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Host: Magoseph

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24795. arkymalarky - 12/17/2008 2:34:11 AM

Ha! I can imagine you haven't had much tv time the last few days. He's playing in LR this weekend.

24796. judithathome - 12/17/2008 5:07:37 PM

He looks like your dad.

I'd love for him to come to your party next year...the music would be devine, especially if you'd sing and Bob would play guitar with your Bro on banjo...and Rachel on piano. The Arky Quartet!

And if MsNo would show up! ;-)

24797. judithathome - 12/17/2008 5:16:56 PM

I'm beginning to get a complex...my name is "last poster" on about 6 threads...c'mon, wake up, you sleepy heads!

24798. anomie - 12/17/2008 5:30:33 PM

Hey, if you keep it to 3 or 4 chords, I could play a mean guitar!

24799. Ms. No - 12/17/2008 8:53:55 PM

Oh, that would be a fabulous time!! I'm not sure what my finances are going to be like come Summer, but if I can swing it I'd love to come out. Getting to sing with The Malarkeys would be the bee's knees!

My folks took a driving tour through the Ozarks this past Fall to see the colors and loved it. I could maybe get them to make the trip or at least stop through on their way to Tyler to see my aunt and uncle.

24800. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/17/2008 9:51:51 PM

I'm beginning to get a complex...my name is "last poster" on about 6 threads...c'mon, wake up, you sleepy heads!

What am I? Chopped liver?

24801. magoseph - 12/17/2008 11:02:44 PM

Each time I post, hours, even a day or two at times go by before someone finds his way here. It has come to the point that I often think that Wabbit should find another host who could do better.

24802. magoseph - 12/17/2008 11:07:38 PM

Wombat posted this in American Politics:

While not in general supporting anything that the Chinese government does, their policy of shooting "economic criminals" has a certain visceral appeal.

I often feel that way when I read or watch the news about young girls and women murdered by pedophiles.

24803. arkymalarky - 12/18/2008 2:47:14 AM

You're doing a great job, Mags. Most people in the Mote have full and busy lives and just don't have a lot of time. I know I wish I had more time to spend here.

24804. arkymalarky - 12/18/2008 2:49:10 AM

I'm ready for a summer music fest, Judith and No!

Btw, No, are you out for Chrisatmas? Friday's our last day.

24805. arkymalarky - 12/18/2008 6:33:53 PM

Home today with day two of a bad migraine, but can't stand another minute in bed. It's supposed to be over 70 degrees tomorrow and it looks like London in the yard. I have a huge pile of papers to grade and probably won't get to them until at least tomorrow. Oh well.

24806. Wombat - 12/18/2008 6:36:28 PM

Looks like London? Lotsa flowers? A Tower Bridge worth of trash? the Thames flowing by? A fish-and-chip shop next door? Elucidate, please.

24807. arkymalarky - 12/18/2008 6:53:47 PM

Haha! Foggy.

24808. wabbit - 12/18/2008 7:57:04 PM

I agree with arky, mags, you are the hostess with the mostess. It's always slow around the holidays and I think very few people who post here have nothing else to do, so don't worry that you don't get an immediate response. We're catch as catch can. It isn't you.

24809. Wombat - 12/18/2008 8:12:54 PM


Aha! Fairly obvious. With pollution controls and the end of coal-fired furnaces, the fog of London is a thing of the past.

24810. arkymalarky - 12/18/2008 11:11:39 PM

Ok, it's like 19th century London! Tho the one week I was there in the month of June it was foggy, drizzly, cloudy and cold. Which describes here to a T. But tomorrow is a major warmup, which I think is the culprit keeping me home and miserable today.

24811. Ms. No - 12/19/2008 6:38:49 AM


Today was my last day since I only teach 1-3-5 and tomorrow is a 2-4-6 day. That bell couldn't get to 3:30 fast enough for me although my kids did some really nice work this week.

I had them do sketches of Fairy Tales but inspired by Greek theater elements. They made paper plate masks and had a chorus for each group in additio to the 3 main actors. Some of them were less than inspiring but a couple of the groups were really great!

My folks are coming this way for Christmas this year so we'll be in the Bay Area at my red-headed stepdad's parents' house. My bro will have all three of his chirrun for the holiday and I'm wavering between extreme excitement and extreme panic since I'm nowhere near ready for the holiday. I'll have to get everything done in the next three days!

24812. judithathome - 12/19/2008 5:28:53 PM

I'm done for the holidays...both figuratively and literally. Keoni's cold is staying with me longer than it did him!

I do have one gift left to buy and hope it's still at the little shop where I saw it: a silver 2008 Christmas tree ornament that I will have the great granddaughter's name engraved on; and thus a Christmas tradition starts!

24813. judithathome - 12/19/2008 5:29:34 PM

Well...as long as the shop stays in business. So, it may be "one of a kind"...ha!

24814. webfeet - 12/19/2008 6:09:36 PM

What could be finer?

It's snowing! And I am making sablés and listening to Maria Callas. All that is missing is the prosecco and Guido, perhaps. but so what? I have knives.

My only New Year's wish is that I come back in my next life Italian. A robust appetite? Check. Love and passion? check. A book deal? Time will tell.

Best to all the moties in 2009 may the season be merry and may your cups overflow with something more than dairy queen eggnog.

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