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25477. rdbrewer - 8/1/2009 11:59:10 AM

Oh, fuck, I hate that. I just hit "refresh." It double posted, and I don't even feel better.

On the chix thing: They have been aggressive. I love to dance. I had to stop about four or five months ago. Two chix got into an argument about who "talked to" me first. I was mortified. Never went back. I was just dancing to take my mind off things.

25478. alistairconnor - 8/1/2009 12:22:23 PM

Interesting parallels, RD.

Worthiness problems, co-dependence. Magnet for women with issues.

Except that nobody ever fought about dancing with me. I'm a lousy dancer.

(BPD, DID, PTSD, NPD, and OCD I don't get. PTSD yes, I can't decipher the others.)

25479. rdbrewer - 8/1/2009 12:56:33 PM

Alistair, I've studied that stuff informally for 25 years. And, routinely, it's obvious I know more than MD's. And, think about it. I've studied it. They took a class in med school. But. They're MD's. That carries with it a certain amount of arrogance. It's like this: I studied Family Law (made an "A") and Property ("A") in law school. I never practiced in those areas, though. And I don't know a damned thing about them. Nothing. My ex, who has had three divorces, knew much more than me. She was able to prepair. But. You meet an MD--and keep in mind, everyone they meet is bowing and saying "oh, great doctor, you are great, and please save me"--and you get someone who is so full of shit, their eyes are brown. I know more about psych in my middle finger than all of them do in their entire brains--all except those who specialize in the area. I'll tell you that, as a lawyer, I've had the opportunity to meet hundreds of doctors, and many, many are too confident. In general. It's almost laughable at times. In fact, the ex and I would laugh and laugh after seminars--pretty much every one. Some doctor would, inevitably, go on about how s/he combined this and that medication (totally unscientifically, yet totally unknown to them) and they got this and that incredible medical result. Of course, they were shot down in short order, but they appeared in every seminar. They're all over. And I mention them because they're the extreme. Most are like my ex: "I took a class in psych, so I can comment on psychological disorders." Wrong. She's an internist. She needs to stick to internal medicine.

When it comes to psych issues, she'd be better off giving me a call. Heck, I was quoting the DSM-IV to her. But if you're god's gift to medicine, you don't need to consult the accumilated body of knowledge on the subject. One time she said "It comes out every year; that's the only reason it's DSM-IV." Wrong. The IV has been out since, like, the early 80's.

But I don't blame them. I'd get a big head too if everyone was bowing to me simply because I was wearing a white coat.

25481. rdbrewer - 8/1/2009 1:00:07 PM

SHIT! I did it again.

Alistair, fix this place. For goddsakes.

25482. wabbit - 8/1/2009 2:29:11 PM

rdb, sorry to hear all this. I'm also not long out of a bad marriage to a manipulative conniving liar. 'Nuff said.

I'll remove the duplicate posts.

25483. Ms. No - 8/1/2009 11:55:41 PM


Really sorry to hear about the nastiness but congratufuckinglations on the weight-loss! That's a great accomplishment and I hope that you're able to enjoy that freedom in the midst of all the crap.

25484. rdbrewer - 8/2/2009 7:52:06 AM

I miss you guys.

25485. rdbrewer - 8/2/2009 8:36:01 AM

I miss you guys.

25486. rdbrewer - 8/2/2009 8:39:27 AM

If you're ever doing CPR. The BeeGees Stayin' Alive is the proper beat. About 100 beats per minute. Keep that in mind.

Stayin' Alive.

Cool. The beat makes CPR easy. Don't forget.

And. I have no idea how to html here any more. So. Here's the link:

25487. alistairconnor - 8/2/2009 8:43:58 AM

I miss you guys.

Then don't be a stranger. There is an opening for a right winger here. There is too much agreement.

25488. rdbrewer - 8/2/2009 10:54:42 AM

I have to go.

Beck, I hope God showers you with blessings. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to have a nice guy. I love you.

25489. judithathome - 8/2/2009 11:32:33 PM

I'll tell you that, as a lawyer, I've had the opportunity to meet hundreds of doctors, and many, many are too confident.

Just keep in mind...only half graduate at the tops of their classes...the others don't. ;-) And someone has to be dead last.....every year.

25490. wabbit - 8/2/2009 11:35:29 PM

I'm due for an x-ray of my knee in another month, and if the doc thinks the knee will hold up — mind you, he has forbidden me to get on a horse, so... — I'd love to run another marathon just to come in last. I've always wanted to do that.

25491. judithathome - 8/2/2009 11:36:20 PM

We've just returned for a spectacular 4 day weekend with the Arky's at their lovely home...and I can catagorically state they are the best people in the world. Keoni and I count them as dearest friends.

My son was supposed to accompany us this year for the annual get-together...and he did. I always told him he'd fit right in and now he has. He'll be a part of that place forever now and I thank "Arky and Bob" from the bottom of my heart.

25492. judithathome - 8/2/2009 11:39:29 PM

Wabbit, sometimes coming in last is its own reward...my aunt and I did the Cowtown Marathon one year and we got a standing ovation when we crossed the finish line; we'd stopped to shop along the way...we finished a hair's breadth behind the guy in a wheelchair.

Now I think about it, I'm sure it was his standing O.

25493. wabbit - 8/3/2009 12:04:45 AM

JaH, I'm totally with you on this. I doubt I'd have to stop for any reason at this point, but whatever needs doing...! I won a few marathons in my youth (all charity races) and having been there, always thought I'd like to be last in as many as possible. I know that most people don't enter to win, but still, if it means someone will finish rather than drop out, I wouldn't mind being last one bit.

I'm not one bit surprised to hear that about the Arkys. And what a lovely tribute to your son. Having never met any of you in person, I still feel sure he'd be very happy.

And now the awkwardness sets in. I never know if I've worded something correctly, I certainly don't mean to be anything but supportive — I trust you understand my meaning.

Time to feed the fox.

25494. judithathome - 8/3/2009 12:16:43 AM

Understand and appreciate the sentiment totally!

25495. anomie - 8/3/2009 3:19:22 AM

Just back from doing a few days of Vegas tourist duty with a visitor. Nice to see the variety of posts in the thread, and Rdbrewer too. One of the things we did is see the Cirque Du Soliel, Beatles show "Love". Those songs make an old hippie cry, if for nothing else than the clarity and quality of the music. I understand the music was remixed, but wow!

25496. arkymalarky - 8/3/2009 7:40:10 PM

Oh Judith, how wonderful for you to say that! We feel the very same.

We rode the golf cart yesterday and Leslie is in our favorite areas--especially, for me, overlooking the road and pasture. It's a really wonderful feeling for us on the trail. This was a very special gathering and we are so honored that Judith wanted to share it and our place with Leslie!

25497. arkymalarky - 8/4/2009 1:29:05 AM

Hope the x-ray shows everything looking great, Wabbit! Having my sinus surgery Thurs and hoping to feel a lot better this school year as a result.

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