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26187. wabbit - 12/3/2010 2:41:00 AM

Oh boy, iiibbb, I don't blame you. I hope both your wife and son get positive diagnoses and prognoses, and that both will be fine.

26188. wabbit - 12/3/2010 2:43:07 AM

sheesh, by positive I didn't mean 'positive' in the bad way, I mean that they get good news, I hope you understood that. No cancer for your wife, no surgery for your son, and that they will both be fine. Sorry.

26189. iiibbb - 12/3/2010 3:04:46 AM

Right now we are leaning against surgery for the boy unless our pediatrician really makes a case for it.

The specialist did a poor job justifying it, and when we looked up the clinical threshold he was only considering one of the 4 markers... 3 infections before 1 yr old. B's hearing is fine, he's had colds w/out infection, and has no record of long-term fluid behind the ears. So he's barely a candidate.

What's the rush?

While I respect the profession, there are MD's I don't because medical school is a trade school as much as anything... they don't really grasp "risk" particularly well in my experience. I love research physicians... we've had such good experience with them.

Worried about my wife... she found them over Thanksgiving and just got into the Dr. today... at least we caught it early if it is anything.

I should be careful not to discount the blessings of the past year.

26190. iiibbb - 12/3/2010 3:08:22 AM

Saved milk
MiL will make a full recovery
We have the best baby in the whole wide world

26191. arkymalarky - 12/3/2010 3:30:24 AM

Best thoughts for you and your wife and son, 3I. Please keep us posted.

26192. arkymalarky - 12/3/2010 3:30:27 AM

Best thoughts for you and your wife and son, 3I. Please keep us posted.

26193. thoughtful - 12/3/2010 6:53:57 PM

wow what a full plate...i hope all turns out well.

BTW there have been studies done showing chewing gum with xylitol will reduce ear infections in children...of course it is a sugar alcohol so can lead to loose stools if over used, but you might want to check into it...

vitacost.com or globalsweet.com sells it.

26194. seadate - 12/5/2010 11:36:50 AM

Hello all! Havent been by in some time.

26195. judithathome - 12/5/2010 7:29:45 PM

SEADATE!!! Please, please send me your email...we've been trying to get in touch with you...my computer crashed recently and ate all my emails...even your old ones that no longer work.

How've you been?

26196. arkymalarky - 12/6/2010 4:48:31 AM

Seadate! Was thinking about you and talking with the AR crew about how to get you here for what has become our yearly tradition! We're trying to make this one a major reunion!

26197. arkymalarky - 12/6/2010 4:49:46 AM

And FRAAAAANK, wherever you've been, we're calling you out too!

26198. RickNelson - 12/6/2010 6:46:56 PM


Congrats for the new son!

All the ways of doing things may pop up with their impressions of effect.

I think a pause is a good idea.

Hi to all, T-day past, X-mas near.

I'm explaining to my 6 yr old what it means to give money to Haiti rather than getting one or two presents. I've made very little headway. He understands the concept, I've gone over it in a way he understood. However, he isn't sure he likes the idea, and that's why first hand experience becomes so vital to knowing what it means to give to the poor.

These are still so abstract to his experiences. I don't know if seeing the homeless around our city does the job as well as being near someone who is suffering for the neglect of society? I don't have the resources to fly us to Haiti or anywhere, and there is so little to show on broadcast t.v. which could adequately display the immense need.

We have to use the libraries computers, and when we go together, he only wants to play. I'll try again, but I have to pick my battles.

26199. RickNelson - 12/6/2010 6:50:51 PM

Hi arky,

When the exercise games get into the pawn shops for under $50 I may get one. All these items that cost so much seem far beyond need these days, but I think I would benefit greatly by having one.

I've been unemployed as a general contractor, and getting any contractor job has been prohibited by my lack of resources and my overall health suffering set backs. I tried to step out of this profession, but I'm not getting anywhere. I have not been a networking type of person for all my life, and now that's biting me in the proverbial ars

26200. RickNelson - 12/6/2010 7:00:07 PM

Did I mention somewhere that taking the cure (drug) for having high blood pressure made me sicker for 8 yrs. I didn't get the dots connected until I finally was referred to a specialist earlier this year.

I know part of the problem is how the system doesn't give a very interactive experience and that we must advocate for ourselves.

I always advocate for myself. I changed clinics because I determined the one I had been with for 6 years did not have my best interest in hand. The original doctor who prescribed "Lisinopril" mentioned I could have a mild cough, but that it was very rare to have complications. So, as the years went by and I had 2-4 sinus infections per year and 3 bouts of pneumonia the need for answers get complicated.

Complicated in that the next doctor at the same original clinic didn't seem interested in any of the drugs side-effects and I lost track of thinking about it. Then after his nurses messed up three appointments for a very serious pain I needed to have treated, I changed clinics.

Again, the next clinic had no interest in the drugs, and I hadn't thought of them for years now. This year we changed clinics again, and I developed a serious, dibilitating cough (coughing up blood and near passing out). The doctor saw me four times, during which I developed a sinus infection with the cough. Two weeks after that sinus infection I had my 3rd pneumonia. Finally she sent me to a specialist.

I was with that doctor 30 seconds and he told me we had to get me off of "Lisinopril".

I thought WTF!!

26201. arkymalarky - 12/6/2010 7:11:12 PM

My lands! Hope you're better now!

Wrt the Kinect, it's the first exercise money I've spent that's over $50, but I think it will be the most productive for my personality. And it's way cheaper than a piece of equipment, but in your circumstances I can definitely see where you're coming from. I know they'll become garage sale items sooner rather than later.

26202. iiibbb - 12/6/2010 7:11:23 PM

Went to his pediatrician today for a consult about the tube recommendation. We really trust this Dr. Started the same narrative and she was agreeing with us, but...

The boy has another infection... which makes the 4th since August. Also she said our holiday flying will not be pleasant for him, won't clear up in time even if we put him on antibiotics, and there's even a risk for his ear drums rupturing.

She said she was in a similar situation with one of her kids and did the surgery.

So... I guess we're going to do this thing tomorrow. Overall the risk of something bad happening is very, very, very small.

Wife has her follow ups later this week.

Did not help that I saw an article today declaring the unemployed unemployable.

26203. RickNelson - 12/6/2010 7:23:59 PM

Hi arky, Hi 3i3b,

Oh, your poor boy with the ear pressure from flying. I knew a family whose daughter had the infection problem and used tubes. Those were in for quite a long time. They mentioned she had some small problems hearing, but the tubes out-weighted that. I don't know why exactly the tubes out-weighed that, but figured she would suffer pain otherwise. That was back in 1983, so I'm sure the technology has some very real benefits. Best wishes.

26204. iiibbb - 12/6/2010 7:44:04 PM

The tubes fall out on their own after 9-12 months.

Given we're entering cold season, given his molars will come in soon, given his track record, given the flights coming up, given the fact he's in daycare.

Tubes seem inevitable.

The next worry is whether we have to _keep_ putting them in... which I think we will tend to avoid.

I also worry about all the antibiotics we would have to give him. He's already allergic to penicillin... so when he has an infection he has to take something stronger and I worry about him picking up one of these superbugs.

26205. iiibbb - 12/6/2010 7:45:06 PM

Given the new infection, the decision is less agonizing than it was last week.

26206. judithathome - 12/6/2010 9:23:16 PM

I've hesitated to comment about your wife's upcoming biopsies because I know you and she are worried about that, too, but I've had several and they all came to nothing...I wouldn't want to suggest the labs may be doing so many of those unnecessarily for more claims because a needle biopsy can save a life. However, several things can cause lumps in the breast...like excessive caffiene intake. More than likely, the lumps are benign fibroadenomas.

I hope everything works out for you all...please keep in touch and let us know how her tests come out.

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