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25428. Ms. No - 7/17/2009 5:14:23 AM


I'm wondering if something like hot-chili oil or something would do the trick.

25429. arkymalarky - 7/17/2009 6:41:56 AM

My bear-expert bro, who I'm going to start calling The Bear Whisperer, went on and on about that stupid bear and how I was doing and should be doing, addressing things I wasn't even saying, blah, blah, until I finally cussed him and he hung up on me. So now I guess I'm SOL on expert bear advice. All I said was that the bear coming to the same place every day and now breaking into wooden buildings will likely end up with somebody (esp dogs, who run loose up here) getting hurt.

That sounds like it would work, but we probably won't have any more garbage out before we leave. At home people put ammonia (just a tad) in garbage to keep the dogs out of it. I'll suggest it to our neighbor, who doesn't seem to be able to protect his garbage.

25430. wabbit - 7/17/2009 2:45:17 PM

I've heard that ammonia-soaked rags work, but they need to be re-soaked often. Maybe mothballs? I suppose you could freeze garbage (food scraps, etc.) until trash pick-up day. Otherwise, you have to shell out the big bucks for a bear-proof trash container. You know these suckers are uber-expensive when they don't put the price online.

25431. arkymalarky - 7/17/2009 5:03:25 PM

Our neighbor got an "animal-proof" one, obviously not expensive (soft plastic with a "locking" top) and the bear just squeezes it until the lid pops off. He's done that twice and hasn't hurt the can at all. Bro did say something funny--that the ones where you have to line up the arrows to open them really confuse bears. I said yeah, they need to make them like medicine bottles.

25432. arkymalarky - 7/17/2009 5:13:47 PM

Our neighbor got an "animal-proof" one, obviously not expensive (soft plastic with a "locking" top) and the bear just squeezes it until the lid pops off. He's done that twice and hasn't hurt the can at all. Bro did say something funny--that the ones where you have to line up the arrows to open them really confuse bears. I said yeah, they need to make them like medicine bottles.

25433. robertjayb - 7/18/2009 1:24:14 AM

MSNBC has a bulletin up saying Walter Chronkite is dead at 92....

25434. robertjayb - 7/18/2009 1:41:20 AM

Uncle Walter remembered...(HouChron)

Walter Cronkite's voice provided the backdrop for many of America's best, brightest, saddest and most trying moments, and the bonds of trust he forged across three decades with millions of CBS News viewers remain the unattainable gold standard of his profession.

Cronkite, who died Friday at 92, worked for CBS News from 1950 through 1981 and was anchor and managing editor of the CBS Evening News for 19 years. He had been ill for some time.

25435. judithathome - 7/18/2009 6:08:49 AM

Just watched parts of the Moon Landing Conspiracy Theories and had never seen much of that all of a piece before...gotta say some of the "evidence" was compelling.

25436. arkymalarky - 7/18/2009 7:19:38 AM

I had a student who was into that theory. Never heard all the details.

I read and Wabbit posted a week or so ago that Walter Cronkite's death was imminent. I just loved him from my earliest tv, before I knew about news. I saw today that Nelson Mandela is 91. Time is flashing by.

25437. robertjayb - 7/19/2009 3:03:39 AM

Celebrating Cronkite while ignoring what he did...

The Vietcong did not win by a knockout [in the Tet Offensive], but neither did we. The referees of history may make it a draw. . . . We have been too often disappointed by the optimism of the American leaders, both in Vietnam and Washington, to have faith any longer in the silver linings they find in the darkest clouds. . . .

"For it seems now more certain than ever that the bloody experience of Vietnam is to end in a stalemate. . . . To say that we are closer to victory today is to believe, in the face of the evidence, the optimists who have been wrong in the past" -- Walter Cronkite, CBS Evening News, February 27, 1968.

"I think there are a lot of critics who think that [in the run-up to the Iraq War] . . . . if we did not stand up and say this is bogus, and you're a liar, and why are you doing this, that we didn't do our job. I respectfully disagree. It's not our role" -- David Gregory, MSNBC, May 28, 2008.

(Glen Greenwald in Salon)

25438. arkymalarky - 7/19/2009 5:33:14 AM

Greenwald gets it exactly. Cronkite's role in getting Watergate covered by CBS was overlooked, as well, imo. They did a 25th anniversary special that I still show to students which reveals so much more behind the scenes wrt all involved than anyone realized.
David Gregory is really an example of all that is wrong with the MSM. I sometimes liked him when he was giving poor Scott McClelland hell, but he has zero value in anything related to journalistic skill that I can see.

25439. judithathome - 7/19/2009 3:40:43 PM

Yeah, he's the furtherest thing from "investigative journalism" there is...

25440. judithathome - 7/19/2009 3:41:25 PM

...or even responsible journalism.

Toadyism rules these days.

25441. Ms. No - 7/19/2009 7:02:51 PM

The Good Lord must love the stupid people; he made so damn many of them.

I cannot, cannot, can not go back to Politics Daily. It just makes me too mad. I can't read those comments and have any hope at all for our country --- and right now there's some idiocy showing with the co-editor and her crusade to misunderstand and have a fit all over Justice Ginsberg's Roe v. Wade comments.

Seriously. I'm so mad lately I could spit. I'm tired of greed and stupidity and selfishness and hysteria.

I just want out.

Canada's better than this, right?

25442. robertjayb - 7/19/2009 10:52:33 PM

Maybe New Zealand?

For Alistair: Roaming in New Zealand...(LATimes)

Interesting travelogue and more about VW vans than you probably want to know...

25443. dandillon - 7/21/2009 3:49:14 AM

Greetings, all. Just dropping in. Hope everyone's doing wonderfully well!

25444. arkymalarky - 7/21/2009 5:22:08 AM

Hey Dan! Same to you. Update us on the fam when you get a chance. Great to see you here!

25445. arkymalarky - 7/21/2009 5:24:03 AM

I'm in a hotel in Amarillo with Bob and Mazie. Was depressed to leave the CO cabin, more than usual, but now looking forward to home. And it's going to be cool in AR this week! Usually when we step out of the car at home we feel like we need gills to breathe, but it should be really nice tomorrow evening, though it's supposed to rain. And Wed will rival the cabin at 85F!

25446. alistairConnor - 7/21/2009 7:55:07 AM

Hey Dan!
I'm at my girlfriend's flat in Lyon. I've got a couple of weeks All Alone, she's with her family in Morocco, and my kids are with their mother. I had my annual week-long orgy of mountain biking, eating and drinking, and in spite of all the blood, sweat and tears, I came back 3 kilos HEAVIER.

I'm supposed to be selling my house, but having psychological difficulties with that...

25447. judithathome - 7/22/2009 3:52:02 PM

Arky, in 8 days we'll be on your front porch having a treat I found for us yesterday...you and I are going to feel like genuine Southern Belles, for sure!

Well, sans the corsets and petticoats!

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