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24573. judithathome - 10/24/2008 4:18:44 PM

Jen, WE didn't know if it was causing the numbness or not...and I can very well understand the doctor wanting to see the x-rays AND Leslie to determine for himself what the object was....if he had been sent the x-rays and the thing was NOT supposed to be there, we'd have had to go over there anyhow, right?

Anyhow, this is what you sign on for with children...of any age. I hope your kids never have any medical problems on a scale of what mine has had...trust me, it makes you crazy.

(I'm sure you know something has made me crazy already...ha! But it also makes you realize nonsensical internet squabbles (and a host of other stuff) don't mean dip in the whole scheme of things. I don't mean you questioning me on this particular thing and I thank you for your good wishes on his health...I mean things like the stuff going on at RI and the usual he said/she said BS)

24574. wonkers2 - 10/24/2008 4:39:39 PM

Judith, we're all hoping for the best for your son.

24575. judithathome - 10/24/2008 4:43:34 PM

I know, Wonks, and I appreciate it greatly.

24576. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/24/2008 4:53:23 PM


24577. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/24/2008 10:00:04 PM

Judith- Here is Anne Kettles' response . . .

..oh, my friend.
Thank you for sharing.
I loved doing Master Class and am grateful that audiences appreciated the performance.
...small world after all

Looking forward to seeing you guys soon,

Have a great day,

24578. judithathome - 10/24/2008 10:41:46 PM

I would feel better if I'd recalled the name of the play! (blush)

Thanks for passing that along. It really IS a small world!

24579. Jenerator - 10/25/2008 2:58:45 PM


YOu are very right!

This has been an emotionally tough year. I am so glad Leslie is doing better, and hopefully you'll get the all-clear from your doctor and winter can be much less draining!


24580. arkymalarky - 10/25/2008 4:49:11 PM

I hope that too. Life is hard and it's about to get harder for a lot of people. No reason to be hard on each other.

24581. arkymalarky - 10/25/2008 4:51:38 PM

When do you go for your followup, Judith?

24582. judithathome - 10/25/2008 5:25:53 PM

In April...another diagnostic. I'm taking my cue from the doctor and not going to concern myself with what it might be...just assume it's nothing and forget about it.

Have you talked to Spook lately? Just wondered how the Gallery Weekend went...Sandra called me about it and we had a long chat.

24583. arkymalarky - 10/25/2008 7:29:50 PM


I don't know--haven't talked to them in a few weeks. I think we're waiting until the election to keep from stressing about it. The one in this area wasn't as good this year, imo.joann's place is always great, but I would have been glad to just go there.

24584. judithathome - 10/25/2008 8:28:02 PM

Arky, I had a follow-up diagnostic and ultrasound on Wednesday of this week...diagnosis was it's a benign spot; follow-up of that is in April.

24585. arkymalarky - 10/25/2008 9:40:50 PM


I don't know--haven't talked to them in a few weeks. I think we're waiting until the election to keep from stressing about it. The one in this area wasn't as good this year, imo.joann's place is always great, but I would have been glad to just go there.

24586. arkymalarky - 10/25/2008 9:43:08 PM

Sorry--didn't know I'd reposted. Good deal on the diagnosis.

24587. judithathome - 10/25/2008 10:14:57 PM

Has anyone received an automated call purporting to be from "your credit card company" with no specific card named...the voice says "your eligibility is about to expire and this will be your last chance to get 6.9% on interest rates" for "your card" (still no specific card name). "Just press "9" to take advantage of this low, low rate."

I hung up because I suspect it was a scam to throw your number into some freakish long distance plan or by pressing 9, you're agreeing to some off-market credit service or other.

Anyone experienced this lately?

24588. wonkers2 - 10/25/2008 10:22:05 PM

Yes, I've gotten that call several times but not lately. As I recall at the end it referred me to another number which I tried once out of curiosity but never reached a human. It's probably either a scam or some credit card or loan company promotion, also a scam.

24589. anomie - 10/25/2008 11:27:34 PM

I haven't gotten that one, but I keep getting the "second notice" call on my cell phone that the warranty on my car is expired...a partner to those official looking notices I get in the mail saying he same thing, like I'm supposed to be super worried, or like I owe them money already. These notices have my make and model on them. The dealer says they don't give out this info. If that's true the only other place would be the DMV or roadside assistance, which I called once. The calls are prerecorded and come from a different area code each time. Makes me want to slap somebody.

24590. iiibbb - 10/28/2008 1:21:31 AM

She mailed the application today.

We might know something as soon as 4 weeks.

24591. iiibbb - 10/28/2008 1:22:56 AM

Now... just need to get through this election.

Get my own resume out.

Get the house sold.


Avoid any other pitfalls associated with this economy.

24592. Jenerator - 10/28/2008 3:24:25 PM

Good luck iiibbb. It would be nice if this year finished well for you and your wife! :-)

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