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24819. magoseph - 12/20/2008 12:50:59 AM

Thanks, Arky and Wabbit for the validation. I don't rightly deserve it, but I'll take it.

Good, Wabbit hasn't forgotten us--now I'm waiting for Macnas.

I'm having one senior moment after another--the big storm we went through was very worrisome while it lasted. I was so stressed today that at one point I forgot that Butchdog was attached to the back door on the outside. I had to pet him a long time before he forgave me and consented to go to his spot. I need sleep.

Hey, Anomie!

24820. arkymalarky - 12/20/2008 1:58:53 AM

We're officially out and it's a beautiful evening--but since I was sick I have grades to do. But I have two weeks to deal with that. I told the kids who were asking to just call me after Christmas and I'd give them their grades over the phone. That will force me out of my tendency to procrastinate. I'm more ecited about this break than I have been in a long time, for some reason.

24821. anomie - 12/20/2008 2:52:33 AM

Hey Mago! I think you do a great job too. It seems everything is slow these days. It was me and one cousin on the family site today. Holidays, I think.

24822. alistairConnor - 12/20/2008 8:24:03 AM

Sitting about at my little sister's place, playing vinyl records. Some of them are mine! Visibly she's picked out the ones she liked out of my collection of a couple of hundred, vintage early eighties, which are in the back of the shed (which I sleep in), according to her elder daughter.

Currently on the turntable : The Smiths, "this charming man" EP. Actually that one can't be mine, I discovered them in the UK, post-emigration.

I shall now put on some ska, the Specials, or even better, the Beat.

Oh no! scratch that : it'll be Haircut One Hundred, "Favourite Shirts". We'll see what the adolescents think of that.

Meanwhile, out in the shed, my younger niece is having her twelfth birthday do. She's got her father's thousand-watt ex-disco sound system, hooked up to my laptop to play her iTunes selections.

24823. Ms. No - 12/20/2008 8:41:23 AM

Ah, the 80's Brit Invasion. Love that stuff!

AC, you ever tune into Radio Nigel on the web? I used to get pissed off at a bunch of 80's stations because the good music in the 80's wasn't the American stuff. I couldn't give two shits about Madonna and NightRanger and even stations that would play a lot of the British bands still had too much of the stuff that I wasn't wild about.

RadioNigel gets Elvis Costello and The English Beat as well as the Specials into their mix. You get The Housemartins and Haricut 100 and Marc Almond's It's a Mug's Life with a minimum of Depeche Mode and maximized Clash and Fixx. (Not that I dislike Depeche Mode, but they weren't even in my top 10 favorites)

24824. alistairConnor - 12/20/2008 8:51:50 AM

heh. Little Sister denies that my records are even at her place at all, and that we simply had overlapping tastes... we shall see. When the party's over!

Thank you for Radio Nigel -- I am making plans to listen, back in France.

(An attack of fluffy needle syndrome! Isn't vinyl wonderful?)

24825. magoseph - 12/20/2008 9:24:36 AM

Good, Wabbit hasn't forgotten us--now I'm waiting for Macnas.

I meant to say: Good, webfeet hasn't forgotten us--now I'm waiting for Macnas.

I need sleep.

24826. iiibbb - 12/20/2008 4:07:32 PM

She got the job.

Now all we have to do is sell the house... then get me a job.

I'm debating how to break the news to my own boss. My current feeling is to not tell him until we sell the house. I can't leave my job until we sell it because we can't afford to abodes on one salary.

It's a small town, so there's the off chance someone will find out. I'm not going to volunteer anything, and if anyone asks I will just say that we haven't decided how we're going to deal with the living apart situation yet. If they ask about the house being for sale I'll say that I will bump down to an apartment in order to afford the travel costs to see her.

...it's a "lie" because if we sell the house, I'm moving on, but I don't want to jeopardize my job while I still have a house to pay for.

The upshot is we think we may already have a potential buyer. Maybe my luck is changing (knock on wood).

24827. iiibbb - 12/20/2008 4:08:03 PM

"two" abodes.

24828. magoseph - 12/20/2008 5:15:11 PM

Great news--I'm happy for you!

How did you advertise your house? It may be possible already for everyone to find out online.

24829. Wombat - 12/20/2008 5:15:17 PM

Congrats to your wife and good luck to you!

24830. arkymalarky - 12/20/2008 5:44:44 PM

Great news 3i3b!!

24831. iiibbb - 12/20/2008 6:20:46 PM

We'll put it up officially next month, but our realtor says she has someone who is looking for exactly what we have. Fingers crossed.

24832. judithathome - 12/20/2008 6:48:31 PM

Well, make sure you tell her that beautiful coffee table you built is NOT part of the deal! ;-)

And congrats to you and your wife...2009 looks like a good year for you both!

24833. wonkers2 - 12/20/2008 6:57:56 PM

iiibb, I hope it works out well for you! Merry Christmas!

24834. Ms. No - 12/20/2008 7:35:13 PM

Congratulations, i3b3, and good luck --- I wholeheartedly agree with your strategy of witholding info until the house is sold.

24835. Ms. No - 12/21/2008 10:51:28 AM

Wheee! I'm four hours into the new volume of the family cookbook. Should've started it a week ago, but it should still turn out okay -- if not quite as visually interesting as the first edition.

24836. David Ehrenstein - 12/21/2008 5:22:57 PM

Merry Christmas!

24837. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/21/2008 6:21:40 PM

Hysterical David--thanks!

24838. David Ehrenstein - 12/22/2008 1:03:22 AM

Lola Heatherton's Christmas Special

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