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2502. PelleNilsson - 1/20/2005 5:38:48 PM

It must have been 30 years since I tasted home made butter but recently I came across a recipe. I'll try it one day soon. Recipe? you say. Everyone knows that if you whip cream long enough it will turn into butter. True, but the result will be as devoid of character as industrial butter.

2503. Macnas - 1/20/2005 5:44:23 PM

Pelle, salted or unsalted?

2504. PelleNilsson - 1/20/2005 6:24:19 PM

Salted to taste which in my case is rather salty.

2505. Linnea - 1/20/2005 7:13:55 PM

Cast iron skillets make a neat "bong"

I read this the wrong way at first, and briefly tried to figure out how you'd drill through the cast iron to insert a hose.

2506. judithathome - 1/20/2005 7:14:25 PM

Ha! That's the way I read it, too!

2507. wabbit - 1/20/2005 7:43:55 PM

Glad I'm not the only one who read it that way!

Linnea, I was thinking about you yesterday while driving to the PO. It was snowing like crazy, dry fluffy snow, and the roads hadn't been plowed yet. It would have been great x-country skiing.

2508. Linnea - 1/20/2005 7:53:38 PM

Alas, our foot of snow has been rained on and flattened into a crusty mess. I haven't been out skiing since that one attempt. We're supposed to get more snow tomorrow, though . . .

Where do you live, wabbit?

2509. wabbit - 1/20/2005 8:27:11 PM

I'm in the western Catskills in NY, near PA (see Message # 2451). We've got about a foot of snow on the ground - the top 8" is fluffy, but under that is hard from the freezing rain we got last week. The prognosticators are saying we may get another foot Saturday night, but I don't believe them, they always overestimate. Dammit.

2510. Linnea - 1/20/2005 8:42:34 PM

I know where Jeffersonville is! I grew up in New Paltz, NY.

2511. wabbit - 1/20/2005 9:00:16 PM

Ha! An ex-SO of mine used to run the SUNY NP radio station. Maybe he'll post in here one of these days...

New Paltz is way upscale compared to Jeff. Of course, we are a much smaller village. I'll be interested to see how we look on tv.

2512. PelleNilsson - 1/20/2005 9:47:37 PM

New Paltz? Could that be a distortion of New Pfalz? Many Germans there?

2513. Linnea - 1/20/2005 9:52:10 PM

Point for Pelle. Actually, the town was settled by some French Huguenots who first moved to Pfalz in Germany and then to America.

My high school's sports teams were called the Huguenots.

2514. ronski - 1/20/2005 9:58:19 PM

New Rochelle, NY, adjacent to where I grew up, was also founded by Huguenots, and their high school team uses that name.

2515. PelleNilsson - 1/20/2005 10:06:06 PM

From 1660 to 1718 Sweden and Finland were ruled by kings who traced their ancestry to Pfalz, the Karls X to XII.

In Anglo literature Pfalz is often referred to as the Palatinate.

2516. ronski - 1/21/2005 12:13:52 AM


Is it true that there are a lot of Swedes with distinctly German-sounding names, or is that a wrong impression?

2517. arkymalarky - 1/21/2005 1:13:23 AM

Jack's Skillet

2518. Wombat - 1/21/2005 4:02:00 AM

The Wombats sometimes go to the Mohonk Mountain Lodge, just outside New Paltz.

2519. Linnea - 1/21/2005 5:03:05 PM

I was a waitress at Mohonk, once upon a time.

2520. PelleNilsson - 1/21/2005 7:04:40 PM

If you refer to surnames there are indeed Swedes with German-sounding, French-sounding and English-sounding names (in that order). They are more common among the (former) aristocracy than among ordinary people, but they are not very frequent. Most Swedes didn't even have surnames in the modern sense until the end of the 19th century.

For given names there are many similarities simply because many of them are of common Germanic origin.

2521. angel-five - 1/21/2005 7:26:45 PM

I thought they got it from aping their morally and physically superior cousins to the south, the Danes.

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