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23633. alistairconnor - 2/15/2008 11:27:22 AM

Congratulations Nyetskaya... Makes a change from Jex's Virginia Monologues in the politics thread...

23634. arkymalarky - 2/15/2008 5:25:38 PM

Congrats, No!

I have a four day weekend. Bob has a three day weekend. Heh.

23635. arkymalarky - 2/15/2008 5:26:15 PM

But he gets out a week earlier than I do at the end of the year.

23636. wonkers2 - 2/15/2008 5:28:57 PM

Apparently Jane Fonda used a no-no slang word on the Today Show? yesterday when discussing the "Vagina Monologues." My morning paper failed to provide a clue as to what descriptive term she used. The network and Fonda later apologized. The paper speculated over whether the network would be fined by the FTC.

23637. arkymalarky - 2/15/2008 5:34:40 PM

Starts with a "c" and ends with a "t" and matches the acronymn of a tasteless anti-Hillary group.

23638. judithathome - 2/15/2008 6:00:09 PM

Well, Magos was right! After all my complaining and rationalizing yesterday, the lad came through. He knows me too well and explained last night that he knew I'd see a credit card bill before "the big day" so he put the gift on layaway and picked it up yesterday before he headed home. I saw the receipt and that is indeed what he had done...ha!

He also knows me well, despite his protestations, in what he bought me...a beautiful necklace of lemon agate flat beads and a jet black pendant hanging from it. It's very unusual and feels wonderful against my skin.

We went to a village meeting about natural gas drilling and then on to SONIC for a romantic dinner for two. Those caramel apple bites they are advertising now are vile.

23639. arkymalarky - 2/15/2008 6:52:00 PM

Good for you, Judith!

I'm glad you tried the caramel apple bites first, because I love the cheesecake bites and was anxious to try the apple ones.

23640. wonkers2 - 2/16/2008 4:14:57 AM

Thanks, Arky.

23641. Jenerator - 2/17/2008 8:15:31 PM

If you want an awesome fast food dessert, try the Taco Bueno cheesecake chimichangas.

A colleague of mine brought them in for us to try and they were really delectable.

That's quite a feat given that Taco Bueno makes me sick.

23642. arkymalarky - 2/17/2008 8:22:00 PM

We don't have Taco Buenos here, that I know of. Mose loves some kind of apple thing Taco Bell does, but I've never tried them.

23643. Jenerator - 2/18/2008 2:22:57 AM

I'm tellin' ya, once you try the chimichangas, you'll be hooked.


23644. David Ehrenstein - 2/18/2008 6:03:17 PM

February 18, 1947: I am born.

23645. anomie - 2/18/2008 6:58:44 PM

And a good thing it is too. Happy Birthday!

23646. robertjayb - 2/18/2008 7:14:51 PM

23647. arkymalarky - 2/18/2008 7:15:11 PM

Oooh! Happy Birthday David! (that would be Ehrenstein, not Copperfield)

23648. David Ehrenstein - 2/18/2008 8:20:27 PM


Meanwhile. . .

Remembering Lawrence King

23649. Magoseph - 2/19/2008 12:53:30 AM

Bon anniversaire, David.

23650. Jenerator - 2/19/2008 5:23:10 AM

Happy Birthday, CellarDoor!

You are 4 months older than my mom.

1947 was a great year!

23651. alistairconnor - 2/19/2008 10:48:13 AM

Tous mes voeux David.

Ah and give our regards to your dear mother, Jen... I'm sure we'd be delighted if she paid us a visit.

23652. marjoribanks - 2/19/2008 6:18:09 PM

Happy Birthday, David, Cllrdr.

It is a great pleasure to see your name here, and to read your posts after many years.

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