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24840. judithathome - 12/22/2008 5:46:10 PM

I think I'll live...wouldn't have bet on that outcome over the weekend, though.

God, I hate being sick when there's stuff to be done.

Was cheered considerably by a phone call yesterday from our favorite restauranteur who unfortunately is now residing in New Jersey. (MsNo, do you remember Joe, from the Italian restaurant? The one closer to our house, not the one where we met your folks.)

Anyhow, he called to wish us Happy Holidays and to tell us he's coming to town in 3-4 weeks and he wants to take us out to dinner. I told him I'd rather he'd just move back and cook us dinner every night...ha! I guess if he did that, it would be counter-productive to my weight loss project, though.

24841. magoseph - 12/22/2008 8:01:09 PM

We're stuck here, the three of us, Judith--the weather is abominable--the roads are very dangerous, what with the snow ploughs having a hell of a time to keep them deiced and the fact that, if I fall and break a bone, Flexy’s fate may be one that he absolutely does not want.

How do you feel now?

24842. judithathome - 12/22/2008 10:01:29 PM

Ha! Well, no snow or broken bones, at least!

24843. arkymalarky - 12/22/2008 10:50:59 PM

Hate that y'all have had the crud. I've been decompressing the last couple of days. We've been healthier than usual, except I've been having more migraines for some reason. I'm cringing over the dramatic weather change we're supposed to have tomorrow. Hopefully we'll get a few pretty days with good temps this break.

Went to the Hyundai place Sat and thought about you.

24844. judithathome - 12/22/2008 11:15:10 PM

Yes, it's 28° right now and supposed to get up to 60° tomorrow here. I guess it won't make any difference to me since I'm stuck in the house with this shit, anyhow.

Now I think I'm trying to pass a kidney stone...been healthy all year and everything is hitting me at once the last 2 weeks of 08.

24845. judithathome - 12/22/2008 11:16:31 PM

Speaking of Hyundai, I am loving that car sooo much! Ronnie has a special place in my heart, forever, for fixing us up with that wonderful vehicle!

24846. anomie - 12/23/2008 12:26:55 AM

Glad you like your car, Judith. The Hyundais I've seen look pretty nice too. I saw a new Jag at, of all places, Costco the other day. 44K and it didn't look like much. Cars are steadily losing their distinctive looks across model lines. The new BMW 3-series are downright ugly.

24847. judithathome - 12/23/2008 6:24:01 AM

Well, the BMW looks like MY car...I swear, the Beamer my friend bought for three times what I paid for my Hyundai looks exactly like my car. AND my car has all the same functions that his Beamer has...heated leather seats, Infiniti sound system, GPS, burlwood trim, Sirus/XM radio, and five air bags. Plus mine is a beautiful color...Cocoa Metallic...that he likes better than his color: black.

For the past 10 years, cars have all started to look the same...like Chevys. The newer Jags look like bathtubs. I loved my Jag because it still looked like something special...the newer ones look like every other car on the road.

Hats off to the new T-Birds...they look more like the old ones and are identifiable by shape unlike 9/10ths of the other newer models which all look alike.

24848. wonkers2 - 12/23/2008 10:05:48 PM

Mago, would you please stop sending snow to Michigan? We've had 12 inches in the past couple of days, below zero weather last night and six more inches of sleet and snow predicted for this afternoon and tonight. Enough is enough!
Happy holidays, all!

24849. magoseph - 12/23/2008 10:54:13 PM

Tonight and tomorrow 90% snow here, Wonks--sorry.

24850. Ms. No - 12/24/2008 12:47:19 AM

I'm off to the Bay Area to meet the whole brood. Happy Holidays to you all!

24851. anomie - 12/24/2008 4:44:36 AM

Happy Holidays back. I'm posting from a slow wireless connection just North of the Bay myself, (Travis AFB billeting). Visiting old friends for the holidays.

Judith, I guess I was talking about some of the smaller Hyundai models, cause I sure don't like the new BMW. But I'm sure your car is lovely nevertheless. But brown? There is oh so much, way too much brown in the world these days. But again, I'm sure yours is a lovely shade. Ha!

24852. arkymalarky - 12/24/2008 5:11:32 AM

Not this brown. Besides, think about it--how many brown cars are around?

24853. arkymalarky - 12/24/2008 5:12:49 AM

You know, Judith, you're going to have to post a picture of your car.

24854. anomie - 12/24/2008 6:06:05 AM

Not sure if I've ranted about the ubiquity of the color brown here in the Mote. But it is really becoming a colorless world. Just look around. Everything is brown.

I walked into a brand new casino the other day. Everything is brown, including the art hanging on the walls...rugs, table tops (felt), walls, furniture...all brown. And that's typical these days. Chances are, all the houses on your block are some shade of brown.

24855. alistairconnor - 12/24/2008 12:34:32 PM

I'm driving a 20 year old Toyota Corona. (grey)

The best part is that you don't even have to bother locking it, nobody would want it. Which works for me because I often forget to...

This morning, the boot wouldn't shut. The spot weld failed. My brother lent me an elastic to hold it down. But I still got a ticket for the front number plate which fell off at some point...
Only for a month.

24856. alistairconnor - 12/24/2008 12:39:41 PM

Congrats iii for your Mrs. I hope the rest works out OK, and I agree about not counting your chickens...

24857. magoseph - 12/24/2008 1:08:17 PM

December 24, 2008
Hello, Ano, I copied for you this image of forty years ago!

Ali, are congratulations for your marriage in order now?

24858. alistairconnor - 12/24/2008 2:23:15 PM

Hell no Mago I spoke too soon...

Here I am on the moon, she's on planet Earth. Our current separation will be our longest, when it ends three weeks from now. It's already long.

It's 1.20 on Christmas morning here, perhaps time to stop drinking and go to bed?

24859. judithathome - 12/24/2008 4:19:22 PM

Ano, my brown is almost black...a dark, bronzey cocoa brown that gleams in the sunlight. Trust me, it's fabu!

Speaking of ubiquity of color, drive past any new car lot, mall parking area, or parking at an airport and you will see nothing but a sea of white, silver, and black. Spots of red and burgandy. And that's about it.

I've had people stop me and ask what color my car is....how often does that happen today?

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