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23569. anomie - 2/5/2008 11:52:17 PM

I caught Bourdain's show about New Orleans last. He was okay. He seems to have mellowed or matured. He did a face to face with Emeril over some downhome cooking. Kudos to Emeril for taking care of displaced restaurant employees after the hurricane.

23570. judithathome - 2/6/2008 12:39:43 AM

Here's a cool way to see who you'd most like to live near, anyhow: Which candidate's house do you like best?

You need to register to play but there's no need....just pick the one you like and scroll down to see whose it is.

23571. judithathome - 2/6/2008 12:41:12 AM

Anomie, I have 3 Bourdain shows in the DVR...have to find time when Keoni and I can both watch them together. The NO is one of them.

23572. arkymalarky - 2/6/2008 1:34:32 AM

Wicked weather here in AR.

23573. Jenerator - 2/6/2008 2:32:45 AM

That's interesting about Bourdain featuring Emeril. Bourdain wasn't a fan of his and referred to him as a furry tv chef.

23574. anomie - 2/6/2008 3:27:21 AM

Bourdain was an insecure butthead. Now that he's made it as part of the TV crowd and feels like a peer I don't think he'll be bad-mouthing his fellow chef/cook/presenters so much. And he'll be much easier to watch because of it.

I can't find his blog where he bashed the food channel folks, so he must have had the wisdom to take it down.

Bourdain is a strange character. Borderline jerk.

23575. arkymalarky - 2/6/2008 6:04:25 AM

5 people killed in AR. I'm sure he's fine, but can't get ahold of my brother. Several tornadoes hit in his area.

23576. arkymalarky - 2/6/2008 6:08:13 AM

Make that 7.

23577. anomie - 2/6/2008 6:08:18 AM

Good lord! The crazies! Is this a weather thing or a murder binge?

23578. arkymalarky - 2/6/2008 6:14:14 AM

Haha! Weather! It's moved across the country and it's in TN now.

23579. Jenerator - 2/6/2008 2:26:30 PM

That's terrible, Arky!

I was sitting in a meeting yesterday, at 1:15 and it was sunny. I watched as the dark clouds filled the sky and poured rain and hail. Within 20 minutes, the severe storm left and the sky was sunny again. All of us were amazed - it was a fast mover.

23580. arkymalarky - 2/6/2008 5:55:21 PM

It was like that. Here, Jen, but north of here the system was much wider, for some reason. Mom heard from Bro this morning, though. It devastated parts of his area.

23581. judithathome - 2/6/2008 7:07:05 PM

I think the tornadoes were sent by God to punish those who voted for Hillary. (channeling Jerry Falwell)

23582. thoughtful - 2/7/2008 4:16:56 PM

Wahoo! The thoughtful's have finally gotten their building permit!

We met with the project manager last night and I told him he can start in the spring. When's spring? My mother always defined it as when all the ice was off the pond. We estimate about the end of March.


Our architect told us we are his longest clients...we've only been at it for over 6 years!

23583. thoughtful - 2/7/2008 4:19:25 PM

We put our application in for the bldg permit in the end of Oct. Can you imagine? And we'd already been through zoning and wetlands and gotten approval.

The town we're building in is the definition of dysfunctional!

23584. judithathome - 2/7/2008 4:24:16 PM

At least you know what you're getting into!

We'll be expecting pictorial progress reports, you know.

23585. arkymalarky - 2/7/2008 5:24:06 PM

Congratulations, Thoughtful! How exciting!

23586. alistairconnor - 2/7/2008 5:29:50 PM

Oh excellent!
I want to see the plans!

23587. thoughtful - 2/7/2008 6:15:29 PM

I'll be happily taking pictures to capture the progress. Our bldg guy tells us the excavators they will be using for our foundation are enormous. We're going to have one giant hole in the ground as the house is a ranch style but with a full walk-out basement. Finished height of the ceiling in the basement will be 8' so that means the foundation walls will be 10' high with another 4' down for the footings. Yow!

23588. thoughtful - 2/7/2008 6:18:09 PM

I probably posted these before, but to give you an idea of the layout, the house pictured here is gone. The front of the new house will be about where those bushes are on the side of the house by the old door between the windows. The barn in the distance is staying. The two maples on the right are dead and will be going, hopefully soon. The town won't take the one on the left tho it's on its last legs.

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