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24879. anomie - 12/28/2008 10:12:24 PM

Yes, sorry to hear about your mom'saccident, especially during the holidays. Speaking of accidents, I wish you all safe travelling and safe traffic. I could complain
about being backed up on I15 for 2 hours last night at stateline, or
about the solid ribbon of traffic from SF to LV, but I think I'll count
my blessings instead. I got home safe and I didn't see a single
accident along the way.

I fear, however, that the open road and clear sailing on interstates is
getting more and more scarce.

Ya'll be careful out there.

24880. thoughtful - 12/30/2008 5:01:45 PM

Thanks for the well wishes guys. Moms safely ensconced in the nursing home now and it's a very nice place...everyone very friendly, no half-dead people drugged out of their minds in the hallways and no odor at all. Best of all it's 2 min from where I work so I'll be able to visit frequently.

J@h, thanks for the recommendation...I'll look it up, not only for her but for hubby as well who's got osteopenia (would you believe i just corrected a typo...I typed osteopenis!!! Talk about a boner!!)

Mom is 83, but a young 83...I mean at least until this happened, she drives, she flies back and forth to FL, is sharp as a tack...better at remembering phone #s than I am. Her biggest issue which my 5x per week at the gym husband especially complains about is she doesn't exercise. I've managed to get her walking for about 20 min a day, but she really needs a gym to do strength training. Now that she's got to lug her body around on one leg and arms with the walker, she'll be getting strength training whether she likes it or not.

Hope you all have a very happy new year!

24881. judithathome - 12/30/2008 6:04:59 PM

That's true...a walker will strengthen her arms.

Maybe she could find a gym with a pool. That has saved my body for sure.

24882. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/31/2008 6:45:05 PM

Happy New Year!

24883. wonkers2 - 1/1/2009 1:28:31 AM

I hope the new year will be happier, but it could be worse. Nice video!

24884. magoseph - 1/1/2009 3:52:41 PM

Bonne année 2009, Moties!

24885. wabbit - 1/1/2009 5:43:30 PM

Même à vous, mags!

Happy New Year all!

24886. wonkers2 - 1/1/2009 6:21:58 PM

Ditto from w2 and The Cap'n!

24887. magoseph - 1/1/2009 8:41:37 PM

I’m unable to compose a coherent post—the following will tell you why.

From Judith to me:

Wednesday, December 31, 2008 9:17 AM

Leslie had another stroke last night and is in ICU on a ventilator...he had a spike in his blood pressure during an MRI yesterday afternoon and we had to go straight to the ER from the MRI place...he was doing better when I left the ICU last night but they just called and said he'd taken a bad turn about half an hour ago...I'll let you know more tonight.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008 8:03 PM

I got your call and my cell is uncharged so I can't call tonight...they are going to do an EEG tonight and we'll know how bad the damage is sometime tomorrow. I'm going to bed...just exhausted.

It doesn't look good...he is completely unresponsive.

I talked to Keoni this morning—the family was just about to be told officially.

24888. robertjayb - 1/1/2009 8:55:36 PM

So sad. What a struggle they have had.

24889. wonkers2 - 1/1/2009 10:37:40 PM

Oh boy! Sorry to hear that. Sympathy and admiration to Judith for her travails over her beloved son.

24890. Jenerator - 1/1/2009 11:54:06 PM


What is the family about to be officially told - I don't want to assume anything.

24891. Jenerator - 1/1/2009 11:54:44 PM

2008 has been the worst year for Judith. My heart breaks for her.

24892. wabbit - 1/2/2009 1:01:35 AM

Oh no, poor Leslie has been through so much these past couple years. Judith and Keoni must be devastated.

24893. PsychProf - 1/2/2009 3:48:32 AM

I am so sorry Judith.

24894. magoseph - 1/2/2009 7:22:40 AM

Tomorrow morning at 9:30, the family will be at the hospital to discontinue Leslie’s life support.

24895. David Ehrenstein - 1/2/2009 4:19:07 PM

Hey, where's jex?

24896. wonkers2 - 1/2/2009 5:16:57 PM

He's lurking under a pew in San Francisco.

24897. Ms. No - 1/2/2009 8:02:13 PM

Oh, Judith, I'm so, so sorry. My love to you and Keoni and all of Leslie's loved ones.

24898. David Ehrenstein - 1/2/2009 9:02:59 PM


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