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24521. wonkers2 - 10/15/2008 11:16:36 PM

Very true, Thoughtful. Except Medicare deductions from my SS check are growing. As you say, the problem is with Medicare, not SS. The other part of the problem is the disappearance of defined benefit pension plans and the low or (negative?) savings rate. I tell my kids that I'm able to survive in relative comfort because I have a pension, social security and a healthy (until last week) IRA converted from my 401k which I maxed out for 40 years. None of my three children has a pension. I tell them if they don't start saving more they'll end in a fourth floor slum tenement walk-up, sitting on a creaky bed with a bare light bulb hanging from the ceiling, pee stains on their underwear and a bottle of Ripple on the floor.

Btw, I became a grandparent two days a go--it's a girl--Nora Elizabeth Wonkers.

24522. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/15/2008 11:38:20 PM

Congrats Grandpa & Grandma!!!

24523. arkymalarky - 10/16/2008 2:24:38 AM

Congrats Wonk!

I'll be 50 this summer and my house will be paid off in less than 8 years. Somewhere between my 50th birthday and my laat house payment I'm retiring. I could draw full benefits after this year. To be honest, I still love teaching and would continue indefinitely, but NCLB and ridiculous, useless stuff that has gone with it has about sucked all the fun out of teaching, and if that doesn't change I'm retiring sooner rather than later, no matter what.

Wonk, your situation sounds similar to my parents' and they've had a great retirement. At least up to now.

24524. Jenerator - 10/16/2008 2:33:38 AM


I am so happy for you! You are going to be a wonderful grandpa.

24525. Jenerator - 10/16/2008 2:34:08 AM


my new plans are now to work until I'm 85!

Thanks to our retarded governor, I will be doing the same.

24526. arkymalarky - 10/16/2008 2:42:51 AM

I'm not up on TX politics, Jen. Why is that? One reason I want to retire within the next five years is I'm afraid they'll change the rules on me. Another is concern over whether my school will be consolidated. If it is, I don't want to start somewhere else.

24527. Ms. No - 10/16/2008 4:02:11 AM

Congrats Wonkers!!!

24528. Ms. No - 10/16/2008 4:04:41 AM

Currently the retirement and benefits are the only thing that thrill me about my job. Of course, in order to really reap those rewards I have to keep doing it for the next 25 years, but my plan is to get my MFA in the next few years and then teach at the university level. That would eliminate the bulk of the babysitting issues that are really my biggest headache.

24529. thoughtful - 10/16/2008 3:18:20 PM

Congratulations on the new baby wonkette! Lovely name.

24530. alistairconnor - 10/16/2008 4:21:38 PM

Nora Elizabeth, welcome to my world!

Use it wisely.

24531. judithathome - 10/16/2008 6:17:41 PM

Congratulations to you, Wonkers.

We went by to see our 3 month old great granddaughter on Sunday. She is smitten with Keoni's voice and followed him around the room with her eyes...it was really cute!

He looked so comfortable holding her and he just talked and talked to her about the things the three of us are going to do together...

24532. anomie - 10/16/2008 6:46:01 PM

Congrats Grandpa! The world goes on...

24534. wonkers2 - 10/19/2008 4:47:08 AM

Thanks, all!

24535. wonkers2 - 10/19/2008 6:15:35 AM

How to deal with phone marketers

24536. magoseph - 10/19/2008 6:32:07 AM

Welcome, goodwinejoe!

Tell me, are you the Joe who is very dear to me?

24537. alistairConnor - 10/19/2008 5:55:16 PM

French eye for the black guy : my friends Caroline and Raphael are off to Chicago on Wednesday, to follow the last couple of weeks of the campaign, as mentioned previously.

Mago, as an almost-local, would you happen to have any useful contacts in Chi-town? (people who know how the Democrats work, and might be sympathetic to their project)

Wonkers, same question?

In fact they will be travelling around fairly widely by car, as soon as they get a whiff of a candidate coming within reach. So the range of interesting destinations is quite wide (Ohiostopas, are you there?)

24538. magoseph - 10/19/2008 6:38:42 PM

Ali, I lived and worked eight years in Chicago and left there a large family of disgruntled in-laws and friends to whom my name is anathema, even to this day. Therefore, I can’t help in that regard.

However, I strongly suggest that they appeal to the Consulate General of France for advice:
205 N Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 327-5200

I'll try to reach someone tomorrow at the consulate in order to get some info concerning the women'trip.

24539. goodwinejoe - 10/19/2008 10:03:41 PM

Pardon me, I'm new to the Mote and I meant to post in Science and Technology. Post 24533 was meant for that discussion. Magoseph, anything is possible, but I don't think I'm quite that lucky. Wonkers2 congratulations! I appreciate your congeniality.

24540. iiibbb - 10/19/2008 10:08:20 PM

welcome Joe

24541. arkymalarky - 10/19/2008 10:13:39 PM

Hey joe! Welcome to the Mote!

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