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24971. thoughtful - 1/27/2009 3:43:06 PM

I'm so sorry to hear this news...seems like so much bad news floating around these days. My deepest sympathies, but glad to hear his transition was peaceful. It's the best we can hope for all of us. RIP Max.

24972. judithathome - 1/27/2009 5:35:52 PM

I just loved Max...we would email and he always had a little joke or turn of phrase that would make me smile. He was a great reader and we talked about books and such. And about his cat...

24973. vonKreedon - 1/27/2009 5:45:48 PM

Oh no! That is sad and distressing. What is COPD?

24974. judithathome - 1/27/2009 5:52:44 PM

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

24975. thoughtful - 1/27/2009 10:59:57 PM

speaking of posters who have passed, every so often for no known reason, i remember maria...what a special lady.

24976. magoseph - 1/27/2009 11:32:01 PM

Yes, she was, so highly educated--I think often of Hashke. He was the first one to befriend me back late 1998.

24977. vonKreedon - 1/28/2009 12:00:18 AM

I missed if there was any final word on Cigarlaw. Is he still in the world?

24978. Ms. No - 1/28/2009 2:53:27 AM

Max will be missed. He was a charming man.

24979. Ms. No - 1/28/2009 3:00:44 AM


I don't think we ever got any official word about Cigarlaw, but due to his circumstances, we wouldn't have. I last heard about him more than two years ago and at that time things were progressing very rapidly to the end.

I like to think he's sipping champagne in the hot tub with a "dame" or two as he ponders his next move in a Chandleresque detective story.

24980. iiibbb - 1/28/2009 5:23:14 PM

Been thinking of everyone even though I'm not posting much. In particular J@H. Sorry about Max... not to project, but everyone in here is in their 40's in my head.

24981. vonKreedon - 1/28/2009 5:48:40 PM

Well, you're off by a decade in my case.

24982. judithathome - 1/28/2009 5:58:07 PM

And 2 in mine!

24983. vonKreedon - 1/28/2009 6:46:43 PM

Really? I thought you were older than your 20's [;-}

24984. Ms. No - 1/28/2009 7:02:47 PM

Hey, wait!!! I'm not claiming 40 until I have to in October!

24985. judithathome - 1/28/2009 7:21:34 PM

VK, I wouldn't go back to my 20s if my life depended on it! I like the idea of moving decades forward too much.

In fact, most days I wake up totally happy with the age I am.

24986. arkymalarky - 1/28/2009 8:25:22 PM

I've got until July to be in my 40s. The only BD that bothered me was 30.

24987. thoughtful - 1/28/2009 8:34:40 PM

It usually takes me 10 years to get used to how old i am...

24988. thoughtful - 1/28/2009 8:36:31 PM

Actually turning the big 50 wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, mostly because I spent the whole year that I was 49 practicing for being 50.

What really knocked me for a loop though was this year my gf who I've known since I was 3, became a grandmother for the first time. I'm delighted her daughter's had a baby and all, but just sick to death that my contemporaries are now getting 'geezerized'!

24989. thoughtful - 1/28/2009 8:41:04 PM

30s were the best decade ever...finally old enough to come into my own and be my own person, yet young enough to not experience any of the physical deterioration that comes with age.

The other thing is, I realize how easy it is to look smart when you're older. I used to be amazed at older people who seemed so brilliant...now i find it's only that they had a decent memory for what they lived through. I can bamboozle the young folk with 2 arms tied behind my back...I can always come up with a memory or an example and they have no comeback for it....they weren't there.

24990. vonKreedon - 1/28/2009 9:22:16 PM

The birthday that hit me hardest was my 20th. I really enjoyed my twenties and would go back in a flash if only I could retain my current life at the same time. I guess what I'm really saying is I miss my 20 year old body and fearlessness.

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