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25368. wabbit - 6/11/2009 5:22:34 PM

How cool is that? I've bought shoes from Zappos, very happy with them (both the company and the shoes). Let us know how the marathon goes!

Hey marj!

25369. msgreer - 6/11/2009 5:38:21 PM

I will certainly let you know about the run. The date is October 18th...in an enchanted part of the country..oops..not NM..the land of enchantment but over the Rockies.
I never heard a word from jexster. It is my belief he would remember me...and I don't have any arguments with him.
If you hear from him would you remind him again msgreer would really like to be able to email him?
Hoping you are well

25370. wabbit - 6/11/2009 6:00:50 PM

I'll send him another email and remind him.

25371. msgreer - 6/11/2009 6:34:09 PM


25372. arkymalarky - 6/11/2009 6:57:42 PM

Wow, Msgreer, that's cool. I'll check them out. Heard of them, but don't know anything about them.

25373. arkymalarky - 6/11/2009 7:01:51 PM

Marj! Great to see you!
Does "rumbled" mean arrested? Is posting handcuffed a metaphor for something?

25374. msgreer - 6/11/2009 7:12:20 PM

I first heard about Zappos when my sister gave me a gift
certificate for the site. I guess we all have our favorite places to go shopping on the Internet. This is one of hers.

25375. robertjayb - 6/11/2009 7:13:14 PM

I've bought from Zappos. Great service.

25376. alistairconnor - 6/11/2009 7:36:16 PM

"rumbled" means found out. He's saying he's been identified by someone in real life with respect to his writings here.

I have always respected the right to anonymity, even though I never really understood the need for it. But that's easy for me to say : I'm pretty anonymous in real life.

25377. alistairconnor - 6/11/2009 7:37:22 PM

I'm impressed that you're doing a semi-marathon, MsG ... and not surprised that you are doing it in a good cause!

25378. arkymalarky - 6/11/2009 8:14:33 PM

Oh. It's a shame freedom of speech isn't free for a lot of us. It can come with a very high price tag.

25379. wabbit - 6/11/2009 9:07:35 PM

Oh man, that sucks if that's what happened to marj. I have personal reasons for wanting to remain anonymous, though they are less important now than they were ten years ago, so I completely respect marj's position. I've often thought if I were 'outed' by some small, selfish waste of oxygen, I might abandon my ID and start over. I think I've managed to keep my voice so indistinct that recognizing me under a new moniker would be more difficult than spotting marj.

Although, now that I give it a second thought, he might enjoy the challenge of creating a new personality...

25380. alistairconnor - 6/11/2009 9:11:54 PM

Wabbit, as one who has had the privilege of meeting you in real life, I have always regretted your extreme restraint on line, I know we're all missing a lot.

25381. wabbit - 6/11/2009 9:50:09 PM

Thank you, AC. That was a fun visit in NYC, wasn't it? Your youngest was tiny, and I believe your eldest was cinq ans, as she said. Or was it marj and me trying to insist she must be cinq and not quatre ans? I know his French was much better than mine (but I'm working on that). I'd twist my schedule around to do it again.

Hey, what's happening with the novel?

25382. msgreer - 6/11/2009 10:42:53 PM

Thanks for your kind words. One great part of doing this is all the wonderful people I am meeting. It takes lots of training...my team meets each Saturday morning at 6:30am to avoid the Florida heat. I consider myself fairly well versed in the area of nutrition but eating properly for a run like this is new to me. I promised wabbit I would keep my friends here posted on how it goes...and the money I am raising goes for a very good cause.
Oh yes, when I am not training with my team I am doing so on my own. Our two coaches give us weekly goals to meet. I'll be at the beach soon to get my daily workout in.

25383. alistairconnor - 6/12/2009 12:13:28 PM

Let's see, autumn of 1998, right Wabbit? She would have been just five. Heaps of temperament, as you will remember. I have been comically predicting dire conflict when adolescence arrived, but now that it's hit me between the eyes like a baseball bat, I'm not laughing... But I'm relatively serene about it, we're going to see a psychotherapist together like dutiful middle-class people must do.

I've got several episodes for the novel in my head, I was hoping for divine intervention (from NuPlanet or Webfeet, in particular) but I'll just have to push ahead with it. (and now I've got all this new material happening to me!!)

Though chapters from Macnas or Marjoribanks would be nice...

For those who have missed the preceding episodes, it starts here.

25384. vonKreedon - 6/12/2009 3:47:07 PM

I am bummed to hear that someone has outed Marj and that Marj feels vulnerable enough that that restricts his posting. I'm considerably less vigilant about protect the vK persona's anonyminity, but I have dropped out of a discussion group when my RL identity was outed, so I completely understand.

25385. robertjayb - 6/13/2009 4:06:12 AM

David Niewert, a.k.a. spudboy, late of The Mote, was on tonight with Anderson Cooper, talking terrorists. Quite a handsome guy. I had him in mind's eye as wan and wispy-bearded.

25386. judithathome - 6/13/2009 2:23:39 PM

So did I until I saw him once on a newsshow. Amazing how we "figure people out" before we see them in real life.

25387. wabbit - 6/13/2009 2:29:23 PM

Spudboy is also a very nice guy. You can watch the interview at Crooks and Liars.

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