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25925. Ms. No - 4/5/2010 5:57:56 AM

Not that that will make me employed. ;->

25926. Ms. No - 4/5/2010 5:59:52 AM

Okay, of to beddy-bye for me. I've got to be at the school by 7 tomorrow so I can finish up some copying before the Monday Meeting. Thrills!

25927. arkymalarky - 4/6/2010 2:27:24 AM

Hope you had a good Monday! Congrats on getting done! I can't imagine you won't have a teaching job next year. Good luck with that !

25928. macnas - 4/7/2010 8:48:27 AM

Ms.No, I'm sorry to hear about your back pain, but delighted to hear you've advanced so far, well done you.

Alistair, Oh yeah, now I remember.

25929. Ms. No - 4/12/2010 3:58:50 AM

Thanks! And the back is back in fine form now. I just have to remember not to stoop over student desks so much. You wouldn't think it would be a problem for a woman who's only 5'3.

It's good to see you! How are you and yours?

25930. resonance - 4/12/2010 8:44:48 AM

Nice to see this place is still up and running.

25931. macnas - 4/12/2010 11:05:33 AM

Good to see you too! Me and mine are all well thank you.

Hello there Res.

25932. HCaulfield - 4/12/2010 4:32:35 PM

An old friend says, "hello!"

25933. PsychProf - 4/12/2010 7:41:40 PM

hey Holden!!!

25934. arkymalarky - 4/12/2010 9:58:53 PM

Wow! It's old home week in here! Y'all stick around and let's have a political argument or something!

25935. HCaulfield - 4/13/2010 5:11:37 AM

arky -- You know me, I'll argue anything. Go ahead, pick a side, I'll go contra.

PP -- Once again, your beloved baseball season has started. I hope by now your boys are throwing fungos to some PP grandkids, or soon will be. Are you still tormenting the chicks? ;-)

25936. PsychProf - 4/13/2010 4:43:16 PM

Yes, I have two grandkids, and more to come. How's by u?

25937. alistairConnor - 4/20/2010 9:25:09 PM

hey Holden! hey Resonance! how about some idle chatter? Can we find our lost internet innocence?

I've been off the net, moving house. After a couple of years basically squatting at my girlfriend's place, we now have both our names on the lease of the new apartment. Big step. Her parents are coming to visit in June. Bigger step. And I seem to have a buyer for my house. Biggest step.

25938. judithathome - 4/21/2010 5:27:24 PM

Moving to a new place is considered to be one of the most stressful things one can do in life...it's right up there with divorce and a death in the family.

I always wondered about how that worked for military families...until I became one and it got to be a regular occurance.

Now I sort of miss it...it's a great way to rid yourself of "baggage", that stuff we let pile up and weight us down, thinking we just can't live without that junk. We can...and should...

25939. alistairConnor - 4/21/2010 7:54:03 PM

Judith, I would never have moved in with that woman if I had known how much stuff she owned! (only joking... only just!)

i took four days off work to move, and I've never worked so hard in my life. Borrowed a big van from neighbours in the country -- very handy, though not easy to park, and smells strongly of horse.

25940. magoseph - 4/29/2010 6:34:23 PM

Hello, Ali, Mac and Marj!

25941. iiibbb - 5/1/2010 4:15:26 AM

Sorry I've been away. Too much to bother you guys with it

Baby born jan 7, he's great although we spent the first three months trying to deal with weight gain and saving P's milk. That was plenty by itself.

But her mom almost died after a fall down the stairs a couple of months ago. Probably leaves the hospital next week and thanks to some miracles will still be herself minus 1 kidney and two cardiac arrests.

I am still out of work, but we've started looking elsewhere. This job P moved for has been a real 180. Her boss is crazy... Long story... What a mess. I hate the pressure of feeling like I have to get us out of here.

Back spasms are back from all the stress.

Have dentist phobia, but really need to see one soon. Phobias are wierd things. I am a very rational person who does very irrational things when it comes to dental stuff. I need to make myself go through with this and I know there will be issues. Yuck.

Happy birthday to me (it is my BD).

I wish the house down south would sell.

I want a calm life back. The past 3 years have been enough... But the past 3 months, ugg

25942. iiibbb - 5/1/2010 4:16:00 AM


25943. iiibbb - 5/1/2010 9:01:10 AM


25944. magoseph - 5/1/2010 4:11:34 PM

happy birthday, iiibbb! here we support you online because we know you have the fortitude to be a terrific husband and father to your darlings.

here is my gift for you--from now on this thread you answer me in lower case when we communicate to each other.

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