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26001. arkymalarky - 5/23/2010 1:04:27 AM

I'm so fast, as Aerosmith said, you can't catch me cause the rabbit done died. ;-)

26002. Ms. No - 5/23/2010 11:01:13 AM

Crap!!! I knew there was something I'd forgotten to check.

Congrats, Arky!

26003. vonKreedon - 5/24/2010 5:15:46 PM

Umm...congrats AC?

In other congratulary news, our son won his HS District tennis championship last week and will play for the state championship this Friday and Saturday.

In more somber yet joyful news, my wife and I hosted a wake for a long time friend on Sunday. Sad that Glenn died, but a very warm, healing, reconnecting gathering of the tribe. Glenn, his usual thoughtful self to beyond the end, provided a bottle of very fine Irish Wiskey and the music for the event, as well as a hand-written list of categories of his stuff that should go to which people.

26004. judithathome - 5/24/2010 7:11:35 PM

That sounds remarkably like what we did when my son passed away...people complimented us on the "party". There was no formal service.

26005. rdbrewer - 6/6/2010 8:09:53 AM

Hey, you guys! Wish I could turn back time. If I could, I'd make sure and spend more time here.

26006. arkymalarky - 6/7/2010 1:59:16 AM

Hey rdb!

26007. alistairConnor - 6/8/2010 10:09:19 PM

Thanks vK, but you'll have to find something else to congratulate me for... late period, early miscarriage, whatever. One less thing to worry about.

On the other hand... we have been propositioning each other with marriage, off and on, for a couple of years. It seems that we are never both serious about it at the same time. In the end we decided on a PACS : this is a formalised non-marriage arrangement, a legislative exercise designed as an excuse for not allowing gays to marry, but widely favoured by hetero couples with ideological objections to marriage but a desire for the tax advantages, etc.

So, we are gathering the necessary documents. As she is a foreigner, she requires a certificate of custom. This is a document that certifies that the person is, according to the laws of their country, allowed to be married (or in this case, PACSed.)

So she phoned me this afternoon to tell me she had made an appointment with her consulate to get one. And asked me to pick up the necessary documents from the town hall.
It's the courthouse for a PACS.

Yeah, she said. My country doesn't do certificates of custom for a PACS; only for marriage.

A short silence.

Is that a proposal, I ask?

I suppose it is, she giggles.

Yes, says I, with a chuckle.

26008. thoughtful - 6/8/2010 10:38:40 PM

Hey congrats!
Best wishes to the happy couple!

26009. vonKreedon - 6/9/2010 3:59:41 PM

Indeed, congrats to AC and Fiancee!

26010. arkymalarky - 6/9/2010 6:43:50 PM


26011. wabbit - 6/10/2010 2:21:23 PM

Nice to see you again, rdbrewer!

And congrats to AC and la femme!

26012. judithathome - 6/10/2010 6:47:20 PM

Congratulations to you, AC, and to your lady...I can only hope for you both a long and happy union as good as the one I'm in!

26013. wabbit - 6/11/2010 11:40:53 PM

AC, I got an email from Sigi, cc'd you on my reply, but not sure if I have a current email address for you. Need to hear from you asap.

viwabbit @ yahoo.com


26014. bhelpuri - 6/21/2010 7:32:42 AM

Congratulations, Connor!

26015. alistairConnor - 6/21/2010 9:06:05 AM

oh god if you only knew.

It's more complicated than that. There are two theories at present : we wait until Madame's French nationality comes through; or I convert to Islam.

I wish Concerned were here. He would be so proud of me.

26016. bhelpuri - 6/22/2010 4:13:26 AM

But what's the rush anyway, Connor? The fullness of time is a wondrous problem-solver.

26017. alistairConnor - 6/22/2010 9:45:16 AM

Yes indeed, in the long term we are all dead.

To quote the late, greatly regretted Keynes (or perhaps he never existed? You'd think so, judging by the mindset of the headless chickens who govern us!)

26018. thoughtful - 6/22/2010 1:41:55 PM

I think, these days, if i were to convert to any religion it'd be buddhism....

26019. wabbit - 6/22/2010 2:58:22 PM

I'm with t'ful on Buddhism.

I have some very serious Christians in my extended family who, subtly or not, try to drag me away from atheism. When they get too strident, I tell them that FSM suits me fine.

26020. arkymalarky - 6/22/2010 6:57:38 PM

well, I'm tethered to a Dell mini10 that I bought a year or so ago, and it's not bad. Faster than regular dialup. This could work out here. I loaded several room escape games that would have taken ages on dialup, tho it's way slower than broadband. I'm sorta excited!

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