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24283. arkymalarky - 8/7/2008 4:06:25 AM

Don't you just hate that? ;-)

I took my car to the local mechanic instead of the Honda place in Hot Springs and found that my air conditioner is leaking freon because of a major problem--almost $500 worth--that was likely the result of the wreck I had a while back, when I plowed into the rearend of someone and crunched my car almost $6000 worth. I had paid $131 for them to put freon in and find nothing, and now hopefully my insurance will pay for this, but that doesn't get me my $131 back. I'm trying to decide whether it's worth it and where to direct my venom if I call the Honda place.

24284. judithathome - 8/7/2008 1:17:00 PM

Thoughtful, I received an email from your address using your real name this morning which I will post below...don't know if someone hacked into your address book or mine but I didn't respond in case they are redirecting your mail in some way. It was odd to "hear" from you in the first place and there were too many grammatical errors for it to BE you. Also, I figured if you had really done what the letter said, you'd have mentioned it here before embarking. ;-)

Here it is:


How are you doing?hope all is well with you and family,i am sorry that i didn't inform you about my traveling to England for a program called Empowering youth to fight racism,Hiv/Aids,and lack of education.

I need a favour from you as soon as you recieve this e-mail because i misplaced my wallet on my way to the hotel where my money,and other valuable things were kept i will like you to assist me with a soft loan urgently with the sum of $2,500 US Dollars to sort-out my hotel bills and get myself back home.

I will appreciate whatever you can afford and i'll pay you back as soon as i return,Kindly let me know if you can be of help? so that i can send you the Details to use when sending the money through western union.

with best regards

You might want to contact your email provider and report fraud or something.

24285. judithathome - 8/7/2008 1:18:13 PM

Arky, Honda should refund your money for missing the mark on this one. That's ludicrous...

24286. thoughtful - 8/7/2008 1:28:31 PM

Thanks, J@h...Wow that is really some kind of spam.
I presume that came from my hotmail account, yes? Somehow they must have hacked into my contacts list.

I know that as part of my cable modem access there is an e-mail account for me but I never use it...don't even know what it is.

And of course, I'd never dream of trying to hit you up for money!

Thanks for letting me know.
I'll send you the address where you can send the money to.

24287. wabbit - 8/7/2008 11:44:31 PM

Sounds like a 419 scam to me.

24288. thoughtful - 8/8/2008 12:49:52 PM

BTW, if the e-mail came from someone with the initials "AD", that's not my real name...

24289. judithathome - 8/8/2008 4:37:13 PM

Jeez, I must be losing my mind! It wasn't YOUR hotmail account...it was WEBFEET'S!

24290. judithathome - 8/8/2008 4:39:45 PM

Late last night my son's daughter had her baby by Caesarian after being in labor all day; mother (and father!) and baby are doing fine....the baby weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces and is 20 inches long. They named her Dakota Rose. The parents are thrilled and can't wait to take the baby home.

Leslie says she's beautiful...lots of dark hair and dark blue eyes. He held the phone up and I could hear her crying...she's got healthy lungs for sure! He sent a picture to Keoni's phone but I won't get to see it until tonight; Keoni left it at work yesterday...of all days.

24291. iiibbb - 8/8/2008 4:55:17 PM

Today I found out that I may not be able to go to a conference where I'm actually presenting a paper due to budget issues that will wind up in a refereed proceedings.

I've really asked for fairly little in this job. Spent very little money.

I've been planning to go to this thing since February. I had the paper written but delayed it because this conference was the perfect audience.

The whole point of being a scientist is writing and disseminating results. If they're going to take that away from me why did they bother hiring me in the first place?

I'm am unsure what the universe has been trying to teach me the past couple of years. Was I really getting too comfortable? Were my priorities really that far out of whack? Did I really take too much for granted?

What is the deal with my Karma as of late?

24292. arkymalarky - 8/9/2008 10:42:55 PM

I'm opposite of you, at the end of a career that didn't take a lot of climbing (any at all) to get to, though it took a hell of a lot of work to develop a reputation. It's only in the last couple of years, since I finished my MSE really, that I feel like I have it in the right perspective for my optimum satisfaction. I had it teaching-wise, but it was all the other stuff I was doing that was wearing me down. I'm at a place in my career and specific job where I can tell people whatever I want, and no matter what the job or career, you just don't have that luxury at the front end of it and you have to suck it up and deal with a lack of consideration that they probably don't have a clue they're even guilty of. I've left several jobs because of that, and I never let on, even when I was asked. For their sakes, maybe I should have been honest, but it wasn't worth it to me by the time I decided to quit and had gotten a job somewhere else. Let us know if you end up going to the conference.

24293. iiibbb - 8/10/2008 6:14:40 AM

It doesn't really matter because we're going to follow her career on the next move. So this line is dead, it's just a matter of riding it through.

However, this thing means a pub for me, and that's my bread and butter. I think what I'm going to do is just go on my dime if it comes down to it. I'll make the drive, give my talk, and get right back in the car. I might be able to convince the people that funded the work to spot me a little money as well. At the very least I can claim it on my taxes.

It's just been frustrating. Very little has been swinging my way in this whole adventure.

I'll find out Monday or Tuesday at least.

24294. iiibbb - 8/10/2008 6:15:28 AM

this thing = this trip

24295. arkymalarky - 8/16/2008 4:51:30 PM

Well, are you going?

24296. arkymalarky - 8/16/2008 5:04:18 PM

I think my car ac will be paid for, but it's become a huge inconvenience and I'm miserable in it. Bob's car is not available because the clutch went out in his truck, so I'm stuck. The body shop is in Hot Springs and I'm going to have to take the car up, leave it, and pick it up Friday. I'll borrow Mom's car, but I'm driving mine until I drop it off Tuesday afternoon. I'm going to wait to see if it's fixed, then I'm going to give my own mechanic a check, even though he tried not to charge me for finding the leak (all he had to do was look under the car with a black light and he saw HONDA'S dye--gggrrrrrrr!), and I'm going to give the Honda service department a phone call.

This weekend Bob and I are picking up two exchange students from the airport, and next Saturday we're celebrating my parents' Golden wedding anniversary in Hot Springs. So the first week of school (it starts Monday) will seem like nothing but driving and running around that has nothing to do with school. I made a slide show for Mom and Dad yesterday, but I feel like it's slapped together. Mose was supposed to do it, but she passed it off to me. I got them reservations at a hotel for two nights, and the hot spring water is piped directly into their rooms. I got them an appointment for a full massage/hot bath treatment and got Mom a full facial. We're eating out with them Saturday night (at that German restaurant, Judith!) and I was going to show them the slide show then, just using a laptop. I can't figure out another way to do it, since we won't be where there's a tv or projector like we would at home.

We're not keeping the exchange students, btw, we're just picking them up and taking them to the people they'll be staying with. We talked about it, but this isn't a good year for us to do that. Next year should be, or even if someone comes in at semester or later. But we'll be helping out families who did take students in at my school.

24297. iiibbb - 8/16/2008 6:31:30 PM

Yeah I'm going.

Life is still distracting. I wish my wife were trying harder to make things work than she is. We're leaving... we just need to work it out... but I feel she could be doing a lot more to make things happen. I feel like there is way too much weight on me right now.

It's a waiting game. First waiting for this job announcement from New England to finally surface. Then waiting for this fool election. That will be a moment of truth for sure. She's claiming she's heading to Canada if McCain wins. It may or may not be an idle threat. At any rate I don't want to go and I don't want to argue with her about it before we start making inroads about this New England job. She claims this is her dream job. She's built a lot of bridges to make it happen. I want to go there because my brother is up there. I've passed up two job announcements in a place we'd be happy living because she's told me that this job is so important to her. I swear if she throws this NE job in the can because of the outcome of an election I'm going to have serious doubts about my marriage. Right now I'm just in denial about it. I figure if she gets this job in NE she won't be able to back out of it even if McCain happens to win.

In addition, by going to Canada she's pulling the same move as she claimed I pulled on her coming here... except this time it'll be after she's established this as a totally horrible thing to do to a partner. I just can't fathom throwing so much away based on the outcome of an election. Not only that she's not exactly helping Obama win. She says she'd be more into helping except she hates this community. What a shitty attitute.

It wears on me.

24298. iiibbb - 8/16/2008 6:46:18 PM

My wife really doesn't understand how depressed I am... but she's depressed too. I'm doing my best just to work through this all. It's all I know to do.

24299. iiibbb - 8/16/2008 6:50:09 PM

I'm putting a lot of faith in the fact that once we're clear of this place she'll come back around. When we're elsewhere she does act herself.

I just don't understand how someone can be so negative about something that is so patently temporary.

24300. arkymalarky - 8/16/2008 8:17:56 PM

Almost everyone I know, including my own husband, has said the same thing. He isn't going anywhere, and I'll bet none of our friends, nor your wife will either.

Hang in there--time's moving on and y'all will be relocated soon.

24301. judithathome - 8/16/2008 9:21:27 PM

Arky, we have had our credit rating ruined by the dealership (they claim it was corporate that did it) submitting the check I left for them for the full amount of the car with the understanding they'd wait to submit until our check was in the bank...I called them throughout the week keeping them updated on the situation: the check to us wasn't mailed until YESTERDAY but my check was submitted to my bank last week! So there goes our "excellent" credit report for the next twenty years...ha! (I honestly believe it was corporate that did it because both Wayne and the finance guy understood our problem with the mail, etc.)

Wayne (our salesman) was mortified that it happened and I'm going to the bank on Monday to clarify how it occurred...I don't expect much sympathy from the bank OR from the dealership...they offered us financing on the spot and in retrospect, I wish to hell we'd taken their offer. Ah well...all will be fine by the end of this week and I blame the assholes at Prudential for refusing to do a wire transfer in the first place. This is OUR money, for cripe's sake!

Thankfully, this will never happen again...ha!

24302. judithathome - 8/16/2008 9:23:07 PM

3i3b, trust me, if people didn't move to Canada when they swore they would after the last two elections and after the past 8 years, they won't do it THIS time, either...just remind your wife that even if McCain wins, we still have Congress!

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