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23544. judithathome - 2/3/2008 8:29:48 PM

Well, Anomie, we'll have to disagree because I don't think he feels inferior in the least and there's really no reason he should.

As Res points out, a lot of that is "for the show" and he certainly does have to endure a LOT of nasty and retch-inducing looking stuff.

I can't recall where it was but but he drank some vile "moonshine" made from weasel stomachs or some such and I, myself, sitting safely at home, nearly threw up just watching him drink that stuff.

23545. judithathome - 2/3/2008 8:30:38 PM

Arky, I finally located that channel and sure enough, it's "for pay" with my service.

23546. arkymalarky - 2/3/2008 9:11:17 PM

I saw on a commercial it's $2.99 a month, but I'm getting it free, for some reason. I guess it's a different package.

23547. anomie - 2/3/2008 10:02:40 PM

Judith: It's a deal.

He is a brave soul for trying some of that stuff, but he's not the only one. There's that Zimmerman guy, and another one I can't remember. One of the Globetrekker gals drank raw snake blood. Another ate an insect. Gross out stuff is all the rage these days.

23548. Jenerator - 2/3/2008 10:03:13 PM

I love Nigella, and I bet Resonance would too, if I didn't love her.

As for Ina Garten, I have one cookbook of hers and it's good. She is like Paula Deen - both have a tremendous amount of catering experience and both are extremely rich.

23549. Jenerator - 2/3/2008 10:04:03 PM

I love wabbit's critique of Ina Garten from 6+ years ago. We were both admirers of hers, but her nervous, incessant laugh was annoying.

23550. Jenerator - 2/3/2008 10:07:01 PM

Bourdain says that the worst meal he ever ate was in Namibia. Wild boar anus, with feces pushed out in front of him, and 'cooked' and covered in hot ash sans seasoning.


23551. Jenerator - 2/3/2008 10:10:20 PM

I think what has happened to Bourdain is probably what happens to other chefs. They get so used to what's commonly eaten in the various regions of the world, that they then have to eat the unsual, to find something interesting. It seems that a lot of chefs start going the route of preferring offals because the other cuts just don't excite them anymore.

Why eat a perfect prime rib when you can eat fermented testicles and deconstructed, frozen pesto made from the rare kii chi kii chi tree.

23552. alistairConnor - 2/3/2008 11:23:03 PM

I hope Bourdain goes to New Zealand and has to eat kaanga pirau.

It's the closest thing to actual shit that people eat.

23553. arkymalarky - 2/3/2008 11:33:21 PM

Wabbit posted in Sports that her mother was in a bad car accident.

23554. anomie - 2/4/2008 2:38:37 AM

I saw that. Hope for the best...

23555. anomie - 2/4/2008 2:41:18 AM

Googling Bourdain and "sour grapes", shows I'm not alone in my opinion. But I'm clearly outnumbered here.

23556. anomie - 2/4/2008 3:03:32 AM

At least the food channel is about food. The so-called Travel Channel is the one that needs a complete revamp so that maybe it can be about travel.

23557. Ms. No - 2/4/2008 4:33:43 AM

Out of pocket for a few days --- I'm providing home care for a friend's mom who just had knee replacement surgery. I'll have stories to tell when I get back for sure!

23558. Magoseph - 2/4/2008 1:58:52 PM

Sleet, slush, snow flurries, and a storm in the making here--I will not watch TV today and tomorrow, I swear!

Good morning, Moties--please go and admire Mme Sarkozy in International.

23559. Magoseph - 2/4/2008 2:06:00 PM

Here's one for you Cap'n.

23560. wonkers2 - 2/4/2008 3:43:09 PM

For some reason she reminds me of Carla Bruni! Sarkozy weds Carla Bruni

23561. Magoseph - 2/4/2008 3:59:44 PM

She IS Carla Bruni, now Mme Sargozy--Wonks--are you mocking me?

23562. judithathome - 2/4/2008 6:38:02 PM

No, Mags...there's an actress with the same name.

23563. judithathome - 2/4/2008 6:41:05 PM

Anomie, Bourdain's show IS about travel...many, many people consider a big part of the travel experience to be about the food.

Jen, I think "what happened" with Bourdain is that he was offered money to travel to an unlimited number of places, with all travle details taken care of for him, and as a bonus, he gets paid to do it. Who wouldn't jump at THAT?

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