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25240. arkymalarky - 4/2/2009 2:25:53 AM

Had a headache today, so the kids didn't even try one on me or I on them.

I know I've told this before, but the best I ever did was giving a fake test to an AP English class. It was a scheduled test, the questions were on the material and sounded fine, grammatically correct and.all, but they made no sense whatsoever. I'll bet the kids sat there at least ten minutes--some writing but most just looking at the test--before anyone dared try to get me to explain a question, at which point I pulled out the real test.

25241. judithathome - 4/2/2009 1:44:08 PM

Okay, no April Fool's jokes unless it was the price of a matress cover I planned on getting at Target until I saw the price.

Our Greek friends are coming on 27 April and staying until 8 June (not all of that time with us but enough of it) and I needed to either buy a new mattress for the daybed in the guest room or get a cushy new pad....I didn't want to spend that much money on a mattress since, after they leave, we are selling the bed and the dresser in there and turning the guest room into a huge walk-in closet.

It seems silly to keep that one whole room set up for guests as we only have sleep-over guests once in a blue moon...and we can put anyone up in the den if they stay over after June...that way, they will have not only a TV but a private bathroom, too!

Making that guest room into a closet, with storage and shoe shelving and rack upon rack to hang clothing, gives more utility than having to change out winter/summer wardrobes twice a year...a grueling task! And we can leave the ironing board up full time, instead of dragging it out daily...which won't faze me as Keoni is the ironing freak around here.

Anyhow, the cover I wanted for the daybed was $119! I was floored. I settled on a $25 one...if Popi doesn't like it, she can sleep on the floor. (ha!)

Arky, it occurs to me you and Bob might like the daybed...it's that walnut one you slept on before. (I'm keeping the roll away cot.)

25242. judithathome - 4/2/2009 1:44:52 PM

On second thought, you probably aren't interested since I've no idea where you'd put it...

25243. arkymalarky - 4/2/2009 3:37:57 PM

Actually, I was just thinking it would be a real thought for us since we borrowed one from my parents for the girls and I'm afraid they'll want it back after they leave. I want it in place of the sofa in that room. It has a trundle.

25244. judithathome - 4/4/2009 3:28:03 PM

Well, we'd be happy to hold on to it for you and maybe we could bop up there overnight or something in Keoni's truck with it*...I would say we'd bring it in August but I am SOOOO looking forward to getting my car out on the highway...I've even volunteered to drive!

*Does Bob still have a truck...maybe we could meet halfway like we did when you missed the train.

25245. judithathome - 4/4/2009 8:44:34 PM

Okay...I may have offered it too soon...I went over to Leslie's house today to dig up Star Gazer lilies for a friend of his and Sonnie asked if she could have the day bed for the baby's room...makes sense since she can use it if the baby gets sick because the master bedroom is
i really
far from the baby's room.

If she changes her mind, however...it's yours! (She hasn't seen it yet...but it matches the baby's furniture and wood trim in the room perfectly so I fear she's going to want it.)

Gloating great grandma news: my little great granddaughter now has SEVEN perfect little teeth! And she literally cooed at me when I walked in the room today.

25246. judithathome - 4/4/2009 8:46:32 PM

Eh...tried the wrong HTML...really

Speaking of correcting the mistakes in posts, where oh where is Ulgine?...it always gives her a kick when I do that. Anyone heard from her lately?

25247. arkymalarky - 4/5/2009 2:06:12 AM

Oh, how sweet! I bet she's just a doll!

By all means, that woukd be great for them, and I'm hoping my parents will just leave this one rather than mess with moving it again. But y'all come on with or without furniture!

And I think the train missed me! I don't know if it ever did show up, come to think of it. But now that Obama's president I'm sure they're running on time!

25248. judithathome - 4/5/2009 3:12:09 PM

Oh that's RIGHT! You were there...it was the train that was a no-show!

Despite your bad experience, Keoni still wants to take the train up there some time...maybe after we're retired and have lots of free time...ha!

Speaking of retiring, I doubt he does that very soon. Even though the usual mayhem of spring moving is staring out slower than usual, his company just obtained a huge loan to move to a larger facility...it's on the same block as the one now but is way bigger.

They are having to re-design the interior and have decided to go with an "open concept" office area...we were at dinner Friday night with a design engineer (retired) and he and Keoni were dicussing the psycological aspects of open concept versus closed offices...it was pretty fascinating stuff.

25249. robertjayb - 4/5/2009 6:59:08 PM

Verizon promises rural broadband...(CS Monitor)

Of interest to Arky?

Verizon had hopeful news for those parts of America that broadband companies have ignored. An executive for Verizon’s mobile-phone division said Wednesday that the company plans to roll out a wireless network that will deliver Web access “throughout the entire country.”

Last year, Verizon purchased the airwaves previously used for analog television, the so-called 700 MHz spectrum.

“The licenses we bought in the 700MHz auction cover the whole US,” says Tony Melone, a Verizon Wireless V.P., in an interview with CNET at this week’s CTIA mobile trade show. “And we plan to roll out LTE [high-speed mobile service] throughout the entire country, including places where we don’t offer our [current] cell phone service today.”

25250. arkymalarky - 4/5/2009 9:25:36 PM

Absolutely, Robert! Especially since they just bought Alltel, the only carrier besides ATT that we can get svc from out here. Thanks!!

25251. arkymalarky - 4/5/2009 9:27:22 PM

Wonder how soon they'll get it going.

25252. judithathome - 4/6/2009 12:34:24 PM

I don't know but we have been using Verizon for cell phones and have NEVER had a problem with them. I think Keoni's phone might have "dropped out" less that 10 times in all the time he's had it...usually he is on the road out in the outlying areas when that happens...not enough to notice, really, and after a mile or two, it's picked up again.

I've never had my cell lose service at all...unless I've forgotten to charge it.

25253. arkymalarky - 4/6/2009 6:54:33 PM

They bought Alltel, which we'd been happy with, but our phones are att now. I wonder if we could switch them over if this goes through?

25254. arkymalarky - 4/6/2009 10:16:42 PM

Ok. I told my kids about Verizon today and one said they're planning oin adding a lot of towers in the area in the next two months.

25255. arkymalarky - 4/7/2009 4:03:06 AM

Hey, our old pal Spuds is getting BIG props in Dailykos today!

25256. judithathome - 4/7/2009 2:06:56 PM

I saw him on a crime show last week...speaking as an expert on something, not as a criminal...ha!

25257. judithathome - 4/7/2009 2:09:40 PM

Okay...I looked and didn't see it...where is he on Daily Kos?

25258. wabbit - 4/7/2009 4:26:47 PM

Difference isn't a threat

25259. wabbit - 4/7/2009 4:27:22 PM

I'll repost that link in Politics.

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