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Host: Magoseph

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25155. anomie - 3/5/2009 6:37:12 PM

Darn! I guess that should have been TOM Arnold. No matter. Rosanne would still improve the ticket.

25156. judithathome - 3/5/2009 7:35:25 PM

Except Roseanne is yellow dog liberal!

25157. anomie - 3/5/2009 7:51:26 PM

Ha! You make my point even better than I thought. What an improvement!

25158. uzmakk - 3/5/2009 8:12:36 PM

My assistant, a smoker, tells me that loose cigarette tobacco has not been taxed at anywhere near the rate ciggys have. The tax on loose tobacco is going up 2400%. Apparently there are signs in the smoke shop telling people that this is no joke,this is the real thing.

This I have been told.

25159. robertjayb - 3/5/2009 8:55:56 PM

Damn! Am I going to have to give up Bull Durham?

25160. judithathome - 3/6/2009 2:49:23 AM

Anomie, please email me...I think I have your email address but can't locate it on my list!

25166. magoseph - 3/6/2009 11:00:04 AM

Welcome, Clay--you'll find your posts here Message # 25161 in thread 147. The Cafe's conversation about smoking is about tobacco, not marijuana. If you're a new poster, please introduce yourself to us.

25167. magoseph - 3/9/2009 1:00:45 AM

Spring forward...Fall backward! This year, I have no clock handles to advance.

25168. alistairConnor - 3/9/2009 1:08:29 AM

It's another three weeks before l'heure d'été in France.

25169. magoseph - 3/10/2009 9:50:04 AM

Happy birthday, goodwinejoe!

25170. judithathome - 3/11/2009 8:09:20 PM

And a very Happy Birthday to YOU, Magos! You may be a year older but like fine wine, just keep improving with age.

Is it still too cold out to have a night out on the town in celebration?

25171. magoseph - 3/12/2009 3:39:07 AM

Thanks, Judith--yes, weather is vicious--we're getting the end of what's happening now in Minnesota.

25172. magoseph - 3/13/2009 6:11:03 PM

Is the Mote Café going to stay open only until your story in Mote Fiction is finished, Ali?

25173. judithathome - 3/13/2009 6:37:29 PM

Had to cancel my hair cut today...I am still weak as a cat from the food poisoning that hit me Sunday.

25174. alistairConnor - 3/13/2009 11:10:36 PM

Well, what do you think Mago? Am I scaring away the trade?

I need to accelerate the pace. And finish the damn thing. Then they will come back...

25175. alistairConnor - 3/13/2009 11:12:24 PM

Take care Judith...

25176. alistairConnor - 3/16/2009 4:17:21 AM

Well! That'll surely bring them back...
... or drive them away...

25177. judithathome - 3/16/2009 4:31:15 AM

Who, exacrly, is them?

Went out tonight for the first time this week...to an Italian restaurant. Excellent spaghetti with alio/aglio sauce and spinach/mushroom mix.

Alistair, we had a South African red...a Cabernet Sauvignon/Shiraz blend 2002...it was delicious. I made a joke about it's being an "apartied" wine. Not very funny to anyone but me but the label sounded very "Boer-ish".

25178. judithathome - 3/16/2009 4:32:34 AM

"exactly"...too much of that excellent vino, evidently.

25179. magoseph - 3/16/2009 1:27:13 PM

Well, what do you think Mago? Am I scaring away the trade?

Ali, that's not what I mean--I'm very afraid that you're about to close The Mote and you'll forget me. I can't have a chagrin d'amour just now--je me fais vielle, tu sais.

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