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24119. alistairconnor - 5/30/2008 12:43:15 PM


The road movie starts here. I'm taking the girlfriend's son (whom I refer to as my stepson, which is not technically true) to see his father in Barcelona.

I've been pushing for this for a couple of months. He has never seen his son, nor expressed any interest in him. Ever. But now, he's prepared to see him, have him stay for a while.

This is precipitated by a crisis between the boy and his mother. I have to get him out of the apartment in any case.

And I have to abandon my daughters for the weekend. I need to be careful about that.

24120. alistairconnor - 5/30/2008 12:43:56 PM

If I get opportunities, I will post on this subject over the weekend. As a debrief and reality check.

24121. arkymalarky - 5/30/2008 3:50:27 PM

Sounds sticky. Good luck.

24122. anomie - 5/30/2008 5:00:57 PM

Yeah, AC. Sounds stick and tricky. I hope your girlfriend appreciates it.

24123. alistairConnor - 5/30/2008 9:30:38 PM

Oh, girlfriend appreciates it. When things get tough she tells me I should get out, protect myself, protect my kids. I tell her I'm sticking to her, she's stuck with me.

We didn't go to Barcelona. He chickened out, said he's not ready to meet his father. I wonder if he ever will be. I spent a fairly torrid afternoon trying not to hit the little prick (and succeeding).

24124. anomie - 5/31/2008 1:33:25 AM

Oh, and be careful pleasing the girlfriend too. My stepfather role was clouded by trying to please the wife/mother. She convinced me that a strong male spanking would do the trick. I never spanked my own kids, and I wish I'd never spanked hers.

24125. alistairconnor - 5/31/2008 1:18:57 PM

Thanks, Anomie, for those wise words. I'm even more glad today that I didn't.

The aborted Barcelona trip has had some positive consequences, though. For one thing, the start of a dialog with his father. He has even promised to come to Lyon to see his son (I don't know how much that promise is worth).

But perhaps more importantly, we have learned about a major family history of bipolar disorder, or manic depression as they called it in less politically correct times.. The boy has several uncles and aunts who are pretty much disabled by it, and live with their elderly mother under heavy medication. Apparently it's a thing that manifests itself at adolescence, and can be treated at that stage. We will be learning a lot more about it, obviously.

I feel a lot less angry and a lot more optimistic now.

24126. judithathome - 5/31/2008 5:18:50 PM

Well, it's good to know that might be the problem...just be aware that it may take several tries to get the correct medication he will HAVE to have for it. And I'd advise you get started on that task soon.

24127. jexster - 6/3/2008 8:24:17 PM

My cousin just sent me a picture of our grandfather

Louis V. Pourciau

24128. magoseph - 6/3/2008 8:42:23 PM

This Pourciau, Jex?

[Jan 1, 1918] Louis Vilas Pourciau in the World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. The World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 indicates that Louis Vilas Pourciau served in the military, and lived in Pointe Coupee, Louisiana.

24129. jexster - 6/3/2008 8:49:38 PM


I've copied and sent to my cousin who with her parents have traced the line all the way back to a village near Lille circa 1750 where a fire destroyed the parish records

24130. jexster - 6/3/2008 8:55:14 PM

Taught me how to fish, hunt, ride horses, crawfish as well as everything a white boy needs to know about colored people

24131. Ms. No - 6/6/2008 9:11:05 AM

Off to LA tomorrow to see my brother's sketch comedy show and catch up with friends. Fortunately I've got a travel buddy or it would actually be cheaper to fly. $4.39 for gas today. It just infuriates me.

Hold down the fort. Be happy, be well and have a good weekend all!

24132. alistairconnor - 6/6/2008 9:20:06 AM


Jex, you're a Ch'ti!

Film came out this year... second biggest box-office of all time in France (behind Titanic)

It's already part of the national folklore...

Banner at a football match : "Welcome to the Ch'tis ... paedophiles, unemployed, inbred..."

Nothing personal!

24133. alistairconnor - 6/6/2008 9:22:59 AM

$4.39 for gas today. It just infuriates me.

Don't get mad. Get ... um ... philosophical. Obama's not going to bring the gas price down... Nobody will.

Do your cheap flying now, before the airlines all go bankrupt.

Have fun... take lots of photos... so you can remember what it was like when you could afford to travel. Not joking.

24134. magoseph - 6/6/2008 2:26:45 PM

I just talked to Judith--she and Keoni just saw Leslie wheeled into the OR accompanied by a large staff. The operation is slated to last at least nine hours. There won’t be any updates for them during that time. The surgeons will remove some bone material from the back of his head and work from there.

24135. jexster - 6/6/2008 2:28:21 PM

Flash Fun

Billy Joel: We Didn't Start the Fire

24136. thoughtful - 6/6/2008 3:22:19 PM

Best thoughts heading out to J@h and family. Scary stuff.

24137. arkymalarky - 6/6/2008 3:25:54 PM

I second that! And Bob and Mose third and fourth it!

24138. jexster - 6/6/2008 4:08:03 PM


Why do you think they all moved to Louisiana? It was the pits then

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