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23535. David Ehrenstein - 2/2/2008 6:55:16 AM

Latest FaBlog: My Romance

23536. arkymalarky - 2/2/2008 7:07:41 AM

His partner is very good looking.

23537. iiibbb - 2/2/2008 6:04:17 PM

Message # 23519

I have two editions of Joy of Cooking. I agree that it's a good one. And one that I can recommend to those who are less enthralled by cooking is the Better Homes New Cook Book which has a full range of recipes that are really simple to follow and hard to mess up.

23538. iiibbb - 2/2/2008 6:04:50 PM

I don't use it so much anymore, but their apple bread recipe is really good.

23539. judithathome - 2/2/2008 7:23:31 PM

Anomie, I haven't noticed Bourdain's dissing of other chefs so much...this show I'm talking about is a travel show where he goes all over the world and eats in local places. He doesn't cook in this one, just shows some really interesting places to eat.

He did make fun of Rachel Ray in the Charleston episode and he groused about one chef's french fries in the Las Vagas episode but only because he admitted the guy's fries were better than his own.

He may have mellowed since you last watched...you should give the show and Anthony another chance. It really IS a fascinating look at cuisine we seldom get to hear about. I mean, in Indonesia, he went upriver to a "lost tribe" village and ate stuff I'd never even known existed much less seen.

23540. anomie - 2/2/2008 10:15:52 PM

Yes, that's the show I'm talking about. And it's a show I would like to enjoy more. I like the format. The only part I don't like is the holier than thou attitude of the host. If he doesn't like celebrity chefs and TV presenters, and if he thinks he's above it all, then why is he hosting a show at all? But I don't think he really feels all that superior. I think he's just insecure about whether he's up to par with the others and his ostentatious displays of disdain for their success comes from, as I said, sour grapes in case his show doesn't do well.

23541. anomie - 2/2/2008 10:17:36 PM

And that's all the free psychoanalysis I offer today. Ha!

23542. arkymalarky - 2/3/2008 2:07:29 AM

That new channel on Dish I was talking about a while back, Veria, has a travel/food program called "Under the Sun" in which a young man travels to a variety of locations looking mostly in rural areas and farmers' markets, and other stores and businesses that use organic, local foods and herbs, remedies, etc. It's on now, and he's in India at an organic grain business.

23543. resonance - 2/3/2008 6:13:23 PM

I watched some of the Bourdain show yesterday -- the episode where he's in Crete. And he seemed fine to me. A lil' arch here and there but it's obviously part of a schtick -- the program focuses on it and the direction clearly accentuates it. Much more than a 'Bourdain thinks you all suck' vibe, though, there was this 'Haha, Bourdain is such an acerbic motherfucker, isn't he! Next, we're going to make him eat some goat testicles!' thing present in the production.

There's a lot of shit he has to eat on this show, like live cobra hearts and raw grape moonshine and various innards, that don't appeal to me at all -- I'd be a lil' fuckin' sour if I had to eat them too. But it's clear the man knows his food.

23544. judithathome - 2/3/2008 8:29:48 PM

Well, Anomie, we'll have to disagree because I don't think he feels inferior in the least and there's really no reason he should.

As Res points out, a lot of that is "for the show" and he certainly does have to endure a LOT of nasty and retch-inducing looking stuff.

I can't recall where it was but but he drank some vile "moonshine" made from weasel stomachs or some such and I, myself, sitting safely at home, nearly threw up just watching him drink that stuff.

23545. judithathome - 2/3/2008 8:30:38 PM

Arky, I finally located that channel and sure enough, it's "for pay" with my service.

23546. arkymalarky - 2/3/2008 9:11:17 PM

I saw on a commercial it's $2.99 a month, but I'm getting it free, for some reason. I guess it's a different package.

23547. anomie - 2/3/2008 10:02:40 PM

Judith: It's a deal.

He is a brave soul for trying some of that stuff, but he's not the only one. There's that Zimmerman guy, and another one I can't remember. One of the Globetrekker gals drank raw snake blood. Another ate an insect. Gross out stuff is all the rage these days.

23548. Jenerator - 2/3/2008 10:03:13 PM

I love Nigella, and I bet Resonance would too, if I didn't love her.

As for Ina Garten, I have one cookbook of hers and it's good. She is like Paula Deen - both have a tremendous amount of catering experience and both are extremely rich.

23549. Jenerator - 2/3/2008 10:04:03 PM

I love wabbit's critique of Ina Garten from 6+ years ago. We were both admirers of hers, but her nervous, incessant laugh was annoying.

23550. Jenerator - 2/3/2008 10:07:01 PM

Bourdain says that the worst meal he ever ate was in Namibia. Wild boar anus, with feces pushed out in front of him, and 'cooked' and covered in hot ash sans seasoning.


23551. Jenerator - 2/3/2008 10:10:20 PM

I think what has happened to Bourdain is probably what happens to other chefs. They get so used to what's commonly eaten in the various regions of the world, that they then have to eat the unsual, to find something interesting. It seems that a lot of chefs start going the route of preferring offals because the other cuts just don't excite them anymore.

Why eat a perfect prime rib when you can eat fermented testicles and deconstructed, frozen pesto made from the rare kii chi kii chi tree.

23552. alistairConnor - 2/3/2008 11:23:03 PM

I hope Bourdain goes to New Zealand and has to eat kaanga pirau.

It's the closest thing to actual shit that people eat.

23553. arkymalarky - 2/3/2008 11:33:21 PM

Wabbit posted in Sports that her mother was in a bad car accident.

23554. anomie - 2/4/2008 2:38:37 AM

I saw that. Hope for the best...

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