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24471. judithathome - 9/28/2008 9:35:39 PM

3i3b, that table is beautiful! I love the couch, too...it looks so comfy!

24472. judithathome - 9/28/2008 9:36:15 PM

Took our old friend Harry to CostCo today...he doesn't drive and I hate to see him spend $40 on cab fare just to buy bagels and OxyClean.

There were three guys in the store hawking an energy drink. I had a jigger full...it was delicious and had all organic ingredients (they said) and it was rather reasonable in price. I told them I'd think about it. Came back by about 10 minutes later and they were energized all right...they were hollering about selling this garbage for "the Lord!" "Yes, folks, CostCo is in the house of the Lord today and we're selling for Jesus!" I was furious because not only was Harry, a Jew, standing there but there were two Muslim families and a group of Hindus wandering around.

Needless to say, I didn't buy the power drink and it's a good thing...after we let Harry off, on the way home the right side od my head started to tingle, itch, and go numb...typical allergic reaction to pineapple. I was really steamed then...partially my fault for not reading the miniscule label more closely...but when I got home, I called CostCo and unloaded on them. The guy I spoke with nearly shit his pants and said he would speak to them right away...and thanked me profusely for calling.

(I didn't mention the testifying bit...just the allergic reaction. But that part DID irk me.)

24473. anomie - 9/29/2008 4:41:05 PM

Seems we're in the age when Jesus endorses vitamins and nutritional products sold through pyramid schemes. I've seen quite a bit of this on TV the last few years. I guess there are many mansions in heaven filled with Amway products and plenty of fiber pills.

24474. judithathome - 9/30/2008 12:03:41 AM

No shit! ;-)

24475. anomie - 9/30/2008 12:41:31 AM

I wouldn't say that necessarily. What with the fiber and all...

24476. jexster - 9/30/2008 4:11:03 AM

My nephew is about to enter high school. He is a pitcher and hopes to make the Elkins High team (Tejas State Champs)

Real Friday Night Lights shit...Anyway, he's now on the Elkins Fall Ball Team 14-16 YO...His dad's the coach

This shot is of a Hightower kid flailing at Sean's curve....

Too cute

24477. wonkers2 - 9/30/2008 4:42:01 AM

He shouldn't be allowed to throw curves.

24478. jexster - 9/30/2008 5:53:30 PM

Is I3 gay or God's plan???

24479. anomie - 9/30/2008 7:09:25 PM

Gotta be God's plan. Gay would have added some color and straight lines, no?

24480. judithathome - 10/2/2008 4:09:32 PM

My little gentleman caller came over before his Little League game yesterday afternoon. His (size 6) jersey sports the number 1 on the back. My friend was here and asked him, "How come you get to wear number one?" and quick as a whip, he answered, "Because my granddad is the coach of the team!"

24481. wonkers2 - 10/2/2008 4:37:31 PM

Sounds like nepotism to me!

24482. iiibbb - 10/2/2008 4:57:56 PM

Message # 24478

Neither gay or god's plan. Just awesome.

P is making pillows... so the couch will get color eventually.

24483. magoseph - 10/8/2008 5:58:49 PM


24484. magoseph - 10/9/2008 1:12:35 PM

What are your predictions for the coming winter nationwide?

24485. judithathome - 10/9/2008 2:20:09 PM

I think it's going to be really cold this winter where I am...the squirrels' tails are really bushy.

And I think more people will lose their homes, food prices will go up, people will freeze in their homes (if they still live in them) because the costs of heating fuel are going up, and the Democrats will be blamed for everything George Bush has caused no matter who is President.

24487. magoseph - 10/9/2008 5:19:02 PM

Jen, I moved your post here: Message # 37641 in thread 155.

24488. Jenerator - 10/9/2008 5:23:32 PM

Why not move the post that precipiated my response? It's political in nature too!

24489. judithathome - 10/9/2008 6:23:23 PM

Yes, it WAS political in nature and I apologize for dragging politics into the Cafe.

And in your response, Jen, you were absolutely correct...it WILL and we will.

So, back to Magos original intention: what do YOU think is going to happen this winter...let's say, with the weather.

Do you recall having a cool autumn like this before? Here in Texas, I mean...I can't recall the nighttime temperatures dropping as low as they are currently doing this early in the season...not for a long time.

24490. alistairConnor - 10/10/2008 1:10:17 AM

Cold autumn over here too.

My girlfriend came up with a really elegant malapropism this morning...

I had left the top couple of buttons of my shirt undone.
What she meant to say was,
"Boutonne ta chemise. Tu ressemble à un Gitan"
that is,
"Button up your shirt. You look like a Gipsy".

(Mildly amusing and slightly racist)

BUT she's got a bit of an accent in French, and what she actually said was

"Boutonne ta chemise. Tu ressemble à un giton"
that is,
"Button up your shirt. You look like a rent boy".

I had to explain the word "giton" for her. It comes from Petronius's Satyricon - Giton was the protagonist's boyfriend.

24491. jexster - 10/10/2008 1:14:51 AM

OOOO rent boys!!!

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