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24553. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/21/2008 5:07:53 PM

object??? That doesn't sound good, Judith!

Hi Joe!

24554. vonKreedon - 10/21/2008 5:49:56 PM

His brain? [;-}

24555. judithathome - 10/22/2008 12:24:52 AM

Yes, his brain was operated on in June...on D-Day, in fact.

It turns out that the clip was left in there on purpose...it's to prevent an aneurysm from happening in the artery they repaired. It's MRI-safe, too!

24556. judithathome - 10/22/2008 12:25:26 AM

VK...his brain, luckily, it a little larger than the clip!

24557. anomie - 10/22/2008 2:20:44 AM

Glad it turned out well, Judith.

24558. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/22/2008 2:51:30 AM


24559. goodwinejoe - 10/22/2008 4:01:10 AM

Thanks all! I appreciate the warm welcome. With the exception of Merlot, I love most wine. Right now I'm infatuated with CMS. No relation to Joe the plumber. Mags, thanks for moving my post.

24560. judithathome - 10/22/2008 2:01:20 PM

I take it you have seen Sideways? ;-)

24561. thoughtful - 10/22/2008 4:09:26 PM

good news on the clip, j, but you'd think they'd have mentioned it before this? I know I'd sure like to know if they left something behind in me.

Just like after my neck surgery, I was going nuts trying to figure out why the sides of my head were sore...until I figured out it's because they clamped my head so it wouldn't move during surgery. Can't they just tell me that so I know?

24562. judithathome - 10/22/2008 7:46:58 PM

Those clamps left two bald spots on Leslie's head...he wears his hair buzzed so it hardly matters. You can see the scars of the incisions, too...he said those were worth it, though.

24563. Jenerator - 10/23/2008 2:35:28 AM

Why couldn't his Ft. Worth doctor send an x-ray to his specialist?

24564. judithathome - 10/23/2008 4:15:54 PM

Jen, what is the big deal? The neurosurgeon wanted to see the x-rays AND Leslie...he wanted to see how he was doing and if there was a problem.

He's having problems with numbness in his right arm and the fingers of his right hand. The doctor has a vested interest in Leslie's health...it didn't seem untoward for him to want to see my son and test his reflexes. In fact, the doctor set up a series of tests for Leslie early next month with a specialist in Fort Worth...he thinks the problem with the numbness is caused by the vertabrae in his neck...and the Dallas doctor is only involved with the brain.

The x-rays were of his neck and Leslie...and the x-ray techs...were freaked out by that "foreign object" that showed up on the x-rays...the neurosurgeon wanted to make sure it was nothing to worry about by viewing the x-rays. Simple as that...if it HAD been something that needed to be removed, we'd have had to go over there anyway...

It was no big deal to go over there...you are reacting as though we had to fly to Bethesda or something.

24565. judithathome - 10/23/2008 4:19:46 PM

And by the way, there were people in the waiting room that had come from as far away as El Paso and Abiliene...they weren't complaining about the drive. I'm sure I could have asked them why they didn't see doctors in their hometowns but I knew they were there because no one in their hometown could fix their specific problems.

If you ever have any "brain" problems, this guy is your man!

24566. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/23/2008 4:23:37 PM

Off topic: Judith, did you know Ken Kahn and his wife Ann when he ran the Ft. Worth Arts Council?

24567. judithathome - 10/23/2008 4:26:33 PM

I think we met him at some function or other many years ago....why?

24568. judithathome - 10/23/2008 4:30:24 PM

Anne Lynn Kettles

Now HER I remember though not from meeting her personally...she performed at Stage West, I do believe.

24569. judithathome - 10/23/2008 4:33:26 PM

Ahhh...I googled her and sure enough, she was the outstanding actress who played Maria Callas...it was a one woman show and one of the most gripping evenings at the theatre ever...

Also saw her in Albee's A Delicate Balance at the other theatre we attend.

24570. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/23/2008 4:55:30 PM

In reading about Ken's retirement, I had forgotten that they lived in Ft. Worth. They are dear friends and she is a wonderful cook as well. We alternate a monthly Sunday dinner. Her specialty is baking deserts and they're nutz about Italian food. I will share your kudos with her.

24571. judithathome - 10/23/2008 6:47:22 PM

Oh, please do! I will never forget how wonderful she was on that night...it was an intimate theatre setting, and she walked over during one of her monologues and looked straight at me during it...sent shivers up my spine.

This play was about Maria Callas and though the actress never sang a note, she was the exact definition of the woman.

24572. Jenerator - 10/23/2008 8:02:26 PM


Your initial post made it sounds as though the object in his neck was suspicious and causing the numbness. I would have been mad to have to drive out there to find out it was supposed to be there; however, when you later explained that he needed to see the doctor anyway, it made more sense.

In the end, I am relieved that he is alright.

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