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25181. magoseph - 3/20/2009 1:59:26 PM

Ali, ask me anything.

25182. alistairconnor - 3/20/2009 3:37:05 PM

I'm missing all that excellent wine I was drinking in NZ over the Christmas holidays...
The stuff I drink at home is often relatively rough and rustic, I don't have much of a budget for it.
My girlfriend bought some champagne the other day, we drank one, and she's put the other five in the fridge for storage... baaad idea I told her... we get bad when we drink... et on n'a pas les moyens de faire ça tous les jours!

I guess you're not drinking much wine these days Mago? What do you drink when you have the choice?

25183. magoseph - 3/20/2009 4:15:09 PM

I drink Grand Marnier on ice in a Art Deco Lalique glass given by one of my most ardent admirers, Ali. If one of my loved ones sees me holding the drink, he’s gone instantly.

25184. judithathome - 3/20/2009 4:30:38 PM

We had a good blend last week...a South African Cab/Shiraz blend. Can't recall the name but it sounded very Dutch...I referred to it as Boer vino.

25185. alistairconnor - 3/20/2009 4:44:34 PM

Cabernet/Shiraz is awfully infra dig in France, as the varieties come from different regions... bordeaux and rhone valley respectively, and never the twain shall meet. One of my favourites among the wines I exported to NZ was, precisely, a Cab/Shiraz, "vin de pays" because it doesn't conform to any "AOC" standard... the maker doesn't give a shit, he just loves to make good wine. A couple of months ago I saw a couple of bottles of his wine on a shelf in an organic shop... I pounced on it, looked at the price, and protested to the management that there must be a mistake... it was sold for 3 euros 50 or thereabouts. It would be a bargain at three times the price.

One sad thing I noted in NZ : Unfortunately, in the last couple of years, popular taste has turned towards sugary wines. They are literally making them sweeter, to enlarge the market to include people who don't like wine, I guess.
In France, wine drinking is in steep decline, at least by quantity. Probably the majority of "young" people (under 30?) don't drink wine at all.

25186. judithathome - 3/20/2009 5:54:22 PM

When they drink, they drink sugary sweet concoctions...we know some under 30s and they drink wine but it is always some sweet crap we can't abide. We did turn one girl on to Shiraz, though.

I hope you're sitting down, AC, because I'm about to tell you what we got as a "gift" this week for watching a neighbor's house while she was out of town: a bottle of muscadine. Called Miss Scarlett.

Now we had some excellent muscadine at Arky's last year...it was home-made and smooth as velvet. But this Miss Scarlet isn't in the same bracket, I'm almost certain. We're going to take it to Arky's in August for comparison...

I've noticed a trend for the last 2 years from all our guests; they bring "hostess gifts" of white wine. Now everyone we know well enough to have over for dinner KNOWS we drink nothing but reds and yet, we end up with an entire rack of whites. I suspect "re-gifting" is at work here.

The funny thing is, when I offer to open the whites they just brought, they say "No, no, that's a GIFT for YOU!" and drink all our red stuff. Go figure.

25187. iiibbb - 3/21/2009 1:15:23 AM

Knock on wood, but someone wants to do a second walkthrough on our house next week. We might be getting an offer before we leave. That would be too great.

25188. Ms. No - 3/21/2009 5:22:12 AM

Fingers crossed!!

25189. lemwalker - 3/24/2009 5:59:08 AM

"Twilight", the book and the movie are big business here. The report is that 600 or so devotees were in town for the release of the DVD. It is good for the local economy. The crowd is almost completely young female. There are many each weekend anyway.Which goes down well with us old perverts. Unfortunately I was out of town during the weekend. Wish I could figure out how to make $ off this. Maybe charge for my picture? Am authentic old, broken down, logger.

25190. arkymalarky - 3/24/2009 7:54:02 AM

Hey Lem! My daughter went to a Twilight watching party when the dvd came out.

25191. alistairconnor - 3/24/2009 1:39:50 PM

Heh. My daughters are hooked on the Twilight thing. Was the film made in your part of the world, Lem?

Our modest attempt to cash in on the vampire buzz is this collective story - want to add a chapter?

25192. lemwalker - 3/24/2009 3:16:38 PM

It was not filmed here. The setting of the book is the local town and reservation. I live between the two. I will look at the story. Thanks for the offer

25193. wabbit - 3/25/2009 8:38:38 PM

Hey Lem! How's the golf course?

25194. rdbrewer - 3/26/2009 2:38:45 AM

It's good to come back here and see all the familiar faces.

Muffin, haven't seen you lately. You left TPW?

25195. rdbrewer - 3/26/2009 2:40:07 AM

It's good to come back here and see all the familiar faces.

Muffin, haven't seen you lately. You left TPW?

25196. arkymalarky - 3/26/2009 3:29:21 AM

Hey RD! Great to see you! How's it going?

25197. robertjayb - 3/26/2009 4:25:33 AM

Yeah! The Okie returns.

25198. alistairconnor - 3/26/2009 1:30:49 PM

No, I'm still around RD, I occasionally kick shit in the "finance" and "international" type threads.

25199. lemwalker - 3/26/2009 4:10:43 PM

The golf course is history. Too much labor, not enough fun. I have given up on a game invented by dour Calvinist Scots. They weren't allowed to have fun. So they played golf.

25200. vonKreedon - 3/27/2009 5:49:08 PM

Haha...penance as recreation!

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