481. wonkers2 - 1/30/2008 12:46:04 AM

Whatever happened to CalGal, the Wicked Witch of the West? I once called her "My Last Duchess," and she accused me of threatening to kill her, as I recall.

23482. iiibbb - 1/30/2008 3:24:13 AM

Message # 23480

Perhaps because it was a one-sentence reply (in particular the "BS" and "on-and-on") in which I don't have the benefit of your inflection or knowing your past whatever it was with CalGal.

In fact your admit in this post that you have bad memory about whatever conversation that was... well it shows.

Whatever. I personally think it's interesting and gives me a few insights about why I behave the way I do in certain circumstances... I don't know how you could use it to decide what job is right for you. I look at it more from the social side of things.

23483. David Ehrenstein - 1/30/2008 3:26:55 AM

23484. Ms. No - 1/30/2008 8:27:50 AM


She runs her own site -- The Perfect World -- where a lot of former Fraygrants and Moties congregate as well as refugees from Salon's Table Talk and the like. It's a big, active place with regulars you'd know. There used to be a Mote thread there --may still be-- where you could look for folks.

23485. Ms. No - 1/30/2008 8:30:17 AM

Well, thanks for that vision of lovliness, David! I'm sure to have sweet dreams this evening.

23486. psychprof - 1/30/2008 2:16:19 PM

'' I don't know how you could use it to decide what job is right for you. I look at it more from the social side of things."

MB is commonly used in association with careers.


23487. judithathome - 1/30/2008 6:07:08 PM

There used to be a Mote thread there --may still be-- where you could look for folks.

Yeah...or you could see what she and others were saying about us, since that's about all that thread was originally for. I wonder if they are still predicting the Mote's weekely demise? Ha!

23488. judithathome - 1/30/2008 6:09:39 PM

IIIBBB, my memory may be faulty but I do recall giving you words of support on the few times when you were willing to share some stuff with us and I was just surprised that you reacted to me the way you did/are doing, that's all.

I guess my joke fell flat and I will bow out of this whatever it is now...

23489. alistairconnor - 1/30/2008 6:32:47 PM

Oh well. Probably iii and Judith will never go on holiday together, as they say... Myers-Briggs incompatibility.

I once called her "My Last Duchess," and she accused me of threatening to kill her, as I recall.

That's about par for the course. Did she press charges?

23490. Magoseph - 1/30/2008 9:38:30 PM

Wabbit, would you try to find out how our WizardOfWhimsy is, please--I can't stop worrying about him.

23491. wabbit - 1/31/2008 2:40:47 AM

Email sent, mags.

23492. iiibbb - 1/31/2008 2:57:07 AM

Message # 23488

The words of support were much appreciated too.

Let us not have a disagreement. The deficiency of the internet is that the way we say it in our head when we type it on the screen is not the way it may be read. Obviously I misunderstood and only replied to your message asking why I interpreted it the way I did to explain why it was read that way.

I honestly don't want you to feel bad about it. An obvious misunderstanding. I apologize if I have offended you.

23493. Magoseph - 1/31/2008 3:30:50 AM

Thank you, wabbit.

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