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25387. wabbit - 6/13/2009 2:29:23 PM

Spudboy is also a very nice guy. You can watch the interview at Crooks and Liars.

25388. arkymalarky - 6/21/2009 9:23:27 PM

Happy Fathers Day Mote dads!

25389. alistairConnor - 6/22/2009 10:04:12 PM

Thank you Arky, I had a good father's day, by the simple expedient of avoiding my children...

But seriously... It'll be alright, in the long run (I'm thinking three years...)

I'm reunited with my girlfriend, and separated from my elder daughter. But talking to her. We know we've got work to do.

And I've got a house for sale, if anyone's interested.

25390. judithathome - 6/23/2009 3:09:40 PM

Alistair, when I left my son's father and "ran away" with Keoni, my son and I were estranged for awhile...it didn't help that I moved to Japan very soon after leaving his dad...but it all worked out. He and Keoni became very close and he eventually came to see that Keoni made me happy and his father did not. (It took his own divorce for him to finally have it all come into focus.)

It's different with daughters. She will come around after she gets some perspective on the situation...after she grows out of her teenaged self-centeredness a bit. It's good that you are still speaking.

Kids seem to view their parents as entities with no needs of their own...they think we exist solely to make them happy, at any cost. It's a cliché to say that but it's true. It's hard for kids to realize there comes a point where happiness crosses over into being their job...the first of many they will face from now on.

25391. alistairConnor - 6/23/2009 10:38:57 PM

Thanks Judith.
I think I'm at war with her mother. I have been aware that she has been at war with me ever since we separated, but it was strictly one-sided. Now that I've realised that she has effectively, intentionally or not, turned my daughter against me... well, damn the torpedoes.

25392. judithathome - 6/24/2009 7:18:29 PM

Well, everyone wish me luck tomorrow...I'm going to babysit my great granddaughter for 5 hours.

I have to admit I am scared shitless.

25393. judithathome - 7/2/2009 6:14:45 PM

Gee, I guess no one cared if the little tyke terrorized me or not!

So...what are you Americans doing for the Late Great Fourth Of July?

We're going to this new, snazzy liquor store to check out the holiday bargains, then out to eat somewhere decadent and over-priced, and then home to watch a movie about the holocaust.

Can't get much more American than that! Ha!

25394. Ms. No - 7/2/2009 8:56:14 PM

I had no doubt you'd prevail, Jude! Did you have a good time?

I'm not sure what I'm doing on the 4th yet, but tomorrow evening I'm meeting friends for dinner at Celestine's for Haitian-Caribean food.

I really want to learn to make a good Ti Malice sauce.

25395. msgreer - 7/5/2009 5:53:12 AM

It is now very early in the morning on July 5th. As I posted in the Health thread, I am wondering if there is a soul on theMote to chat with. Room service just may get a call from me ordering a few shots of tequilla.

25396. arkymalarky - 7/5/2009 6:58:47 AM

Hey MsGreer! I popped in on my way to bed (I do pretty much every night).

25397. arkymalarky - 7/8/2009 7:37:22 AM

Well, we're here at the CO cabin. Cool and dry, flowers are gorgeous, and not much has changed, which is very comforting. Neat having internet access on my phone, but probably won't use it much. I'm going to see if I can chill and work at the same time.

25398. judithathome - 7/9/2009 2:04:26 PM

Here's a very short video if Ike, Leslie's cat...my friend took it Sunday with new Iphone.

I call it I Don't Wanna Go To Rehab...

25399. wabbit - 7/9/2009 4:35:41 PM


25400. judithathome - 7/9/2009 7:55:44 PM

He's the neatest kitty! So different from Harley...she's very dainty and aloof...he's a lumbering, loving little charmer.

25401. Ms. No - 7/9/2009 8:01:29 PM

I would soooo have a yard sale if I had even a little bit of yard in the front of our building. All our yard is in the back which is harder to advertise.

25402. judithathome - 7/9/2009 8:36:17 PM

Advertise the address and have signs up in front pointing the way...trust me, people will find you!

I think I told you this before but we had a yard sale in our backyard
i on base
in Maine; there was a road that passed by the back section of our yard and people didn't have to come "on base" to access it. I advertised it as "an eclectic collection" in the local paper and someone actually asked me where the "eclectics" were when they arrived....

25403. judithathome - 7/9/2009 8:37:15 PM

i on base=on base

25404. Ms. No - 7/10/2009 12:29:06 AM

I definitely have some eclectics to sell!

25405. arkymalarky - 7/10/2009 4:19:43 AM

Can't load on the blackberry--heading for civilization and wifi tomorrow and will try to check out the video then!

25406. arkymalarky - 7/12/2009 4:04:33 AM

Great cool rainy breezy mountain weather today. Was sick as a dog yesterday. Don't know if it was a stomach virus or just my system, but I'm so glad to be over it that everything's more pleasant than usual. Hope to go on a mountain walk tomorrow. We haven't walked since we've been here.

There's a bear living in town and he's into garbage most every night. The neighbors are used to him after over two years, which is scary to me. I had to help the neighbor pick up Mom and Dad's garbage right after we got here. The bear had strewn it everywhere. We'll take ours to the dump when we leave.

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