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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 24683 - 24702 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
24683. Ms. No - 11/29/2008 2:02:33 AM

Hope everyone had a good holiday --- we're celebrating a day late due to schedules.

Not to cast a pall, but has anyone heard anything from Marjoribanks?

24684. anomie - 11/29/2008 11:59:58 AM

Mago... Trading land for food, now THAT's thanksgiving!

24685. magoseph - 11/29/2008 4:56:03 PM

Ha ha, that's clever, Anomie.

MS. NO, here is Marj:

Message # 9240 in thread 139

24686. judithathome - 11/29/2008 9:09:37 PM

We're going to a matinee play this afternoon and then out to dinner with 2 other couples. It's called "The Children's Holiday Scientology Pageant" or something like that and is NOT about Scientology, more's the pity.

24687. jexster - 11/29/2008 9:42:59 PM

I miss Concerned

24688. arkymalarky - 11/29/2008 10:09:09 PM

I thought he'd handle losing better than that.

24689. jexster - 11/29/2008 10:22:50 PM

Need we remind you Arky.you also thought he'd vote for Obama
But yeah I thought for sure he'd be here with the story that the Supreme Court has scheduled a 12/5 conference re: appeals of dist ct decisions throwing out two crackpot citizenship suits. I guess his crush on Piglin was more serious than I had thought...

Well unlucky in life and love..been there..I guess I'll just have to soldier on with a stiff upper lip...be satisfied with Wonkers..sigh

24690. judithathome - 11/30/2008 3:35:27 AM

Well, the play WAS about Scientology and starred children, who no doubt had not a clue about the subject...one kid played Tom Cruise and had sock puppets on each hand: one for his wife and the other for his daughter.

It was hysterical and afterward, we told each kid what a stellar job they'd done.

Then the six of us met up with 5 other friends and family for dinner at our favorite Italian place...great day and great evening!

24691. JJBiener - 12/1/2008 3:52:00 AM

Greetings Friends and Neighbors. I just dropped in to invite you over to BarackObamaRevolution.com. I recently started writing a column for them called Dispatches from the Beach. My first post concerns recent events in Mumbai. Hope you enjoy it.

24692. arkymalarky - 12/1/2008 4:05:13 AM

Hey JJ! Great to see you! I'll check it out. Happy holidays!

24693. JJBiener - 12/1/2008 4:53:49 AM

Greetings Friends and Neighbors. I just dropped in to invite you over to BarackObamaRevolution.com. I recently started writing a column for them called Dispatches from the Beach. My first post concerns recent events in Mumbai. Hope you enjoy it.

24694. JJBiener - 12/1/2008 4:56:43 AM

Hi Arky, sorry about the double post. I don't know where it came from.

How are things in your neck of the world?

24695. magoseph - 12/1/2008 9:21:00 AM

Here's your link, JJ!

24696. wonkers2 - 12/1/2008 2:57:50 PM

Good to see you, JJ! Will check out your column.

24697. arkymalarky - 12/2/2008 1:21:37 AM

I'good,JJ. Dropped internet at home and am missing interacting here as much, but rl's going well.

24698. jexster - 12/2/2008 2:50:22 AM

How are things in your neck of the world?

I think JJ meant your neck of the WOODS Arky

24699. arkymalarky - 12/2/2008 4:22:31 AM

Woods, world...it's the same thing around here.

24700. wabbit - 12/2/2008 4:27:05 AM

Hey JJB!!

24701. robertjayb - 12/3/2008 1:48:08 AM

Dave Barry Gift Guide

24702. jexster - 12/4/2008 1:25:47 AM

Back from SF Homeless Connect. I am a "navigator" ..I take clients after the docs see em, get them to the follow up appointment station and then to the appointment within the week.

Today I got all the superwackos but one takes the prize. The guy looked for all the world as if he were in horrific pain all over. So I take him around the corner to the main city poor folks clinic for "urgent care". The supervising bitch goes off "they have doctors over there what do you want us to do with him"? That sends the homeless guy ballistic..babbling rambling threatening violence. I calm both down and volunteer to go back and check with the medical discharge unit ....They call confirm every bureaucratic thing...

He comes back...yelling..finds ME. Says they yelled at him and threw him out. Wants to go to the hospital in an ambulance. I get social worker (so fed up by that time, she wanted to tell HIM to call 911..paramedics on call at the event)

He'd apparently refused treatment...She calls a team of paramedics including a hunky blond and hot jew boy who kept flirting with me. I wanted to feign heart failure, get mouth to mouth so I lurked. Three paramedics worked on this guy for half an hour then somehow their Capt gets called over.....they refuse to send him to the hospital...police come..throw the guy out ..

Or so I thought..

He comes back...he kept telling em to ask me about the various depredations he'd endured...see for some reason I was the only person there he felt was on his side...BAAAD

Comes back..asks for my name as a witness in his crusade for justice..can't give..he leaves..this is about THREE HOURS on mind you.

As I am leaving, there he is..another team of paramedics is wheeling him out as he triumphantly bellows I think at me "I am goin to the hospital dude!!!"

PS ..lots of these people want to either go to jail or best of all to General Hospital...

Well he won....there are a million ways to game the system..

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